
Adventure of Corruption

(After helping the Kingdom they caused chaos to Shi Kisoki and Kenta Went off to their next adventure)

*after leaving the Kingdom they would walk into a forest heading south east and having no clue where they were going the continued to go the same direction*

While their walking Shi Kisoki says sympathetic tone "Hey Kenta?"

Kenta responds "Yes Shi?"

Shi Kisoki rubs his head while walking "I'm sorry for going so hard in our duel back there"

Kenta says " Don't worry about it man "

Shi " You sure? I wasn't trying to hurt you or anything and I almost lost control "

Kenta " yeah it's completely fine, We did say we would go all out so it doesn't matter. But don't think your going to win as easy next time."

Shi laughs and says " I don't plan on it, Now off of that."

*The scene pans around where they are and there's nothing but trees and grass, then pans back to Kenta and Shi*

Shi says " Do you have any Fucking idea where we are? "

*The scene pans to Kenta distracted by petting a deer and Shi throws a dagger at the tree, The dagger makes a loud noise once it stabs into the tree*

Kenta turn around and yells "Hey what the fuck are you doing!?"

Shi is giving Kenta an evil look and says in a annoyed tone " Kenta, I'll ask again. Do you know where we are? "

Kenta gives Shi a funny look and says " No clue " *Kenta giggles in fear*

*Suddenly in a blink of an eye one of Shi's Katanas is pointing between Kentas eyes *

Kenta waves his hands frantically and says loudly in fear " ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ILL TELL YOU! "

*Shi pulls his katana away and sheathes it*

Kenta mutters under his breath " God always so scary . "

Shi says in a annoyed tone " I swear to god if you don't tell me where we are in the next 5 seconds My katana won't be in between your eyes this time. "

Kenta panics and says quickly in fear " We are in a part of the forest South east from keodora! "

Shi says jokingly " Wow you actually said that in 5 seconds, Good job! "

*Shi Gives Kenta a funny look giving a thumbs up and an anger symbol forms on his forehead*


Shi interrupts Kenta and says " Do you want to keep going South East or another way? "

Kenta goes normal and says " Hmmm, Maybe South East because why not. "

Shi says " Alright South East it is, Now let us continue! "

*Kenta and Shi walk for a while until they stumble upon a Village and the cry tears of joy*

Shi and say together in a playful sad tone " Oh my, People!?,Buildings!?, and NO KNIGHTS!? WE'VE BEEN BLESSED!! "

*A ray of light shines on Shi and Kenta playfully, The scene suddenly changes to them waiting by the village gate and 2 holy Knights in front of them*

Shi and Kenta both yell GOD DAMN IT GOD WHY DO THIS TO US!?

The scene changes to heaven and God sitting in a mansion and he says suddenly " Why do I feel like someone said my name? "

Next chapter