
Fighting Fire


Damien whispered to Michael as they followed them out the door. "Prince, you are aware they are about to break into a high security government building. That is quite the offense."

"I know, but look, I— It's their friend Damien." Michael sighed. "I really just want to help."

Damien looked him dead in the eye, "Prince I—"

Damien slumped slowly to the ground, Gisa letting go of his neck. Micahel's mouth almost fell open. Did she…? "Don't gape." She said flatly. "Just a pressure point. Ron, take his radio. Jamison, drag him in the room."

"Gisa what did you—"

"He's fine. He'll be out for an hour or so." Gisa walked out of the room, Jamison and Ron following behind her. "You coming or not?"

Michael swallowed. Maybe Annabelle was right. Maybe they were trouble. But… they were certainly not the people he wanted opposing him. They would make good friends and worse enemies. "Yeah," he looked around the hallway, his face drained of color. Had anyone seen that? His heart thundered and his head shouted at him to call security, or the police, or do anything but— "Yeah I'm coming."

The building was lit up fully. Court never stopped, it seemed. He was starting to get bored, one of his feet falling asleep when Jamison returned. "Gisa back yet?"

"Yep." A voice whispered back as Gisa emerged from the bush. "Just waiting on Ron. He's getting a view on the security cameras. It will be a few more minutes. Michael, do you know which courtroom she's being held in?"

"I… I have a guess." Michael said. He knew the building very well. As king he would have to attend many cases. His father often took him on his trips to the judicial building with him to help him learn. He sighed, again wondering if he was making the right choice, before scratching out a rough map of the three story building.

Ron came back as Michael finished the last fire escape. "So yeah. And I assume you have a plan already?" Gisa nodded to Jamison who confirmed Michael's suspicions.

"Stay here prince, we'll be back in a second. No matter what you hear, stay hidden." Gisa said, before they left him alone in the outcropping of bushes. At least a minute passed before something hit him. What exactly was he doing? This was bad. This was very bad. There was absolutely no way they could get in and get Emma out with nobody suspecting it was them.

Michael crept out from his hiding space, before striding confidently down the drive towards the entrance. He tried to keep a cool expression plastered on his face as the two guards at the entrance nodded to him. Anyone could get into the lobby, but from there— he stopped short at the sight of Ron lazily lying on one of the plush couches.

Ron's eyes got wide as Michael strolled in. He furiously motioned him over. "Prince, did you hear nothing of what Gisa said? What are you doing?"

"I heard all of what she said," Michael whispered back, "This is ludicrous! Find Jamison and Gisa now, so we can leave."

"I don't know where they are." Ron said with a shrug as he sat up. His tone seemed humorous, but his features were dead serious. "I know my signal and that's it. That way we can't stop what's in motion. Keeps everyone honest and all."

"So what's your signal—" the lights went out. Michael held his breath a half second, the emergency lights were supposed to come on moments after the building lost power. But as soon as the dim white lights flickered on, the fire alarm wailed. Ron had disappeared. Of course. Of course.

Michael shuffled out, along with the disgruntled receptionist onto the drive. Then all of the people in the courtrooms began to flood outside as well. He counted the number of judges… they were missing the thirteenth judge. Sirens wailed as people began to count heads, making sure everyone was out.

Just when Michael was about to laugh at the dumb fire alarm plan, someone shouted, "Up there!" Following her gaze… smoke poured out of a window.

Fire. There was an actual fire. Had he… his breaths became shortened. He just assisted in arson. He tripped, almost falling face first into the ground. Strong hands held him up. "Prince! Are you harmed?" Damien.

"No, Damien I'm— I'm fine." not a complete truth. His head was spinning. Annabelle was right. Lucy had been right. Goodness, everyone had been right. They just set fire to the judicial building. Even harmless Ron who looked more like a lost little puppy dog. Such lies. Ron had to have known there was going to be a fire.

He was so stupid. Tears pricked in his eyes. What kind of king would he be if he let three teenagers trick him into helping them with such an offense? He was foolish. He couldn't be king.

"Prince, it's okay to make mistakes," Damien said to Michael, his voice so low he could barely hear it. "I just made a mistake in letting that girl get behind me and before I knew it, you were gone. I could have let you get hurt or worse."

Michael nodded, "Did… Do you really think they would set fire to a building?" he watched the firemen racing to put it out. If any one of them were to be injured. The guilt pressed down on him already. How much damage had he allowed to occur…?

"I would hope there was some other explanation, however that appears to be the most likely explanation at this point." Damien said solemnly.

A group of soot covered people came rushing out, escorted by firemen. The group was coughing uncontrollably, some of them falling to the ground as soon as they cleared the premises. He watched as the remaining judge came out, hacking and wheezing, an EMT rushed him an oxygen mask which he accepted, sitting down beside her.

Gisa came out, her arm slung over Jamison's shoulder. Bleeding. Her entire left leg. She hobbled out with Jamison's help, after a fireman who was carrying someone else. Another one yelled the all clear, and they began to hose down the building.

Furious. Michael strode over to Gisa who was being examined by an EMT. it looked as if she were swatting her away. And as he got into earshot "...I don't need the help, I'm fine my sister—"

"Your sister?" Michael stormed over. "She's not your sister! You two aren't even remotely related!" His blood was boiling. "You know what they found out? She's the daughter of Queen Gloriannagon. The one who poisoned Snow White! And you know who killed her mother? Oh that's right, your mother. And as payment, she had to take care of the Queen Gloriannagon's daughter." Gisa's face blanched, "Don't pretend you didn't know that." He shouted, moving closer to her. "I bet you wanted to finish what your mother started, didn't you? You set a freaking building on fire!"

"I didn't set the fire," she gasped out with a cough, "Why would I try to kill my sister—"

"She's not your sister! And after this, I doubt she'd ever want you to call her that again. You almost killed not only your sister, but a judge, jury and courtroom full of other innocent people. Everyone was right, you are nothing but trouble." Michael strode off, shaking his head. Why had he ever thought he could do something good? He was only being taken advantage of. Fool.

He turned back around after a moment just as Gisa collapsed, grabbing onto her leg. Jamison waved an EMT over, where they moved her to an ambulance. And Emma… eyes closed, body limp, was laid on a stretcher, mask strapped to her face. They didn't even care about each other. If that is what they did to who they considered family…

Ron came jogging out from the bushes, passing Michael without a second glance, and heading straight to Jamison. He pointed towards where the girls were being tended to, before throwing a punch directly into his nose. He waved his arms at him, as Jamison clutched his face. Blood began to seep through. Great. This was going wonderfully.


"Already on it." with a sigh, Damien jogged over to the two, pulling them apart. Jamison turned on his heel, striding down the drive before plopping down on a rock. Ron came over with Damien, and he was… crying?

"...Didn't know about the fire. I'm sorry I swung on Jamison, I don't know him as well, but… ugh of course he didn't set the fire and now I feel stupid." Ron said through tears. Michael almost wanted to roll his eyes at the act, but Damien suddenly wrapped his arms around the boy, giving him a hug.

He was so confused, so angry. "You too Ron? Quit the act. I can't believe I thought you would be something other than villains just like your parents. Let's go Damien."

He couldn't bear to watch his bodyguard whispering something to Ron, so he turned around and walked away, waiting for Damien to catch up.

"Michael I—" Jamison stood up, seeing Michael coming close.

"I will call a court case for this." He said as a farewell, turning away. He was so stupid. So naive. Annabelle was right. And she'd never let him forget it either. She was going to gloat forever about this. And his parents… he could practically hear the disappointment in their voices, see their discontented expressions.

He got to his bed chambers finally, and lay down, staring at the ceiling. The events played over and over in his head. He had allowed this situation to happen, and then had not handled it well afterwards… What had he done?

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