
Domina Coronam III

Only a single of the Ten Crowns was left . . . But what would Jun make of this last Crown?

He called the Crown of Magecraft: Lemegeton, named after the Lesser Key of Solomon, the King of Magecraft.

Leaving aside the obvious naming, after all, naming the Crown of Magecraft after the King of Magecraft made total sense to him . . . Why would Jun choose something as simple as Magecraft for his last Crown.

For someone who tried to grasp Authority over All Creation, lay his hands on conceptual powers that were literally multiversal is scale, it just seemed a bit . . . smalltime.

After all, magecraft was said to be on a much lower level of Mystery than other things like the many Authorities Jun had tried to grasp and powerful beings who did not require such a thing to enact Mystery, looked down upon it.

For example, Fairies who possessed Divine Marks rather than Magic Circuits had no need for Magecraft in order to enact Mystery and thus looked down upon those who required it.

In truth however, Magecraft was simply a system used to artificially enact some kind of Mystery and so, its ranking in terms of Mystery wildly varied from something anyone with a modicum of magical energy could negate, to literal world ending feats.

The examples of this were multiple. Most magi in the modern day Nasuverse could only enact low level Mysteries, resulting in the bad rep that magecraft got.

Even in the Holy Grail Wars, Casters, though much more powerful than modern magi, were often shat on outside of games, since powerful Heroic Spirits always had means of resisting or outright nullifying their magecraft.

On the other side of the coin, in the conditions of his Lostbelt, Kirshtaria could use his magecraft to such a level were wiping out scores of powerful Servants and even matching or surpassing literal Gods was entirely possible.

Another great example Jun though was greatly overlooked was Beast I, Goetia himself. He was a big part of the reason Jun decided to name his Crown of Magecraft after Solomon.

Goetia, a Beast, an Evil of Humanity with a Second Planetary Class Magical Energy signature, the highest ever recorded and the single strongest foe Chaldea faced in the Grand ORders at least up until the penultimate Lostbelt.

At his core however, Goetia was Solomon's magecraft. Solomon himself said Goetia was a magecraft formulae designed to watch over humanity.

That's right, Goetia was a form of magecraft with its own sentience that ended up becoming a being of untold power.

Magecraft, with the right user, enough magical energy and an appropriate set of external variables, could match or even supersede any other enactment of Mystery.

And so, by making in Domina Coronam the foundation for his Magecraft, Jun intended to be able so surpass the need for the external variables and make sure his Magecraft was always in tip top shape. Thus making this crown yet another exercise of trying to reach for the unattainable.

The worst part of it all was that he had a fair chance of success, at the very least a partial one which even then, would make him the most powerful being in DxD and an extremely powerful being in the Nasuverse which contained all sorts of broken cheat existences.

Jun's ideas for this Crown were much more solid that his ideas for some of the others and he had a whole structure thought out for it as well.

Keeping it in theme with its name Lemegeton, Jun was planning on setting up inner divisions based on the separate books of the Grimoire which were also related to the name of Solomon's three Noble Phantasms.

They were Ars Theurgia Goetia, Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel Salomonis and Ars Notoria which was also known as Ars Nova.

Ars Theurgia Goetia was to be Jun's own version of Goetia which he was intent of making better than the original. Using his powers of the End, he wished to make 72 Unrivalled Demon Gods that would feed on his Omniverse ending power to become cosmic class beings.

Ars Paulina was Solomon's Temple that was outside Time. Jun wanted to make it his own Temple which was basically a ridiculously high grade magus workshop and carve the foundations of his own form of magecraft, his Ideal Craft into it.

Ars Almadel Salomonis was going to be his ultimate magecraft but he was still working on its specifics even though he had some very outrageous ideas. At least part of it would be based of Goetia and Solomon's own Ars Almadel Salomonis.

Ars Notoria, which Jun decided not to call Ars Nova due to having a completely different purpose when compared to Solomon's Ars Nova, was going to be a repository of informations, Jun's personal Akashic Records that he was going to create by using his Apocryphal Truth as its base.

Ars Paulina and Ars Notoria were basically Jun's way of elevating two of his skills into extreme abilities with power that would not lose out to his other assets.

And so, after an undetermined amount of time passed, Domina Coronam was finally ready with his girls being fortunate enough not having to wait long due to sneaky time based shenanigans.

With everything set in place, Jun created a terminal body which while good, would never match up to the original, one of the unfortunate things about the change.

His original body had been created with the ability to adapt to any skill and power based of the Nasuverse, Jun's ability to extend his reach to something as broken as Apokalypsis was precisely because of this.

The reason he was able to wield the crazy noble phantasms he made in his past was because even though his body was too weak to let them exert their full power, it was still able to grant him the right to wield them.

This even extended to the self modifications he made with Aurea Poculum. It wasn't as if the Golden Grail could make anyone achieve the results he achieved, his true body was just that moldable and so, Jun could push it to extreme limits.

The fact that he managed to get a skill as crazy as Ideal Apotheosis which brought his body to a level of utter godlike perfection through training alone. Scathach's training was good but not good enough to turn a rando into a god.

And now, he was going to lose that big big advantage, only being able to hope that Domina Coronam makes the payoff worthwhile enough for him to feel slightly better.

Apokalypsis was the ultimate ability to devour all of creation and use it as fuel to birth of its next iteration.

Through the seal he had concocted with Ahsaka's advice, Jun would be able to attain unthinkable power in the future but for now, he had to deal with the reality that his true body was gone.

He had undergone many changes in relatively short life, Jun was never attached to his humanity, becoming a Dragon Hybrid, then a True Daemon and then a True Dragon.

But despite all of these changes, he was still himself, his body and changed but it was still his body. Now though, he was being forced to give it up because of his gung ho attitude when it came to seeking power and it devastated him.

The reality of it all only sunk in at the moment when he was done with the seal and was about to begin the construction of his terminal body.

At the moment, he was inside his seal, knowing that as soon as he was done, he was never going to get to be in his original body again.

As time passed, his true body inside the seal would just become a mass of energy embodying Apokalypsis, not even a real physical body of flesh and blood.

A wave of regret suddenly flooded Jun's heart as he completely stopped his work. For a short instant that felt like an eternity, he considered all kinds of stupid things.

Like living the rest of his existence and enjoying it to the fullest before his inevitable end and damn the consequences.

Just giving up making a terminal and live inside Domina Coronam for the rest of eternity.

He even though about how weird it might feel to "be" with his wives using a body that was not his true one . . .

The fact that it wasn't anyone's body but something he made lessened the feeling but it also left him with a weird idea that he was simply downloading his consciousness to a sex toy for his wives to use which he wasn't sure it was better.

Ahsaka noticed this turmoil but didn't really know what to say. Despite her near Omniscience, she was utterly incapable of understanding what Jun was feeling because to her who didn't even have a real body, his so called troubles were quite meaningless.

After all, even if it was not his original body it was still his and nobody else's. But what could she say to him?

As she watched her partner spiral down into a hurricane of useless thoughts and feelings, Ahsaka began to understand the human feeling of worry but sincerely didn't know how to deal with it.

No matter what kind of danger Jun was in during his past encounters


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.
