
Chapter 83: Time to Come Home, Part 1

Sunset Park, Elgin, Illinois, March 27, 2037, Present Evening

Cyrus had just left after helping Katya home with her bags. The flight home was a little bumpy, so she was experiencing some nausea. She grabbed a can of ginger ale from her fridge and looked around her little house. She was so glad to finally be home. Although she still longed to uncover what time period she was from and missed her family, she now realized that she could be happy in the Elgin of 2037.

She grabbed a grape from her food preserver and ate it. It was not only as fresh as when she put the bunch in a week ago, but it was still ice cold. For the grape, time had stood still. The appliance was ready to go to market, but the Callahans were waiting for the proprietary copyrights to come through. They worried about what would happen once temporal technology became public knowledge, and they were trying to protect it.

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