
An Encounter And The Gate

※・Arc 3: Zone And The Nationals In The Horizon!・※

After their game against Nada Middle School is over, Seiji went out after changing his clothes to a fresh pair before wearing his tracksuit. Carrying his belongings, Seiji came across his captain, Akagi Takenori, on the hallway. He is talking with a girl around Seiji's age.

The girl is really pretty and cute in her own right, having those big almond shaped eyes. Coupled with the dimples on both of her cheeks that would show up whenever she smile, the girl is a certified head turner.

"You were awesome out there, brother!"

Carried away by his sister's bubbly and sweet attitude, Akagi couldn't help but go along with her antics.

"Haha, yeah. It's quite unfortunate that I couldn't finish the game, though."

"It's alright! Arisugawa-kun did a really good job this match. He taught those bad guys a lesson! To think that they'd mock you guys for no good reason! Hmph!"

Akagi just patted his sister's head and said nothing. He's in no position to say that she needs to stop hating on them since he also got angry at them.

While they were talking with each other, Akagi heard the footsteps coming their way. When he glanced at the direction where the footsteps are coming from, Akagi saw the ace of his team, Seiji. He wasn't surprised to see him here since the locker room they used is just nearby.

"Oh, Arisugawa! I didn't have the time to congratulate you earlier since my sister called me. You really did a great job in our previous match. If you were a little bit more taller, I bet no one would be able to stop you from scoring in this whole middle school basketball scene."

That was a high praise coming from someone who rarely praised someone so highly. Akagi rarely gives anyone praise but if he does, he wouldn't hold anything back.

"Haha… Thank you Captain Akagi. I was quite mad during the start of the match so I kinda did that to them."

While scratching his cheeks, Seiji let out a dry laugh. Even though it wasn't his intention to crush them so badly, their demeanor changed his mind. In his experience of playing some games during his free time, Seiji learned the hard way to just crush these trash talkers so thoroughly that they couldn't speak anymore.

"Oh, that's right. Arisugawa, this is my sister Haruko."

Haruko was taken by surprise by the introduction. However, she immediately recovered and introduced herself while stuttering.

"I-I'm Akagi Haruko, it's n-nice meeting you Arisugawa-kun. Y-You were really great last match!"

"Thank you. You may already know me but let me introduce myself still. I'm Arisugawa Seiji. It's nice to meet you too, Akagi-san."

With a graceful bow and a smile, fitting of his previous status as the heir of a large clan, Seiji introduced himself to Haruko. Haruko blushed slightly when she saw him introduce himself with a slight smile but nothing more.

Even Akagi, who's quite overprotective of his sister, didn't show any displeasure when he saw Seiji and Haruko interact. His brotherly instincts wasn't triggered, apparently.

"Arisugawa, we'll be on our way now. You better rest properly for tomorrow's match."

"Osu Captain! I am on my way home too when I saw you guys and thought I should say hi. Anyway, someone's already here to pick me up so we'll be going now. See you tomorrow captain!"

After waving goodbye at the Akagi siblings who also went on their way at the opposite direction, Seiji caught up to Rena, Mia, Kosaki, and Riko. The five of them talked non-stop about the previous match, especially the ladies, while Seiji closed his eyes mid way through their conversation.

Inside his mind, Seiji saw himself facing some kind of huge gate. This gate has some ancient patterns inscribed on it while there are some columns all around this weird place. If Seiji could describe it, he'd say that this place is quite similar to how the castle on Mt. Olympus, a fictional place, is depicted in books.

He saw this place appear inside his mind after that game but he left it for later since he couldn't really space out in the middle of a conversation.

'Is this the entrance to the inner palace or something?'

As Seiji absentmindedly thought of such things, he tried to reach out his hands towards this uselessly large gate and see if he could open it up. Without Seiji even touching the surface of the gate yet, the gate shot open by itself.

Although he is puzzled by this, Seiji didn't mind it that much since he already experienced something more bizarre than this. After fearlessly entering inside the opened gate, Seiji found himself standing in front of a throne that's emitting a jet black coloured aura, a color that is seriously similar to his eyes.

When he touched the throne, he felt it resonate with him. Without even thinking, Seiji sat down the throne and rested his whole body there.

'Ah, so comfortable. So I entered this place just because I already unlocked 「The End」 huh. I wonder when would my 「Superhuman Physiology」 awaken, though?'

While his thought could be said to be quite greedy since he's asking for more, Seiji just felt like he'd need all that he could have in order to compete in this world. After coming to this world and doing so much research about it, Seiji found out about people having a wide array of 'talents' that he could not even count.

Knowing that he have 「The End」 and the adjustment that 'they' made for it to copy 'abilities' instead of 'supernatural', Seiji watched whatever he could in order to 'copy' their abilities. However, unfortunately for him, his ability at that time wasn't unlocked yet. Now that it is though, he can finally copy whatever abilities he wanted.

After exiting that mysterious space, Seiji couldn't help but think about the abilities that he got to copy from his teammates. He knew their names since, whenever he copies an ability, their name would automatically pop up inside his head. It's really quite handy.

'Aside from Vice Captain Kogure, each and everyone of my teammates have an ability. Captain Akagi have the ability, 「Gorilla Power」. It will be quite handy for a while since captain's power is far superior to me right now. If my 「Superhuman Physiology」 fully awakens, I doubt I'd need it anymore. Same goes with Wakamatsu-senpai's ability, 「Athletic Gift」. I only need to wait for the time when I hit my growth spurt and I'll be able to do what he does or even better…'

Seiji got into deep thought for a second before continuing his previous train of thought.

'…Fukuda-senpai have a very interesting ability, 「Scorers' Instinct」. The ability to finish inside the paint with the use of circus shots is gonna be useful. It was improved because of 「The End」 so I could pretty much use it in around 15 meters with perfect accuracy. Izuki-senpai's 「Eagle Eye」 is also useful for when I want to be a playmaker. The blind spots in his ability is removed while the details I get through the use of it is much more detailed. It's probably because of my senses coming into play, that's why it's so detailed. From Hyuuga-senpai, I got his ability 「Clutch Gene」. This ability is really useful since my productivity will never take a nosedive even in sticky situations. All in all, it's really interesting to have this ability.'

Seiji felt the car stop after his thoughts arrived to that conclusion. It's probably because they reached the apartment where Riko is currently living in. After opening his eyes and stretching his body for a bit, Seiji got down from the car and said goodbye to Riko before once again boarding the car and chatting with Mia, Rena, and Kosaki.

"You guys wanna go sight seeing again tomorrow or something? I want to go and relax for a bit before the Nationals arrive."

In response to Seiji's question, Mia and Rena answered negatively.

"I have to accompany your sister to Tokyo and prepare for her moving to our place."

"Yep. Mama and Papa said that I could finally transfer here next week so I don't have time to go around sightseeing. Sorry Seiji-sama."

Rena looked at Seiji with her face showing her sadness.

"It's fine. If Saki-chan isn't free, I'll just stay at home at that time then."

"I-I'm free so I can accompany you…"


To be continued…

[A/N¹: Transition chapter once again. The Gate opened its doors to Seiji and we now only have to wait for the Nationals to arrive. Two more matches before the Preliminaries end.]

[A/N²: Any other suggestion for the names of abilities and such? Comment if you guys want to share some of your ideas.]

[A/N³: I'm seriously considering making this fanfiction a side project so that I could focus on something I really like to write, Fantasy-ish Adventure fanfiction. I already mapped a good 30 or so chapters for it but I don't want to abandon this one so I'm considering just placing this on the side and updating it during weekends.]

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