
Found It!

2 hours had gone by since the battle began. 

It was a grueling 2 hours, with Haru surprisingly doing barely nothing. 

However, no one would think him weak. 

After fighting and fighting for so long, these vampires still couldn't believe they lost just like that. 

What's going on? Since when did humans get so powerful and resourceful? 

Now, finding themselves pinned to the ground with blessed metal coins planted in their palms and feet, all vampires hissed and glared. 


The 2 children laughed viciously, when staring at these police officers and disciples all around him. 

Only their laughter that should have been child-like, was more like an ominous sign for worse things to come.

"You foolish humans… What do you think you can do to any of us here? Shoot us? Kill us with your bullets? Fine. You did manage to somehow harness heavenly objects that can pierce us. But it won't truly kill us." 

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