
Chapter 295

While the two brothers were busy investigating the body, Jason and Austdn't help but exchange looks.

"Did you feel it as well"? Asked Austin with a serious look.

"What"? Asked prince Trace when he heard Austin speak up all of a sudden.

"There is a familiar foul aura lingering in the air" replied Jason in place of Austin.

"Do you by any means know who or what it belongs to?" asked the fourth prince with a frown.

"Is not a who but what" replies Jason. 

"What do you mean by that?" asked Prince Trace.

"It is an entity bad from corrupt energy and happens to be the reason why we are here in the yin yang empire" replied Austin.

After saying those words, the room became silent as the princes could not help but look at the skeleton once again in fear of the entity they were talking about until Jason suddenly spoke up.

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