
Not So Subtle Reunion

In an apartment somewhere in National city sat a young woman, then there was knocking coming from the outside.

"Kara, I'm here with the backup dresses that you asked for." A woman's voice came from the door. Kara quickly ran to open the door for the woman.

"Alex, you are a lifesaver," Kara said as she began to check out the dresses.

"I know that. So what is the special occasion today?" Alex asked.

"I'm going on a blind date tonight," Kara replied. Alex was shocked to hear this and looked at her sister confusingly.

"Don't give me that look. He hasn't called or replied to any of my messages in the past two years. I think that it's about time I go out besides we're not going to be young forever." Kara stated.

"Well, you're not wrong. Although he has a lot on his plate haven't you tried visiting him. I mean you can fly over it should be okay if it's once or twice." Alex said.

"You of all people should know that if I did that and mom were to find out. She would chew both of our butts." Kara said while giggling along with Alex.

"Well, I just wanted you to know that I have to go to a conference in Geneva in like two hours so hurry up and choose an outfit," Alex said. After some time Kara finally found an outfit to wear and they went their separate ways. Later that night, Kara was in a bar with a man that was on his phone not paying any attention to the conversation.

"So where were you born?" The man asked,

"Uh, like where I was originally.... from the north," Kara replied awkwardly.

"Yeah...." The guy said and then his phone went off once more. He looked down at it,

"I have to take this I'll be back," he said getting up and walking away. He asked for the check from the waiter and her number too. Kara then sighed and drank the rest of her drink.

"I really can't act normal, no matter how hard I try." Kara silently said to herself. She then heard a chuckling sound coming from behind her.

"Well, that went downhill pretty fast. Even Superman wouldn't have been able to save that." a man said. Kara turned around to see a man with short spikey black hair and shades.

"Who are you and why are you eavesdropping on other people's business." She retorted. The man then dropped his shoulders and looked depressed,

"I can't believe you would forget about me already. Even though you promised not to and yet here you are going on a date." the man said. Kara just looked at the man in confusion. The man then pulled off the shades and sat in front of her while smiling. Then it finally hit Kara that this man was someone that she still kept in her heart.

"Johnathan!" She shouted in surprise and that made him smile even brighter.

"How have you been, Kara?"Johnathan asked.

"You have the nerve to ask that when you didn't keep in touch with me for the past two years." she pouted. He just chuckled at her,

"A lot of things came up, but at least I came in person to contact you. That should at least gain me some points," he said. They both sat in silence for a moment then began to laugh.

"So how is that job at CatCo?" he asked her,

"Ugh, don't even get me started on it," she replied.

"Is it that bad?"

"I'm grateful for the opportunity, but I just hoped that I would be doing more than just fetching coffee and paper for Mrs. Grant. I wanted to become a reporter like Clark, but I guess this is better than nothing."

"I'm sure you will get it. Just keep that head up and keep doing your best. Sooner or later you will get that promotion." Johnathan said while lifting his glass to cheers with Kara.

"I'll drink to that," she replied then there was breaking news that came on.

"We've just got confirmation that flight 237 to Geneva, seems to be losing altitude and that the Pilot seems to be flying in a circle around the city due to engine failure." The news anchor said.

"Did he just say, Geneva?" Kara asked,

"Yes, he did. What is going on?" Johnathan asked.

"Alex is on that plane. I've got to do something," she replied.

"What about keeping your identity a secret?" He whispered.

"If that plane crashes. It will kill thousands of people and Alex. So keeping my identity a secret is the least of my problems." She replied.

"Well, at least make yourself a disguise before going out there. So that no one will be able to recognize you," he told her. Kara smiled at him before running off to save Alex. Kara ran outside and began to look around to see if she could find the plane. As she turned around to her right, there was a flaming plane soaring through the sky. Kara then used her X-ray vision and a keen sight to located Alex. She spotted Alex in one of the seats closest to the wing. Alex was helping an older woman and a child keep calm. Kara quickly ran towards an alley, while she was running she took off her white jacket and glasses. Then she tried to fly but it took her a couple of jumps to finally take off flying. As Kara was doing that another person just got on top of a red/silver motorcycle.

"I told her to get a disguise and she went the same route. Guess there is no changing that fact." Johnathan chuckled to himself.

"Alright, time to work. Kabuto!" he said and a mechanical crimson red beetle flew into a belt that was on Johnathan.

"Henshin!" the zecter shouted. Then a red and silver armor began to envelop him. The motorcycle that Johnathan was also enveloped turning it into a mechanized armor-cycle with a red beetle horn. With that, he took off following the out-of-control plane and Kara. The armor-cycle was zipping past everything at high speeds and Johnathan was able to see everything as if it was slow as molasses. So he was able to easily maneuver around whatever he needed to. Kara finally caught up to the plane and went under one of the wings to stabilize it.

"What's going on?" the co-pilot asked the pilot.

"I don't know, but it is working out. The plane is stabilizing but we are still in freefall." The pilot responded. As their conversation was going on, Alex looked out the window and noticed that Kara was actually outside lifting the plane's wing. Kara then moved over to the bottom of the plane and began to lift with all her might.

"Ughhhhh!" was all Kara was able to get out as she tried her best to lift the plane.

"Damn!" Johnathan said as he watched Kara lifting the plane as he drove down the bridge.

"I should never make her mad again," he said as he shuddered. Johnathan revved up the throttle,

"Time to do my job now," he said as he began to evacuate everyone on the bridge. Johnathan began to attach cables to every car he passed and pulled them away from the bridge. While he was doing that, the plane was getting closer so time was running out,

"Damn, I thought that this would be easier but the plane is moving pretty fast even with Kara," Johnathan complained as he dragged one more vehicle off the bridge. He then pushed a button on his bike and it began to transform into a giant version of the Kabuto zecter. He then jumped onto it and controlled it to fly above the incoming plane. As he got above the plane, the vehicle shot out cables attaching to the plane. He put the vehicle into reverse and revved up the engine to the max. All this was happening within Kabuto's Clock up so everything happened within five seconds. Kara was doing her utmost to keep the plane from crashing into the bridge, but she realized that since she hasn't used her powers in a while it didn't seem to go her way. That was until the plane seemed to become lighter for some reason. Kara didn't have time to be relieved for the bridge was getting super close, so she pushed with all her might to make sure the plane didn't hit.

Whoosh, the plane sped past chipping just the tallest tower and landing in the water.

"Whew, that was a close call," Kara said as she dragged herself out of the water onto the wing of the plane.

"I wonder why the plane suddenly got lighter?" she asked out loud to herself but was interrupted by a helicopter hovering above with a spotlight shining on her. Kara stood on the plane for a moment to make sure that Alex was safe, then she took off once more to the sky heading back to her apartment. She wasn't the only one who took to the skies and left, Johnathan also didn't stick around too long for anyone to notice him. Later that night in an apartment was two women arguing about something,

"Kara, how could you expose yourself like that?" Alex asked with a stern voice.

"Alex, I can't believe that you are giving me a lecture about this when I saved thousands of people even you." Kara retorted.

"I'm not saying that what you did was wrong, I'm saying that the way you did it was wrong," Alex stated.

"That doesn't even make any sense," Kara said. This went on for about another ten minutes until there was a knock on the door. Both of them turned their heads to the door. Kara used her x-ray vision to check who was at the door,

"Who is it?" Alex asked as she reached for her hidden gun without Kara noticing.

"An old friend," Kara said as she walked towards the door to open. The person standing in the doorway was no other than Johnathan. He quickly hugged Kara which surprised her greatly.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said while hugging Kara then looked up to see Alex smiling at him. He then released Kara from the hug much to her dismay and made his way over to Alex for a hug too.

"I heard that you were on the plane. I'm glad you're okay too. That must've been one hell of a ride." He said to Alex which gained him a chuckle.

"When did you get back in town?" Alex asked him.

"Yesterday actually," he replied.

"How did you know where I lived?" Kara stepped in.

"I called your mother. Well, I called mine and asked her to talk to your mother for me." Johnathan said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Why didn't you just ask me?" Kara asked.

"You wouldn't pick up your phone every time I called," he responded

"Wait so that unknown number was you," she said. He nodded and Kara just looked down in shame, while Alex laughed at their interactions.

"Well, no worries about it now. By the way, I brought over some Potstickers and other food so let's eat." Johnathan said while pulling out three bags of food. The trio then sat down on Kara's couch and pulled up the coffee table to put the food on. Johnathan then turned on the tv to give the room some background noise, but the channel was already set on the news station.

"Who is this mysterious woman in blue that saved this plane. Also, is she working with the other mysterious vigilante known as Kabuto, and are they a threat to National City." the anchorman stated.
