

I wake up again and I see light with several blurs I hear

"Congratulations you have twins one of them is a girl and the other is a boy"

"Really we have twins hmm I guess I should name them the girl will be called milim and the boy will be called aki"

"Hmm your right but now it is time to send them off as I don't have much time left"

"Hmm I guess you are right then please live on millim and aki

8 years later

Me and millim were together we have grown very close over the years it was just me millim and our pet dragon gaia who was our pet our life was peaceful until a kingdom came and I asked aiko (remember she is his mamas and acts like ciel) if this is when millim goes on a rampage

Aiko: yes master this is when millim will go on her rampage on the kingdom that killed her pet dragon

I was thinking that maybe I should go on a rampage but fake it and just pretend I have that way I have an excuse to coped to souls yep that's exactly what I'll do oh here comes millim and she is holding Gaia

Millim: brother help gaia is severely injured please help her

She said all that while tears were streaming out I run over to Gaia and I can fix her but I don't want to ruin the storyline so I say

Aki: sis I can't help her

I say it well angry and tears streaming down my cheeks and I suddenly hear millim yell she's going berserk so I tell aiko to make me go berserk to and I did

3 days later

Millim and aki went on a rampage destroying several kingdoms aki and millim awakened as demon lord millim got her origami skills well aki got [ruler of sin satan] which practically gave me the powers of all the sins which was overpowered right now we were in a 3 way battle millim vs guy vs me we just started battling

1 week later

We were still fighting eventually I felt my fake energy of anger go away and I knew it was ramiris who was taking our negative energy eventually millim calmed down so i Laos copied her and calmed down when millim was crying I went over to her and hugged her and she started crying into my shoulder guy and ramiris just watched us now wanting to interrupt until eventually she stopped crying and guy walked over and proposed the idea of demon lords and we were known as the 4 true demon lords

Time skip

It's been several years since we went on a rampage we were al talking to each tiger which guy called the Walpurgis and I said

Aki: I think I'm going to go to sleep for a while I'm bored and theirs nothing to do I only wanted to be woken up if Millim's life is in danger

Oh yeah did I forget to mention I was very overprotective of millim. Ramiris and guy kept making fun of me on how overprotective I was Even though my demon lord lord name is the king of destruction well millim was happy that I cared for her so much

Guy:but we will need you help in the Tenma war

Aki: nah I'm sure you guys are strong enough anyways I'll see you guys in like 100 years or so

Millim: awww I won be able to see brother for a while

Aki: don't worry when I will wake up I'll go straight to you

Millim: fine as long as you promise

"I promise" I said as I was walking out of the room I went to the Jura forest and I went into a cave and went as deep as I can and I made a bed and went to sleep

Next chapter