

While Hanna began the preparations for the wedding, the eight mortals sat down and exchanged information in a small office. Aurora had returned the Guardian's cloak to Zan, and he had draped it lovingly across his shoulders. "Hello, old friend," he had whispered.

"I am sorry for whatever you find in its recesses. I am afraid I will never find all my things," the girl had lamented.

Around a thick stone table, the events of the previous weeks were laid out. The Empress was saddened by the events that had occurred in her absence, and part of her considered abandoning her nuptials to attend to the urgent matters. But in her heart, she knew that she must wed first. The time had come for the fake Emperor to become the real one.

Zan listened carefully to the others' encounters with the fairies, elves and gnomes. As both elves and gnomes were among their company now and he did not wish to offend them, he chose only to comment on the fairies. "Bolemir and his family did the Empire a great service. I hope to meet them someday to thank them personally."

Aurora smiled sadly, "I wish they could be here for the wedding. Nanny, the twins, and the Council (well minus you-know-who), there are so many who I would like to be present. Even Prince Ithel would be a nice addition."

"Do not get carried away!" Both Devrim and Brinn had the same thought. While the elf prince had helped them escape, he had also tried to kiss a resistant Aurora. Neither Devrim nor Brinn would let him live that down any time soon.

"I wish the others could be here also," the grey-eyed man said more sympathetically. "We will have a party at home after all this is over. It will be like a wedding reception."

"That sounds nice," Aurora was pleased with his suggestion.

Hanna came in looking flustered, a look on her that was new to all of them. "Ok," she said in something similar to a huff. "I have done all I can without some input from the bride; the rest of you need to go and try on your clothes for tomorrow's event.

"What about me?" Gandr said, knowing he had no part to play.

Hanna smiled at him. "You can help Asha set up in the gathering room. She would be happy for any help that she can get." Gandr nodded his understanding. "As for you, sweet bride, please head to your room, and I will attend you shortly."

Everyone filed out the small office. Hanna caught Zan's arm as he was about to leave. "What do you think of our girl?" She asked when no one else was within earshot.

"She has certainly grown." The Guardian smiled. Then his brow furrowed. "I am sorry I failed to protect her and the Empire."

"Do not blame yourself. You did what you thought best, and that is all I could ask. Without the trials she has faced, you would not have the woman you witnessed."

Zan chuckled as he remembered how Aurora had been so calm and collected in the gathering of the Fates. He, in contrast, had been trying to keep his knees from trembling. "Her Majesty is no longer the little girl who hid in every alcove trying to catch the latest gossip. The way she stood comfortably before the Fates…she is now a confident ruler."

"More than that, Zan. She's The Empress."


Gandr peeked into the Fates' gathering and was pleased to see only Asha inside. Had any of the Fates been within, he may have shirked his responsibility, but instead he walked toward the fairy.

Asha was flitting about the room using portals to get from one side of the room to the other quickly. Gandr was exhausted just watching her. She was hanging blue and crimson banners, re-staging the platform to be a wedding altar and placing flowers (where had she gotten flowers up here, Gandr wondered) in strategic locations on the stone benches that littered the room.

Asha saw him coming, "You again? Have you and your friends come to hassle me once more?" The fairy landed softly on the floor next to him with her hands on her hips.

"No ma'am. I have come to help. Everyone else is involved in the wedding." The gnome rubbed the back of his neck. Asha's scrutiny was difficult for him to bear.

"Hm, I do not think I need anything," Asha waved him away and turned back to her tasks. She forgot that the marriage table was right behind her and clumsily bumped into it. The three-armed candelabra sitting atop the table plummeted to the ground. Without thinking, Gandr raised the stone floor to catch the candle holder before it crashed. Asha took the golden object and returned it to its place on the table. "That is a neat trick," she said with a half-smile. "Perhaps I can use your help after all."

Gandr allowed the floor to return to normal. "Did you do all of this yourself?" He asked, pointing to all the decorations. It was a large task.

"Not anymore. Now come help me lift this." The fairy motioned to a stone pillar that was to be part of the marriage arch.

"Yes ma'am!"


When Hanna arrived at the ladies' quarters, Aurora was standing, staring at Brinn who was wearing the attendant's gown. It was crimson with gold stitching. "Hanna!" Aurora greeted the Fate. She motioned to the dress. "This is the most gorgeous garment I have ever seen! Brinn looks amazing!"

"I am glad the bride approves." Hanna smiled broadly.

"How did you get this completed in such a short time? It fits like a dream," Brinn was admiring herself in the looking glass. She much preferred the freedom of leggings or trousers, but even she could not deny the craftsmanship.

"There is a little bit of magic to be sure, but I tried to prepare for every eventuality ahead of time." Hanna giggled. "I am just glad the dress looks as good on you as I imagined."

The ladies looked at one another. While the Fate could not predict the future with certainty, it seemed she had an excellent grasp on the possibilities. "What about my gown?" Aurora could not wait. She had always imagined designing her own gown for her wedding, and she hoped that the Fate had done as well with her gown as Brinn's.

"Your dress, Your Majesty, is under that cloth." She directed their attention to the tall thin form covered in a white sheet.

Brinn smirked, "You just covered it for dramatic effect. I have seen no sign of dust in the Mystic Spires."

"You caught me," the Fate chuckled. "Now are you both ready?"

The girls nodded excitedly. Hanna whisked the cloth to one side, and Aurora gasped. Whatever she had wanted, this was far beyond her dreams. The wedding gown was made entirely of lace more delicate than a spider's web. Most of the gown was royal blue, with hints of white peeking out beneath the lace and around the end of the transparent fitted sleeves. Gold was stitched in intricate patterns along the lace, making the stunning garment a masterpiece no matter the viewer's angle.

"I used the Royal colors, which I know are not your favorite, but I thought perhaps you might make an exception."

Yes, she would certainly make an exception. Aurora removed the gown from its form and held it up to her body, visions of grandeur running through her head. "Help me try it on, please!"

The ladies helped the Empress into her gown amid fits of girlish giggles. Hanna loved these ladies' youth and wished in her heart that they would always be this happy. The garment donned, Aurora looked at herself in the glass. The new specks of blue in her eyes sparkled against the gold of the lace. The Fate's necklace also shone brightly around her neck. The overall effect was heavenly. The Empress looked on speechlessly.

"Do you like it?" Hanna asked, uncertainty in her voice. "We would do your hair and make-up and oh! I have a crown for your head. Unless you would prefer a veil…"

"No veil. I want him to see me from the moment I walk in." Aurora swished the gown from side to side, marveling at how lovely she looked. The Empress had never thought of herself as womanly, and at sixteen why should she, but just now she was shapely and perfectly feminine. Hanna pulled a golden circlet with blue jewels from out of nowhere and placed it on the Empress's head.

"You are glowing!" Brinn nodded approvingly. She tucked the front of Aurora's dark hair neatly around the crown and let the rest fall loosely down her back like a waterfall.

"I love it, but not as much as I love the man I will marry tomorrow." Aurora said with a twinkle in her eye. "I wish it were right now!"

And in barely more than a blink, Zan was offering his arm. "Are you ready?" He asked, his dark hair tightly braided and his crimson uniform neatly buttoned.

The bride nodded, "Let's do this!"
