
Chapter 30

Suzie fluttered her eyes open and stared at the strange ceiling - a painted fresco of flowers that, while quite pretty, she'd never seen before. Where the hell am I? But right on the tail end of that thought came the memories.

Oh God, my baby boy is gone. Suzie felt like wailing again but held it in, afraid that woman would come back and put her to sleep again. She needed to find out what was going on, so she swallowed back the tears and sat up, looking around.

Where's Jessica? She remembered her little body pressed against hers when she'd awoken last time before that woman had made her pass out. Where is she now? Had she been taken too? No, that wouldn't have happened because Hunter. . . she remembered seeing Hunter. He'd make sure Jessica stayed safe. Where did this certainty come from? Deep down in her gut, she just knew. If anyone could protect them, it was Hunter. If only he'd arrived before Damian had.

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