


Another damn letter...I opened it!

To that senseless being who is so determined to be a housemaid to that motherfucker!

Dear idiot

Why are you so stupid? Anyways, your blindness, stupidity, insensitivity, and negligence adjoined with frustration didn't let you see that the remote was in the sitting room, staring at you all this while...that's why I still stand to say you are dumb and foolish.

I walked downstairs, anger boiling in me...I looked and sincerely speaking, the remote is in the sitting room, on the TV stand, joined with a letter.

You see? Ya senseless!

Anyways, I just did this to buy myself enough time to leave the country....I want to see ya efforts.


Damn it!

 I didn't know when rain clouds formed in my eyes! Am I really that dumb?

I walked slowly, with the remote, and unlocked the door.


I sat there thinking of what to do! Oh yeah.....an idea popped in.

Let's see who laughs last!

I picked up my phone and called the police asking them to search for her and bring her to me immediately.

I sent a pic of her!

Bryan unlocked the door.

"what took you so long?",I half yelled, but with the look on his face, he was not ok.

"whats wrong?",I asked.

"nothing....uhmn...am I dumb?',he asked.

"not at all, why ask?",I enquired.

"oh no reason! I just wanted to know!",he replied.

He breathed out loudly..

"so how should we start our search?",he asked.

"no need! I took care of that",I replied and smirked.

I ordered for some pizza and latte.

Yum.....am expecting two packages!

I sat there watching TV, when it showed from my surveillance camera that the cops were at my gate.

I controlled the remote to open the gate!


I had almost crossed the boarder since I couldn't afford for an aeroplane, just then the corps ordered our bus to be checked, we all slighted.

Then one stared at me, brought out phone, and started comparing something!

He then held me.

"found her'.he said

"what, let me go",I yelled, struggling.

They threw me in the van...and drove away.

I was confused...that was when it occured to me that its either the handwork of motherfucker himself or his friend!

I sat there quietly...and they drove, and then we alighted in front of the mansion of.....I knew it!

The gate opened automatically... That means he knows we are here!

They pulled me in...motherfucker came out!

"did you miss me?",he asked smiling.

I just kept silent staring at him.

"thank you officers",he commended.

"no problem sir",one replied.

"i don't want to go with him",I said angrily.

Motherfucker's friend came out...

"you have to stay with me. We made a deal, else, you'll be arrested!",motherfucker said.

I breathed out loudly!


I smirked, knowing fully well she will have to cone to jimmy.

"are there rapist in there?",she asked.

"no",one officer replied.

She snatched the handcuffs, and handcuffed herself.

"lets go",she said to them!

What the fuck!


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