
The church of the green goddess.

creating a meal for the girl and a chair, Zakai asked

"How long have you been here?"

"Um , I don't know big brother , I made a marking for every day in my room though" She muttered chowing down on the chicken leg

"She's over 300." The dryad said "Kill her before you get attached"

"Shut up." Zakai said "When I listen to you everything goes wrong or you lie to me. I want to find what she is without your help and without you being a liability."

The dryad was silent, causing Zakai to softly say to her

"Come on then.."

She dragged him to a room, where there were thousands of I engraved in the walls, every inch of the spacious room being marker with an I

"Yeah, defiantly 300 years old," Zakai muttered, putting his hand on her head.

An extremely large mana pool, but the man was getting siphoned to her feet and to the ground , which made Zakai's tongue click

"She's what fueling the island." Zakai thought, before looking at her

"Who was the last person you met?"

"Uh, my mommy and father."

"When was that?"

"I don't know."

"What's your father/mothers name?"

"Uhm, my mother was Freya, and my father was called Terra. he never visited me though, so I didn't know what he looked like."

"I see." Zakai thought, before looking at the girl

Terra had a young daughter who he experimented with by the looks of it. the gem in her face is supplying the island of the mana required to float, making her effectively a mana battery

"Laplace, what did you do?"

A harsh voice sounded from his grimoire

"She's my gift to you."

Zakai looked at the grimoire with disdain

"I'll make sure to sort you out when we meet." Zakai said, "I don't want your gift, so I'm going to save her to show you that your petty little experiments are not going to make a change in my life."

"Big brother, who are you talking to?" The girl said, causing Zakai to laugh

"A big bad demon that will eat you up if you cry too much."

She was scared "I DONT WANT IT, I DONT WANT IT!"

Zakai laughed, before looking at the gem in her head

it seemed connected to her brain, he needed a way to get it out

"Any suggestions?" Zakai asked

"I can let you borrow some of my life forces, but you need a replacement for her gem that has at least 30% of the power of the gem." She said, "So you need to make an artificial gem if you want to remove it."

"Oh look at me, there is a solution than "Kill her." Zakai rolled his eyes, before looking at the girl "Big brother is going to go uh.... help you. stay here, I won't be long."

Zakai was about to leave before she muttered "Don't leave like mother and daddy," Tears flooded her eyes, causing Zakai to sigh

"Im going to help you, don't worry"

Zakai secretly pricked her finger, causing blood to come out, which he stored in a container he made.

Zakai used spatial magic to teleport to the ground floor. although he could use it on the inside, he couldn't teleport out to in.

Zakai breathed out, before muttering "OK."

"20% of the magic stone, should be quite a few bandits "

Zakai put his hand together, before saying "[Compound magic: Tracking Gust]"

A fusion of pure tracking magic and wind magic

the wind spread around in a 50-mile radius, making thousands of location pop up in his head, causing him to scream

it was going to be a bandit killing spree that was for sure.


200 Bandit corpses were piled together

"Was this really necessary?" The dryad asked, causing Zakai to snort back

"Is saving a girl that was somehow influenced by that bastard necessary? of course. I don't want gifts from that bastard like that." Zakai muttered, dragging the last corpse and using holy water magic to clean himself

"Let's try... something different. " Zakai thought, before muttering [Compound magic-

"Wait." the dryad muttered "Are you really going to use Compound magic?"


"[Compound magic: Spirits Three leaves of blessing]"

a mixture of Soul abductor and Chronokinesis magic was what Zakai chanted

All of Zakai's mana was drained, causing him to drop on the floor

feeling the mark activate and regenerate his mana, Zakai groaned as he slowly walked to the soul, which instead of showing a red soul, a Green soul appeared

"Such vitality." The dryad muttered, causing Zakai to laugh "This is what my mana was sacrificed for huh."

After standing there for an hour, Zakai gained more mana was ready for the next stage

"[Soul corpse magic: The demon's pity]"

creating an emerald in the inspiration of the colour of the spirit and placing it the gem, Zakai muttered

"A non-combat spirit is what you're making huh?" Dryad said

Zakai stopped, before saying "All spirits can be used in combat."

"Oh, even me?"

"Even if you specialize in healing, or giving shitty advice to me," Zakai said, saying

"[Compound magic: The three leafes of hope, faith and love]"

His whole mana reserve was gone once more, as Zakai's mental state was extremely exaughsted, but his Physical body was full of vitality

His hands moved upon an engraving knife, as he started enchanting it

the language was different from the previous Fenrir summon, which caused Dryad to mutter

"It's Dryadic writing..." She muttered, shouting "How do you know that? Ask me!"

Zakai didn't listen, as he was solely focused on engraving the gem.

the writing shone in green light every couple of seconds, as the dryad muttered

"Oh?" The dryad said "How interesting." She said, reading the language "A song huh, didn't know we made music."

A soft mellow hum started to turn out from the dryad, as the hum became low singing, and the low singing becomes normal tone singing.

A soft and mellow voice could be heard resounding through the cave, but Zakai had fainted mentally so he couldn't have the pleasure of listening to it.

the unconscious Zakai muttered a word


The gem was wrapped in a cocoon, as a splendid light burst out of the cave

the Emerald shone out of the cave and into a local town, where a plague was running loose.

Every villager could hear a singing voice, as an emerald force swept through the town. the sick became healthy, and the dead-bed ridden elderly had a couple more months to live. the magically inept youth felt their mana reserve grow, as all listened to the singing with glee.

that was when the church of the green goddess.

𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣.

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