
Family Reunion


My eyes teared up when she gasped and cut my running short, she squeezed me and swayed sobbing. Then sniffed with her hands clasping my cheeks, her eyes ran over my face then hugged me again.

"It's you"

"Yes, it's me, I'm home"

"They've looked everywhere, I didn't think they were going to find you, you know it's such a big place"

"I understand" I wiped my red eyes and smiled. She wiped her red nose, her fingers trembled when she ran her hand in my hair

"It's shorter"

"Too much in the way, no time to take care of it"

"Too much indeed, I worried every day, your mother called_"

"Mila called you?" I asked dubiously.

She shook her head "Not here, let's go home"

I looked around the precinct, the cops were in haste, I watched two drag a teenager down to the counter where a lady typed furiously, she yelled at a cop who kept asking for her to generate a warrant.

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