




February 13th, 1993, it was Saturday afternoon, Ed brought his suitcase to the empty classroom that his group usually use, and all of them entered the suitcase. After Richard and Daphne finished with the lessons, they barraged Ed with questions, which he answered, but after that, everything was normal, they also asked about his owl form and talked about the tour, Hermione heard this and pestered Ed to take her to a tour from Ed's back also, which he responded with 'Another time'.

Now, Ed, Daphne, and Richard were sitting in the living room. Richard and Daphne were reading books from the library, while Ed was trying to finish his schoolwork.

"Damn Snape, I thought he liked me." Ed grumbled looking at the stack of schoolwork that the potions' master gave him, making the other two chuckled.

"Well mate, you did kind of take a long vacation last term…" Richard commented smugly.

"I did not!" Ed countered angrily, "I studied with Flamel remember? I even turned into an Animagus, I let you ride me!" continued Ed, Daphne hearing this blushed, and Ed noticed it, "That sounds so wrong… I mean I let you ride my back so we can fly." Ed quickly changed the sentence.

"You know how Snape is…" Daphne said, changing the topic, "He's quite petty, did you drive his ire recently?"

Ed pondered a while before answering, "No, not that I'm aware of…"

"Then think again…"

"W-Well…" continued Ed thoughtfully, "I did brag about my skill a little in front of him, you were there I think…"

"The one about you can cure Daphne's sister?" Richard joined in and asked.


Daphne nodded, "Then it's probably that, he probably doesn't like it that a boy like you can do what he can't do…"

Ed sighed in annoyance and just continued doing his schoolwork, then suddenly, someone opened the suitcase and entered it.

"Hello everyone." Said a girly voice coming down the ladder, it was Hermione, "What are you talking about?"

The other three turned to her and smiled weakly, "Hello Hermione," greeted Richard, "We were just talking about Ed's schoolwork."

Hermione hummed and sat on her usual spot, besides Ed's spot. "Do you want me to help?" offered the girl.

Ed looked at the girl strangely, "I thought you won't help people finishing their homework?"

Hermione nodded, "Yes I won't, but yours were too much, I can help you to finish it quicker if you want."

Ed shook his head, declining the offer, "No, it's fine, I'll do it myself." Answered Ed.

Hermione shrugged, "All right, suit yourself…" said Hermione, then she picked up one of the book that is inside her bag and read it, "Oh by the way... Harry found a diary belonging to a boy named T. M. Riddle. Know who it is? He tried to write in the diary, but the writing instantly disappeared, I tried to check it using spells, but it didn't work."

Ed sighed, to be honest he didn't want to see Ginny got kidnapped by Tom Riddle in the diary, but he needs Harry to see that Voldemort will do anything to accomplished his goals, he needs Harry to see a glimpse of Voldemort's personality, he needs Harry to build experience facing Voldemort. "I know what it is…" answered Ed hesitantly, earning a curious look from everyone, "I won't tell you though, but tell Harry to not believe anything in that diary."

Hermione looked at Ed angrily and said, "Then why do you tell me that you know it then?! You just made me more curious Ed, and what if that diary is dangerous!? You're letting Harry be hurt?"

"I am letting Harry be hurt." Answered Ed, earning a surprise look from everyone, Hermione especially. "I told you Hermione, it's complicated, it involves a web of coincidences and events, and if I changed one of them, I don't know what the effects will be, so unless I want to change everything, I can't interfere much…"

"But what if Harry di-"

"He won't die Hermione, that's for sure." Ed said sharply, "If you trust me then don't talk about it again, please."

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "I won't trust you if we keep going like this Ed…"

Ed furrowed his eyebrows, still looking at the schoolwork he was finishing. "Fine then." Ed said roughly.

"What?" Hermione asked, confused at Ed's attitude.

"Don't trust me." Answered Ed coldly. "Don't believe anything I said, just follow Harry, watch him, and don't pester me with questions anymore." He continued, and the room went silent for a few seconds. Hermione was about to say something, but Ed changed the topic quickly.

"So," Ed said while looking at Richard and Daphne, "Lockhart troubling you recently? He keeps cornering me, asking questions about my time in Beauxbatons."

Richard and Daphne noticed that Ed was trying to change the topic, both of them looked at Hermione, who was surprised by Ed's attitude, and answered the question,

"Kind of?" Daphne answered, "He keeps asking me where I was gone in the first two weeks of the term, but I quickly shut him down, saying that it's none of his business."

Ed hummed, "I might need to do something about him? Do you think I should pull a Lucius on him?"

"No Ed!" answered Hermione suddenly, "I thought you won't do that kind of thing anymore?!"

"You shouldn't believe anything I said Hermione…" answered Ed sharply, "You said it yourself, that you can't trust me."

Hermione looked taken aback by Ed's answer, the boy realized it, and quickly apologised, "Sorry, just tired recently, I got this sudden impulse of anger ever since the start of last year's term…" Ed mumbled, then he rolled the parchment of the schoolwork he was doing, and put it among the finished ones, after that he stood up and announced to the other three, "I'm hungry, you guys can continued, just put my suitcase back to the dorm room will you?" asked Ed to the group.

The three nodded, and Ed waved his hand lazily towards the other three and turned around to climbed the ladder towards outside.

"Well, that was… something." Commented Richard.

Hermione looked at the exit of the suitcase worriedly, "You think he's mad at me? What did I do wrong?"

Richard shook his head, "Probably not, just tired, everyone gets grumpy when they're tired…"

"Probably?" asked Hermione, anxious at the answer.

"I don't know to be honest, he may be a genius, but his emotions are quite unstable sometimes…" continued Daphne, "He may be hurt or annoyed by your words though."

"What did I say?"

"The thing about trust, you know very well that out of the three of us you're the one who he trusts the most, he doesn't trust me at all because I'm from a pureblood family, and Richard's Richard." Answered Daphne.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" questioned Richard, acting hurt.

Daphne rolled her eyes and answered the question, "You maybe his friend since childhood Richard, but you're not really involved in his life as much as Hermione you know."

Richard hummed, "Yes, I don't quite like his spotlight you know, and we're on a different house too."

"Okay, stop bickering…" interrupted Hermione, "Please continued Daph."

Daphne closed her book she was reading, and stared at Hermione, "Well, he may be annoyed of your constant pestering about the 'future', it doesn't help that you talk about your trust in him either, how you don't trust him, like I said, he trusts you the most, more than any of us, and you just nonchalantly said that you won't trust him, I'll be mad too if I'm honest…"

Hermione gulped and pondered a while, then he asked advice to the two of them, "Should I apologize to him?"

Richard shook his head, "Nah, you probably don't need to, this is just one of his impulse, like he said."

Hermione nodded weakly and continued to read her book, taking her mind of off things.

The next morning, the date now wat February 14th, 1993, it was now Sunday, and there were no classes in Hogwarts. Ed was now walking towards the Great Hall for breakfast, he had just done his morning routine, and his muscles were sore as it can be. He walked slowly to the hall, alone as no one accompanied him through his routine to prepare for the trial by combat, he was still stretching his muscles on the way to the great hall, his stomach rumbling. He arrived and saw a bunch of pink decorations scattered around the hall.

He slapped his own face, and grimaced in his head, 'I forgot this was supposed to happen…', he then looked at Lockhart, who was looking happy at himself, he wore a pink dress, matching the decoration. Ed just sighed and sat randomly on the long table, didn't even bother to search for his friends, he picked up some food from the table and eat it slowly, filling his empty stomach.

He then stared at Lockhart again intensely, 'How can I get rid of him…' Ed thought carefully, he needs to have a talk with Dumbledore, 'did he know about this liar? Probably, Dumbledore's quite a schemer after all… but why did he keep him here though?'

Ed's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Lockhart's voice, echoing throughout the hall.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Lockhart shouted. "And may I thank the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all, and it doesn't end here!" Lockhart then signalled something, and a bunch of dwarfs entered the hall that had golden wings and harps attached to them.

"My friendly, card-carrying cupids!" announced Lockhart excitedly. "They will be running around the school today delivering your letters and gifts!" he said, the other professors already looked annoyed, they looked like they want to jinx Lockhart in the spot, Snape especially.

Ed just sighed in frustration at Lockhart's antiques, he quickly ate the rest of his breakfast and bolted off to the common room once again to rest a bit, he walked to his bed and lay on top of it, resting his muscles for about an hour, then he woke up again to pick up his suitcase and went to the empty classroom.

He walked through the corridors, on the way, he saw a couple dwarfs running around the school, looking for someone, Ed just sighed at the sight and continued to walk, hoping that one of the dwarfs won't come to him.

He then walked to the empty classroom, but when he entered, he saw Richard, holding a girl's hand, as if he was fixing her stance, the girl's face was quite red, while Richard was oblivious to it.

Ed coughed at the sight, which earned the attention of the two, "I see I've interrupted something, carry on, don't mind me…", Ed closed the door slowly, but before he can close it fully, Richard rushed and called his name.

"Ed, wait!" shouted Richard, which stops Ed's movement.

"What is it?" questioned Ed.

"Um, come inside for a minute."

Ed just hummed and entered the room once more. He put his suitcase on the table and looked at Richard confusedly.

"I was wondering if I could borrow your notes about the Patronus charm, I kind of want to learn it." Said Richard nervously.

"Sure," said Ed nonchalantly while taking a notebook from his suitcase, then he threw it to Richard and he caught it, "Thanks Ed." Mumbled Richard.

"You can do a Patronus charm!?" suddenly exclaimed the girl besides Richard.

Ed looked at the girl strangely, Richard seems to noticed it and introduced the girl, "Oh, right, Ed this is Cho Chang, Cho this is Ed Aldrich."

"Nice to meet you." Ed simply bowed, while the girl nodded her head in respect. Then the girl repeated her question, "So, can you? Summon a Patronus I mean."

Ed nodded weakly and pulled out his wand. He did the gesture and whispered the incantation,

"Expecto Patronum." He chanted.

A burst of silver light then was conjured from Ed's wand, and not a second later, the silver light turned to an owl, flying around the room.

"That's cool!" she exclaimed, but she realized her behaviour and blushed slightly, "Sorry for shouting…"

The two boys chuckled a bit and asked Richard, "I thought you two used this classroom on Wednesday? Why the sudden change of schedule?"

Richard then shrugged, "Dunno, Cho asked me to train right now, and I've got nothing else to do, so I accept."

Ed suddenly realized what's going on and smirked, he saw the girl blushed at Richard's statement, "Well, sorry to interrupt your time, don't worry Richard, I won't tell Daphne about any of this." Ed said while making a 'lip-sealed' gesture, then walked out of the classroom with his suitcase, leaving the confused Richard and the frowning Cho behind.

He closed the door and chuckled slightly at his friend's expression, then Ed walked to the common room, but the portrait was somehow crowded, 'Weird, it wasn't like this when I got out…', he passed through the crowd to see what's going on, and he saw a bunch of dwarfs standing in the way, Ed also saw that Harry, Ron, and Hermione was also trying to enter the common room, but to no avail.

"What are you doing here?! Get out of the way!" shouted Ed, earning the attention of everyone, the dwarfs especially.

"Are you Edgart Aldrich?" said one of the dwarfs, one that is close to Ed, "I've got a poem to sing for Edgart Aldrich in person." Continued the dwarf, while the other dwarfs also nodded.

Ed instantly gulped, the dwarf then started to prepare his harp, while Ed cursed, "Shit!" he said, then he tried to ran away, but the crowd didn't allow it and snickered at Ed.

"Move away!" Ed shouted desperately, but the crowd didn't say anything and just laugh at Ed's fate, even Ed saw that Harry and Ron smiling wickedly at him.

"Come on! Move away!" Ed tried again, but the others didn't move, and just laughed loudly, Ed then sighed, seemingly giving up. He saw Hermione beside Harry and Ron frowning at the dwarfs, she seemed want to do something, but didn't know what to do.

"You know what?" relented Ed, "Just get on with it…"

The dwarf just nodded, "Right, here is your valentine poem:"


Oh, my moonlight, you inspire me to write.

How I love the way your eyes shine bright,

Invading my mind through day and night,

making my dreams filled with delight.


Let me compare you to the skies stardust,

Your stares makes my heart combust,

the smell of you makes my cheeks flushed,

and makes me do things that will be undiscussed.


How do I love you? Let me count the ways.

I love the way your silver eyes surveys,

I adore what your expression conveys,

And my love for you will never be described in a phrase.


Now I must away with a stellar heart,

Remember my prompt words whilst we're apart.


The crowd went silent, seemingly not believing what they just heard, Ed who was looking at the dwarf with blank eyes, were greeted with another dwarf, "I also have one, for Edg-"

"Oscausi", Ed suddenly chanted, making all the dwarfs that is in front of him mouthless, muting them in the process, "If all of you don't get out of here on the count of three, I will do worse than just removing your mouth." Said Ed coldly, which makes the dwarfs shivers.

"One," counted Ed, instantly, the dwarfs disperse, running away from Ed, the road was now clear, and the Gryffindors were able to enter the common room again, the crowd was still silent because of the poem.

"Who the hell sent the poem?" Ed muttered to himself as he entered the common room, staying away from the crowd.

Ed then entered his dorm room and lay down once again, resting his body and soul on the bed. He slept for a couple of hours, but suddenly got jolted up by a shout and a shake.

"Ed wake up!" said a voice, Ed grumbled and tried to open his eyes, and he saw that it was Harry.

"What Harry?! I'm sleeping here." He growled in annoyance.

"Sorry, I need to ask you something." Harry said apologetically, "I was wondering if you know this diary, it looks like a magic item…"

Ed looked at Harry intently, "You woke me up for this?" Ed asked.

"W-Well, Hermione also wanted to talk to you…" Harry quickly countered.

Ed raised his eyebrow, asking further question, "Did Hermione tell you that I will know about the diary?"

Harry shook his head suspiciously, "Now, why do you ask?"

Ed ignored the question and stood up from the bed, "Right, have you got any valentine letter Harry?"

Harry suddenly turned gloomy while Ron chuckled a bit, "He did," answered Ron, then he tried to imitate the message, "His eyes are-"

"Okay, stop! That's not the point of what I'm asking for…" Harry cut off Ron and pushed Ed about the question.

Ed nodded, "Does anybody ever saw the diary except you three?"

Harry thought for a while before nodding, "There's Malfoy pulling the diary from me, but I took it back… a lot of people saw it though, including Ron's sister." Said Harry, while Ron also nodded.

Ed sighed, 'That idiot still acting pompous even though he's father's dead…', he thought, 'Though it's still a good thing, Ginny will still steal the diary because she has seen it in Harry's hands…'

"Okay, does the book has a T.M. Riddle name on it?" asked Ed further, making the two surprised.

"So, you do know! Is it yours?" asked Ron excitedly.

Ed shook his head, "It belongs to the one who gave Harry that scar." Said Ed casually, pointing at the lightning scar on Harry's forehead.

The other two boys were instantly frightened and threw the book to the floor and squealed.

"Why didn't you say from the beginning!" shouted Ron angrily.

Ed shrugged, "I think it's quite harmless If you didn't write anything in it.' Informed Ed, the two sighed in relief but Harry was frightened again, "But I wrote something in it!" he said, afraid at the consequences.

"If you didn't write anything in it and it didn't write back." Ed corrected, picking up the book. Harry sighed in relief and asked Ed, "What should we do with it?"

Ed then said while giving it to Harry, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Harry asked while taking the book.

Ed hummed in confirmation, "Keep it, who knows, maybe something interesting will happen." Ed said vaguely.

Harry nodded, but suspicious at Ed, Ron then asked the boy, "What are you playing man?"

Ed shook his head, "Nothing, just letting history work on its own." He said vaguely while changing his clothes.

The redhead narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean 'just letting history work in its own'!? it's You-Know-Who's item! It must be dangerous!" he growled.

"Like I said," said Ed calmly, "If you don't write in it, and the book didn't answer back, you're safe, so put it in a safe drawer or something."

"Why? Can we give it to Dumbledore?" asked Harry curiously.

"It's up to you mate, it's yours after all." Ed said casually, then he walked to the dorm door, "I already told Hermione about the creature and the location of the chamber, maybe you'll find more if you keep that diary, like how to open it or something, who knows?" Ed then opened the door, and suddenly remembered something, "Oh, right, where's Hermione by the way?"

"She's downstairs…" Ron said blankly, then snapped out of it instantly, "Wait, why won't you tell us anything?!"

Ed sighed and leaned on the door, "Listen you two, I won't repeat this again all right? Now, Harry, you are the boy-who-lived, you're not the type that will look for trouble, no, you're the type that trouble usually finds, as for you Ron, you're close friends with him, and I'm not, I can't babysit you throughout the year, I'll help if it's convenient for me and all of us, but other than that, I won't help you anymore." Explained Ed, which the other two just nodded blankly, "I admit, I know some of the future, I know what you're going to end up, at least if I didn't change anything…" continued Ed, which earn a surprise look from the two of them, but before they could say anything, Ed spoke again,

"But like I said Harry, I won't tell you anything until I am confident enough to deal with the consequences of my interference, you'd be surprised of how bad it can be if I change something." Ed explained, thinking about Hermione's parents' death, "I'm not manipulating you to do whatever I want Harry, like I said in the beginning of the year, your first two years will be your anchor in the future, to shape you to a better wizard, you don't want my interference damage your future don't you?"

Harry once again just nodded blankly, and Ed continued, "Then there it is Harry, don't worry though, once it starts I'll stood by you as an ally, you'll probably thank me at that time."

Harry just looked at Ed strangely, "What starts?"

Ed just chuckled at Harry and winked at him, then he came downstairs, leaving the two boys alone in the room, climbing down the spiral staircase, and meet with Hermione who was sitting in front of the fireplace.

"Everything all right Hermione?" Ed questioned while sitting beside her. Hermione was just sitting nervously, fidgeting her hand, 'She's nervous it seems…' Ed thought, Hermione went silent for a few minutes, Ed sighed at the behaviour and snapped her out of her mind, "Hello? Earth to Hermione!" said Ed.

Hermione snapped out of her thought and murmured a "Huh?"

"Are you seriously all right Hermione?" asked Ed, "What do you want to talk about, you're not the one who send that poem are you?"

"What? of course not! I'm not the one who sent that dirty poem…" She quickly denied the question, "I-I wanted to give you something…" she continued while pulling out a small box. "I-It's chocolate, I bought it on a sweetshop, I-I haven't had time to make it myself." She stuttered.

"Oh." Came out of Ed's mouth, he took the box and opened it, he saw a small block of chocolate inside, and ate it. "Thank you Hermione, it's really nice of you…" Ed said, making Hermione's face went red for a while. "No one gave me sweets at all today," said Ed while chewing the chocolate, "They just send me those damn dwarfs." He grumbled.

Hermione hummed and just looked away from Ed, embarrassed at his words, "A-Also…" she continued, "I'm sorry if I'm a bit of an annoyance lately, I know I've been asking you a lot of questions and pestering you a lot, I won't do it again, I promise."

Ed laughed and ruffled her hair, making her flinched, "It's fine Hermione, it's your nature to be curious, but seriously though, just trust me all right?"

Hermione nodded weakly and just sat comfortably in front of the fireplace, enjoying the silent company.

Next chapter