
Chapter 27 : THE DAY OF FATE, part ii

Zoar's hair flowed through the wind as he stared aggressively at Neal, receiving the same level of aggressiveness in the stare Neal shared.

"It seems you made a few friends along the way..." Neal said.

"Including some of my employees." Neal's smile was wretched.

"I can also see that you've found your sister, Krycella. You know, I-" Zoar had enough and launched towards Neal before he could finish speaking.

"Watch it!" Zoar was suddenly knocked back by a man with a long scythe.

He appeared to stand at 180 to 185 centimeters tall. He was wearing a light brown robe over a shirt with a white shirt and black pants under it. The robe had complicated patterns on it in the color brown.

He also had silver eyes and gray hair tied into a bun.

"Cecil..." Krycella said angrily.

This was Cecil Graves, Neal's number one partner.

Everyone stood on guard and watched each other silently.

Zoar's adrenaline was on high.

The only noise made was Neal coughing a bit.

"Look's our plan is gonna have to work... Let's do this!" Zoar leaped towards Neal again and everyone else leaped into action as well.

The robotic guards started storming in.

Kasstia and Maurice pulled out their guns and began shooting.

"Damn! These guys are stronger than I thought!" Maurice said after mowing through a few robots.

Kasstia began reloading after taking down a few too.

"You're right!"

Cecil tried to stop Zoar again, but Krycella quickly formed a wall of ice between them.

Cecil looked at Krycella angrily.

Krycella smiled and made an entire dome of ice around the two of them.

It was about 50 meters in width and length, is 100 meters in height.

"Let's have some fun little girl!" Cecil charged right into Krycella.

Krycella quickly dodged and made a block of ice the size of an elephant and shot it at him.

Cecil sliced it right in half in the blink of an eye.

Krycella grunted.

"You're a lot stronger than you seem!" Cecil said as he began striking at Krycella.

Krycella dodged every hit.

"I don't care about what you have to say, you piece of shit!" Krycella began shooting bolts of lightning at Cecil.

Cecil ran around the walls of the ice dome swiftly, not being hit by a single strike.

Cecil took the head of his Scythe off and threw it like a boomerang.

Krycella ducked and some of her hair was cut off.

The blade spun back around and Krycella stopped it with her ice.

"No, you don't!" Cecil quickly bounced off the wall and kicked Krycella right in the gut.

Krycella gasped for air as she slid across the ground.

"Dammit!" Cecil struggled to try and break his blade free.

Krycella finally caught her breath again and slowly stood up.

"Looks like my PYROMANCY wouldn't even be able to break this," Cecil said and turned around.

"I can use it to fight you though!" Cecil smiled and lifted his hands. Flames began to ignite from them.

Krycella began to run, charging herself with electricity.

"You wanna race, huh!?" Cecil started running after her.

"Chase me..." she said to herself and she picked up speed.

Cecil was shooting fireballs the size of cars at her. They all hit the ice wall.

"You can't escape me little bitch!" Cecil said.

Krycella glanced at him and saw that he looked like a demon now.

He was covered in fire and his eyes glowed yellow. 

Krycella began to sweat bullets.

She looked at the top of the dome and saw it begin to crack.

"Yes!" She said to herself.

She wanted this from the very beginning. The heat from her ELECTRICITY and Cecil's PYROMANCY magic was all she needed to generate enough heat to melt the ice quickly and efficiently.

Krycella pretended to fall into the middle.

Cecil laughed and dropped to the ground with her.

Krycella stood up and held her arm as if she hurt it from the fall.

"Neal told me I was allowed to kill anyone but Zoar! Good thing I got stuck with you because I'm so pissed off and need some steam to blow! I would've ended up killing Zoar even though I was told not to!" Cecil began walking to Krycella.

Krycella began to slowly back away.

"I'm gonna burn you from the inside you little girl!" Cecil and began to laugh hysterically.

Suddenly a loud cracking noise rang throughout the dome.

"What the fuck!?" Cecil looked up and saw a giant chunk of ice and a heap of water falling towards him.

He dodged it but even more water and ice began to fall.

Krycella was dodging chunks too.

"Whoa! Holy Hell! Shit!" Cecil was dodging chunks left and right.

There was water filling up in the bottom of the dome where the walls hadn't collapsed.

The dome stopped collapsing and Krycella jumped up onto the wall.

Cecil was in the middle of all the water and he was laughing.

"You think a little water will stop my PYROMANCY!?" He laughed.

"No, but I know what will!" Krycella lifted her hand and began to charge up ELECTRICITY.

"Wait, Shit! No!" Cecil said but it was too late.

Krycella was now shooting a beam of ELECTRICITY into the water.

It began to fry Cecil from the outside and into his insides.

"AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" Cecil screamed as he was fried.

Krycella looked away. The scream would have disturbed her but this was well deserved.

Cecil would occasionally come into her room and beat her when he was angry back at the tower.

She hated Cecil, almost more than her father. She saw Cecil more than him so it was reasonable.

Soon the screaming died out and the water around Cecil became dark red.

Krycella stopped her ELECTRICITY and jumped down to the ground.

She was exhausted.

That fight was almost 4 minutes long but she was still tired

She's never used that much magic in her life.


Krycella looked up and saw Kasstia and Maurice running to her.

There were tons of robot corpses around the area.

"What happened around here?" Krycella asked as they got to her.

"We should be asking you that question!" Maurice said.

Krycella looked at what was now a giant bowl of water.

"Cecil Graves is dead..." Krycella said.

"Wow... you went all out..." Kasstia said.

"Yeah... I'm really tired..." Krycella said, rubbing her hands.

"Here!" Maurice turned around and crouched down.

"Rest up on my back, I can carry ya! We didn't have to do much work! These damn robots were more like toys because of the guns we got!" Maurice laughed.

"Thanks..." Krycella got on his back and he stood up.

"Where's Zoar?" Krycella asked.

"He and Neal both disappeared after you and Cecil got into your fight... We can't find them anywhere..." Kasstia said.

"Well, let's go look for them then!" Maurice said.

"Right!" Kasstia said.


Zoar grabbed Neal by the throat and they fell over the ledge of the street. The street was about 200 meters above the actual ground because of how the city was set up.

They fell into some trees and landed in a park.

People were there and got frightened so they all ran off.

Zoar began to punch Neal in the face.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Neal did nothing.

"YOU LEFT ME ALONE IN THAT FOREST FOR WHAT!?" Zoar stood up and stomped on his face.

"WHY WON'T YOU FIGHT ME!? FIGHT BACK!" Zoar has never been this angry before.

He looked down at Neal's face.

His nose and mouth were bleeding and his eyes were closed.

Neal suddenly started coughing.

The coughing got worse and worse, but then it stopped.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Zoar kicked Neal in his back.

Neal coughed.

"I WANNA KILL YOU SO BADLY!" Zoar jumped up and rammed his elbow into Neal's crotch.

Neal coughed.

"BUT I CAN'T KILL YOU!" Zoar gave Neal one last punch in his stomach.

Neal coughed up almost a bag full of blood.

"I can't... I need you to stay alive... so I can throw your ass into prison... I want you to live a miserable life.... just like me... like Kasstia..." Zoar fell to his knees.


"He's sick, Zoar."

Zoar quickly looked up.

It was Blitray.

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