
Special Treatment

After the morning's treatment, Song Jia left them and went back to her assigned room.

She had only just taken her seat when a servant knocked on her door.

"Young Master."


"Mister Long Kang has arrived and is now waiting for you at the gates." The servant called out.

She pursed her lips.

'This guy.. He's coming so early?' She grumbled inwardly.

She stood up in a huff, her skirt swung behind her.

A moment later, the door opened.

Another servant came over quickly and bowed in front of Song Jia. He whispered to the servant in front of Song Jia.

Song Jia gripped the fan on her hand.

The servant in front of her nodded.

The other servant bowed in front of her and almost ran towards the other rooms, knocking on their doors.



The He siblings and Luo Yating spoke simultaneously.

And soon their doors opened.

"What is it?" Luo Yating asked.
