
Chapter 10: Mean Time, Part 3

Kevin and Cheryl made arrangements and tried to study the events that happened after 1963. They assigned Cyrus to run an immediate compatibility test for Katya. These were a series of tests and abilities that were fed into the database to be matched up with those pilgrims with similar scores. The preliminary candidates were then retested and finally tested along with Katya herself. The computer came up with five likely matches. Dawn grabbed the computer tablet and waited for the list to populate in random order. It was no surprise that one was Eli Ingraham, Katya's old partner from Waltham. But they knew that Katya wouldn't travel with him again. Cyrus asked her to read the rest of the list as the names popped up.

"Thomas Earnshaw-who's that?" she asked.

"He's from Sundial, so unless it's an emergency, he won't be considered," Cyrus answered. "Who else is on there?"

"Let's see," Dawn said, biting her lip. "Ah, Lesley Longines."

"She's a good pilgrim," Cyrus said.

Dawn watched as the next name popped up. "Check it out." She read the name: "Cyrus Callahan."

"Really?" Cyrus was hoping he would be there but wasn't surprised because of his and Katya's experiences together. "Anyone else?" he asked.

"Wait for it...oh, won't Katya be thrilled? Her two favorite people are on the list: you and Howard Miller."

Cyrus frowned at hearing this name. He wouldn't mind being bumped by Lesley... but of all people, Howie. He also knew that compatibility wasn't something you can be better at or practice for. It just was what it was. All he could do now was hope he had a greater match percentage than the other two.

Cyrus pulled out his mini-tablet and connected with the facility's intercom system. "Would the following personnel please report to the test area in the Gail Borden Room: Katya Sevnik, Howard Miller, and Lesley Longines."

When they'd gathered, Cyrus explained the situation and all agreed to the compatibility tests.

"It's nice to finally meet you officially," Lesley said to Katya. "I've wanted to say hello, but either you were too busy, or I was."

Lesley was a tall girl with plain but pretty Asian features. Katya admired her long straight hair that hung down her back, jet black, and silky smooth.

"Good to know you, Lesley," Katya said, extending her hand. "A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature."

"Sure...ditto," said Lesley with a puzzled look on her face.

"All right now, let's get started," said Cyrus. Katya flashed him a twinkly smile.

As Cyrus was part of the test group, he put Dawn in charge of conducting the tests. The first set of tests was simple. Dawn gave each pilgrim candidate a special mini-tablet computer to carry as they traveled back in a sequence of time periods. This section of the room was only used for such tests, so it had remained mostly unpopulated since its inception. This way, pilgrims could travel back with only a limited chance of running into anyone. The pilgrims were instructed to travel back one at a time: first one hour, then four hours, then one day, four days, one year, and finally four years, before returning to the present. Each pilgrim, starting with Katya and ending with Cyrus, completed their tests as the tablets recorded the results.

Dawn then plugged the results into the main test server with Katya's scores as the baseline. She waited for the outcome.

"Here are the results of Test Sevnik, Part One," she called out. "With Katya Sevnik as 100, Lesley Longines came in 97, Howard Miller, 98, and Cyrus Callahan, 98."

Cyrus could feel the pressure building in his head. He felt as if it might explode.

"Close one, eh?" said Howie, patting Cyrus on the back hard enough to make him wince.

Looking at Howie but addressing the entire group, Cyrus said a little too loudly, "On to the second test."

This time, Dawn instructed the pilgrims to travel out of phase. This wasn't easy, and some pilgrims had a hard time with it. All pilgrims were taught to do it in their initial training. Traveling out of phase meant that one was in a state that was half in the present and half one second in the past. The test was to see what portion of one minute they could sustain this state and who best matched Katya's frequency in doing so.

Each pilgrim conducted their tests easily while the mini-tablets recorded their input. Once again, Dawn compiled the data and read the results. "Test Sevnik, Part Two," she called out. "With Katya Sevnik as 100, Lesley Longines came in 99, Cyrus Callahan, 98, and Howard Miller, wow, 100, a perfect match."

Dawn looked over at Cyrus, and the disappointment was evident in his face. She gave him a pouty frown. Even Lesley had beaten his score. Cyrus noticed Howie giving Katya a thumbs up but turned away quickly as she started to return the gesture. What he failed to notice was the concerned look she shot in Dawn's direction.

"All right people, gather around. This is the third and final test. I will be accepting any and all payoffs at this time," Dawn joked, trying to ease the tension.

This was the partnering test. Each candidate was to hold Katya's hand and travel with her to the same time sequences performed in the first test. Once again, the test was to begin with Lesley.

"I want to go first," Howie yelled out.

"No, Howard," said Dawn firmly. "The tests must be conducted in the order the computer spells out."

"But it's not fair," Howie continued. "Longines has an advantage because she's first. By the time I travel with Sevnik, she'll be fatigued. It's just not fair."

Cyrus interjected. "The tests are very sophisticated. They take fatigue and other variables into consideration. In fact, they account for over fifty separate variables, including health, stress levels, heart rate, blood pressure, and mood. The truth is, you would have a disadvantage if you went first."

"Well, let's get on with it, then," said Howie. "It's pretty obvious it'll be between Longines and me. Hashtag champions!"

Katya grabbed Lesley's hand, and they started their time jumps. When they got to four years back, Lesley released Katya's hand. The test only recorded the time travel itself so the tested pilgrims could stop as long as they wanted in any given time period.

"May I say something to you?" Lesley asked.

"Abso-ruba," Katya answered. "As Cyrus would say, shoot."

"It would be nice to be partnered with you," Lesley began. "And I can't help what the computer results are, but if my opinion counted for anything, I think Cyrus would be a better partner for you than me or Howie."

"Why do you say that?" Katya asked.

"Because it's a pretty well-known fact that Cyrus likes you, and underneath that cool, confident facade of his, he's pretty sensitive. He cares for his partners. I know because I was partnered with him for two years."

"What do you mean?" Katya asked.

"I fell ill and had to be grounded. Cyrus has never tested for a new partner until now. He felt guilty and blamed himself for my illness."

"What happened?"

"We were assigned to the nuke attack off the Atlantic, and we couldn't jump out in time. We hadn't counted on the radiation messing around with our ability. As we tried, Cyrus went out of phase enough to avoid the exposure, but I received a hefty dose. He always blamed himself for not having us jump out earlier. He wanted to see that godforsaken mushroom cloud. We'd done the same thing in the early New Mexico test blasts of 1945 but had no trouble that time. I think those Russian nukes were more powerful."

"Are you all right now?" Katya asked.

"I'm all right, but I still have trouble sometimes," Lesley answered. "At least my hair grew back."

Katya looked her in the eye. "You know, that blast shouldn't have even happened. If our pilgrimage is a success, you'll be fine."

"I guess that's true," Lesley answered. "It's weird to think about. To my knowledge, we've never had the timeline compromised before. Anyway, my point is, Cyrus cares for you, and I think he would watch your back."

Katya wrinkled her nose. "He likes to watch my back? With most guys, it's my front."

Lesley laughed, but Katya didn't get why. "What I mean is that you can trust him with your life. I also think he will be able to count on you."

Lesley grabbed Katya's hand and gave it a squeeze as they finished the test. She was amazed at the ease in which she was able to travel with Katya.

"All right," said Dawn, "Howard, it's your turn. Lesley, please hand me your tablet. Howard, make sure you place your thumbs on the tablet face for a moment before grasping Katya's hand."

Howie grabbed Katya's hand and held it tightly as they started their jumps. She looked at his face. She liked him and was taken by his confidence and knowledge, but Lesley's words were ringing in her ears. Would he be a good partner? Would he be able to put her above his own safety? Would she be able to reciprocate? His face was intense, and he never looked at her, but the travel was smooth and effortless.

"Hi," she finally said.

Howie stared straight ahead. "I don't think we should talk during the test. Please concentrate."

"I think the computer factors it all in, Howie," she said.

"Shush," he said. "We'll have plenty of time to talk afterward."

"Would you throw yourself on the train tracks for me?" she asked.

"Shhhh! You're going to blow this for me," he said.

"For you?" she asked and then remained quiet for the rest of the test.

When they returned to the present, Howie went to hug her, but she quickly walked away.

Now it was Cyrus's turn. After Dawn handed him the tablet, he placed his thumbs on the face and turned toward Katya.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Ready when you are, Kat."

Easier than a hot knife through butter, they started their jump back.

"Hi," she said, looking at him.

"Hi, yourself," he answered. "Finally, I get to be alone with you."

"Cy, would you throw yourself on the train tracks for me?"

"Do I need to?" he asked in return. "Right now?"

"I mean ever," she said.

"I'd not only throw myself on the track, but I'd stop the speeding train with my bare hands if I had to," he answered.

"But what if you died?" she asked.

"If it means you'll be safe, so be it." He looked her in the eyes.

"I like you," she said.

"I like you more," he answered.

All this took place while Katya and Cyrus jumped from time to time, never stopping. When they returned to the present, the others gasped as they appeared before them, locked into each other's arms in a very passionate embrace.

"That's just like you, Callahan," yelled Howie. "But I'm sure your seduction scheme'll cost you the test."

When Dawn finished plugging Cyrus's data in, she waited for the results to tabulate. "The final results of all three tests are as follows. With Katya Sevnik as 100-wow, this is close-Lesley Longines, 98.33, Howard Miller, 98, and Cyrus Callahan, 98.66. Katya Sevnik's official partner is Cyrus Callahan, with Lesley Longines serving as the official backup to both of them. Congratulations, Cyrus and Lesley! Howard will continue his partnership with Louie Cartier."

"I don't know how you guys did it," Howie yelled. "But I know you cheated somehow." He then looked at Katya. "Oh, and Sevnik, I officially cancel our date for Friday night."

"Howard Miller," started Dawn, "I know you aren't saying this test was fraudulent. I know you know you can't fake or cheat a compatibility test. I know that right now you're going to take your sorry butt, along with your accusations, out of my face."

At this, Howie stormed out of the GB Room.

"Dawn, you'll be taking this test yourself very soon-I just know you will," said Katya.

Dawn smiled at her.

Lesley gave Katya and Cyrus a long hug. "I'm happy it worked out this way, you guys," she said.

"Thanks, Les," Katya answered. "You gave me a lot to think about. Now the hard part begins. Cy, we have to get ready for the mission. We better report to the Joseph Spiess Room for our clothing and period amenities."

Next chapter