

Once Song Jia had prepared the laboratory for the testing, she took the rack with test tubes in it and placed them on to the Analyzers.

Once it's on the system, it takes it to a series of steps including the centrifugation process, over to an aliquot process, through to a barcode, and an archiving. Once the sample has been archived, it takes an aliquot of the sample which is just a portion of the original sample, and takes it to the sample analyzer where it's then tested.

The machine took up a lot of the space in the laboratory. Fortunately, the laboratory was not a small space. It could be compared to a laboratory to a high technology research institute in the other world.

Song Jia watched as the barcodes on the test tubes were being scanned and a test was being done according to the test tube. She only had to sit and wait for it to finish.

Meanwhile, she took the other rack and placed it on the Analyzer so the process for that would begin as well.
