
Chapter 17 - Young Master of the Kong Family

But no one expected what happened next. Wu Long grabbed his arm and threw him out into the street with all his might.

Silence fell in the hall. No one dared to speak. All the guests looked at me in shock.

The girl who with him froze for a moment before leaving the table at which I was sitting.

-Well, now you are definitely a corpse!

There was a furious cry outside, and the young Master Kong flew towards me.

I just grinned contemptuously and easily stopped the blow. This time I didn't beat him, I just grabbed him by the throat and held him.

I'm sure it looks funny from the outside. A boy of about ten is holding by the neck a teenager who is six years older than him.

-tyy .. kha .. st .. sttoy. please. Khaa. - due to the fact that I gave his neck, he could not speak normally.

I was not going to kill him, because I still want to participate in the auction. Stopping strangling, I threw him into the wall, he rolled and fell unconscious.

Leaving a couple of gold pieces, I left the restaurant under the gaze of the guests.

When I left the restaurant inside I heard a scream.

-Young Master Kong! Are you okay?!

With an already spoiled mood I went towards the hotel.

When I walked down the street I saw a detachment of guards who ran towards the restaurant.

But everything was not as I wanted. Before I got to the hotel, a man appeared next to me with the aura of a peak sphere of body cleansing.

-Hmmm. No wonder you were able to defeat the young master, but your strength means nothing to the Kong family, so I invite you to volunteer to come with me!

As I am now releasing the aura of peak body cleansing, any practitioner can feel it. So they found me so quickly, but I had no intention of hiding. On the contrary, I wanted to be found.

During the time spent in the forest, I have never come across people. At least alive. Because of which I have never fought in normal battles.

- Apparently you will have to force me.

-Boy! Do you think once so young at the peak of body cleansing you can do anything !? Now I will show you what strength means.

With these words, he rushed in my direction.

I became more serious. Although if I release the strength of the body hardening, it is unlikely that he can even hurt me, I wanted to try to fight at equal levels.

I took out my sword and also rushed in his direction. He was caught off guard by a sword that suddenly appeared in my hand, but thanks to his experience, he quickly dodged to the side.

Thanks to this, I began to attack even more violently, for which he had to constantly retreat back. The people around us were also retreating, fearing to be hit.

After a little thought, I stopped my attacks and stepped back. He was surprised and was about to speak when I took out a sword from the pk and threw it to him.

-Take and fight.

Having said that, I started to attack him again, but this time he began to defend himself and even managed to attack.

This went on for about ten minutes until I got bored. At first he could fight back and even attack me, but after a couple of minutes he began to get tired and slowly lose.

- That's enough, I've played enough, return my sword.

I told him when I stopped my attacks.

-Haa ... Haaa ... Wait, you can't ha ha .. you have to come with me.

He was breathing hard, but still tried to get me to go with him.

-Bitch, are you stupid !? I can kill you at any moment, and you are still trying to impose conditions on me !?

Something in me periclinated and rage rose in me.