
9. Paths of Pain.

I feel an odd splitting sensation in my mind and a pull from my chakra along with a strange connection. The Hell Kings mouth opens and out walks 7 bodies with steel blue rinnesharingan in the eyes.

They don't have any chakra rods sticking out like piercings. Instead I had the Hell King grind the rods to dust and spread it throughout thier bodies.

I can control them easily like moving my left or right hand, the shared vision doesnt bother me at all. There is no problem of splitting my attention with tasks as they could each be doing something different like reading 7 different books or one could be cooking and one could be practicing shurikenjutsu.

They seem to share my chakra pool, as they dont have one of thier own.

"I'm going to need to buy them clothes. Also something to hide thier unique eyes." I dont want them sticking out too much. I didnt even mechanize the Asura path all the way. It could technically have 6 total arms and 3 faces. However I would much rather not have people staring. They can't seem to access the gate it appears either.

However there are a couple of problems. I dont appear to have any summons at all, and apparently I have no access to the gedo statue.

"Mind explaining what the hell that is?" Valerie asks looking at the hell king.

"That's the king of hell, it's the only summon i have access to, it has a couple of abilities, first off it acts as a healer. If my paths which are what the bodies are called, suffer any kind of damage the hell king can instantly heal them. It can be used for interrogation, if someone lies to me it kills them by tearing out thier soul and devouring it. If one of my bodies is completely destroyed then I can make a new one using the Hell King. However only one of my bodies has the ability to summon the Hell King. That body is basically the designated healer." I explain as the massive head sinks back down into the ground.

"The Deva Path, controls gravity such as attraction and repulsion, The Human path, Allows me to read someone's mind by placing a hand on the chest or head and tearing out the soul, The Naraka path, Summons the hell king and allows for interrogation and restoration, The Animal path, allows for summoning of the other path and I can use monsters as my personal summons, The Preta path, let's me absorb chakra in all shapes and forms, The Asura path, Allows one to mechanize thier own body and create various weapons, Finally the Bloodline Path, Allows me to steal and give bloodlines." I explain. "While they are out I cannot use any of those abilities, we also share chakra so if I run out then they run out, I have linked vision, hearing, and speech, It apparently split my mind giving me parallel thinking to control the bodies at will."

Valerie takes all this in with a critical mind. "You'll need to train with them all."

Yeah some of them seem a bit well useless. The bloodline one could give and take bloodlines, however that was it, the chakra absorber had no direct combat abilities and was just defensive, the human path needed to be touching the person's head or chest, summoning the hell king with the Naraka path could draw alot of attention, the animal path had no summons, honestly only the deva and asura paths had combat capabilities.

"Yeah, I plan to split them up and train different things. Hand to hand, swordplay, blacksmithing, healing, stealth, I'll have them study a variety of different things since they dont have to exercise like I do." I open the gate and pull out scrolls which they start reading rapidly, all the information is stored into my mind which is rather weird but I expected this.

The Asurs path is going over the weapon creation manuals, as soon as they are read I know how to create the weapons perfectly, The Preta path will be reading books on sealing/fuinjutsu, The Naraka Path on Medical Jutsu, The Human Path on Various Taijutsu styles, The Bloodline Path was working on stealth and silent killing, The Deva Path would be practicing its repulsive and attractive forces, and the Animal path was actually looking at the Inuzuka Trauning guides along with food creation for things like food pills.

"They are going to need clothes and I also need some things like paint brushes, ink, ore or ingots." Honestly I have no idea just how much stuff I need.

"Seems like today is going to be a shopping day." Valerie says with a smile while I frown.

Shopping indeed turned into torture, we had to go all over the city and visit various different gods establishments. Things like paint brushes of various sizes ink and scrolls weren't often sold. The most dreadful was going back to Hephaestus and getting various raw materials while she glared at me bitterly from her office.

Valerie found this hilarious.

I also picked up some chunks of other metal to experiment with, they had legendary metal like Adamantite, Orichalcum, Magisteel, I also needed things like gold and silver as my Asura path can create robotics and circuit boards easily.

Luckily I had my gate to store things in discretely or we would be toting around loads of shit all day.

However Valerie took some sick delight in using me like a dress up doll and clothing me in all sorts of silks and fancy clothes.

The glare I gave her just seemed to egg her on. She wasn't short on money either as she bought even silk clothing for the paths.

"You know they are basically dead bodies right?" I asked with a frown.

"Doesnt change the fact that they still must look presentable if they are living in my mansion." She counters.

Dude, I'm used to Walmart brand clothing and cheap comfortable stuff, not this expensive silk whatever. Although it does feel nice and smooth on the skin.

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