
New Look

The night was no longer young by the time we finally went to sleep. Moonlight was replaced by the milky white of the early dawn sky, and the first chorus of birds had started to sound in the distant woods.

But it was all worth it. I would trade every minute of sleep for more time awake with him.

The same thought was still in my head when I woke up to a brush of lips over my lashes after a couple of hours of dozing.

"I would've let you sleep in a bit more," Bai Ye said softly, "but today is the day when equipment for the tournament is distributed. You'll have to pay an early visit to the main peak."

I opened my eyes. To be greeted with his beautiful smile at first sight in the morning felt heavenly. "Will you come with me?" I asked without thinking, then realized how dumb the question was. To involve masters in everyday matters like this would probably scare off the disciples running the errand.

"Sorry … I'm not quite awake," I added.

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