
Chapter 98: Axis of Evil, Part 2

When dinner was over the guests started heading back to the dance floor as the DJ put on the 2001 hit, "More Than That" by The Backstreet Boys.

"This song's tight," Katya said as she grabbed Cyrus by the hand. "Come on, yo, let's bust a move."

Cyrus went with Katya's lead just as the door swung open, and a middle-aged woman started screaming for everyone to get out. In the confusion, Cyrus thought she yelled something about a bomb. He looked at Katya, but both froze as people rushed around them, towards the door.

He felt a tugging at his pants leg, and when he looked down, he saw a dog pulling on it with his teeth. When Katya saw it, she gasped.

"Dickory, where did you come from?" she asked.

"Come on, hearts, we better go," Cyrus said as the three of them headed for the door.

They ran to the field behind the Chateau and found Kevin and Cheryl.

Thomas Earnshaw noticed the dog. "Hey, I know that dog. Isn't that ole HD?

"What's going on, Mom?" asked Cyrus. "Who was that woman?"

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