
Going Solo

After a few more minutes of explaining, they went to the training facility to get started. Basically, the students will get to choose who they will be taught under for the next 2 months. Some students like Deku obviously went under the teachings of Gran Torino and All Might and Bakugo went under the teachings of Best Jeanist

While everybody was picking their mentors, Shin was in the back looked like he was in heavy thought. As he was thinking, he felt a familiar presence behind him

"What you thinking Shin?"

he turned to see Goku and the rest of the Z group walking towards him. Shin pondered for a quick second and focused his attention on his brother "Nothing you need worry about. So, have you decided who you're going under?"

Goku just scratched his head "There's so many heroes to choose from that it's difficult to choose. If anything, I'll just pick the hero you choose"

"Why don't you pick me to be your mentor?" A random voice popped out of nowhere. As they turned to see who it was, they instantly recognized to big turtle shell on his back

He just looked at both Shin and Goku "What he said was really true. You both are on a whole other level."

Shin knew who he was talking about "You know Grampa Gohan?"

He just chuckled "Know him? I'm the one who taught him! Everything he knew was because of me, Master Roshi and he told me everything about you two. How dedicated you both are to training and how fast you quickly improve. I see so much potential in you two so I'm here to help you two develop it. So I formally invite you two including your three friends here, to the turtle school"

All four boys were shocked to hear that they were invited by the god of martial arts himself and soonly became excited about the situation. they wouldn't pass this up to get so much stronger

"there's no way I pass this up!"

"To be taught by the god of martial arts himself would be an honor"

"Any way to get strong as Goku is something I won't refuse

As the three were excited, Goku just looked at Shin with excitement all over his face "This is awesome Shin! We get to be taught by the man who taught our grampa himself! let's do it!"

Shin just placed his hand on his shoulder. It's time they go their separate ways "You go ahead and train under Master Roshi. I won't be going under him"


Everybody was shocked by what he said, even Master Roshi was shocked and confused

"Why!? isn't this what we have been waiting for a long time!? To be trained by the god of material arts himself!? this is our biggest way to get stronger together"

Shin just chuckled a bit " Ever since we were kids, we always wanted to be the strongest, and through that, we trained together to get where we are right now. It's time we go our separate paths to reach that goal. I won't be there to help with all your battles so you need to find your own strength and carry that to the top. As for me, I'll be doing the same thing" He then started to walk away

"Wait! where are you going!"

"To go talk to our principal!" His path to true power starts here. His eyes glowed with a bright crimson once again


After a few minutes of walking, He managed to reach the principles office. He knocked on the door and waited a few minutes before he heard the ok to go in

Once he entered he immediately recognized the mouse? Rata? the thing that was Nezu. He also recognized two other people that were with him. A big fat cat and another person that was also big and fat that appears to be his assistant. Korin and Yajirobe

"Ahh, Son Shin!" Nesu smiled " Please take a seat. and what pleasure do I owe you for visiting me?"

He then sat down "principle, vice-principal. I came here to ask you both a question"

"And what that might be Son Shin?" Korin spoke out

Shin asked his question with no hesitation and worry " I wish to go on a training journey during these 2 months"

Nezu and Korrin were surprised by his request "And why do you think we'll allow you to go on this journey. Don't you have multiple heroes that you can ask for training?"

Shin just spoke bluntly "Sir, we both know how strong I am. I'm already on pro hero level and even All Might will have trouble defeating me. there's not many heroes that can even scratch me and I wish to take this time to temper and improve myself. These Heroes won't be able to do that"

As Nezu was thinking of a response, Korin cut him off "Just let the boy go Nezu. What he just said was one hundred percent true. He longed reached Pro hero status so let him do what he wishes. Besides, we do own him for the USJ situation"

Nezu just looked at Korin and just sighed and looked back to Shin "Fine I'll you to go on this training journey of yours. But you must come back by the day of the tournament otherwise you will be expelled and I'll make sure you never get your hero license! Do you understand?"

Shin just nodded his head "I do and thank you" and began to leave to the room before korin called him out

"Wait! if I think I know where you'll be going, then you will be needing these. Yajirobe give it to him"

Yajirobe pulled a little pouch out of his pocket and threw it at Shin who easily caught it. when he looked inside, he saw around 30 Senzu beans.

"What time will you be leaving?" Korin asked

Shin put the Senzu beans in his pocket and responded " After I say goodbye to my friends, I'll be leaving tonight. Thank you by the way" Shin then left the room

Nezu just sighed and leaned back on his chair "He is truly like what Gohan said"

Korin responded seriously "Two monsters born at the same time but one is truly the monster. I shudder to think how strong he will be in the future."

"Indeed. with shin around the world can easily change for better or worse"

"Son Shin. What type of monster will you truly become?"

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