
Chapter 21

Suzie and her kids stared in stunned silence at the stranger who had vaulted into their new yard holding a gun.

What a sight!

A half-dressed, blond Adonis with moves she'd never seen outside of a movie was standing so close she could almost touch the smooth, lightly tanned skin rippling with muscle. Not that she had an urge to. Nope, being single suited her just fine, and she intended to stay that way.

Gathering her two children in her arms, she sat up and stared at the stranger who hastily stuffed his gun in his pants - no pun intended - and backed away with his hands up. His wide eyes had a panicked look to them, and his cheeks flushed.

Oh my God, he's embarrassed. Suzie held in an urge to giggle. Anyone in their right mind should have been scared, but Suzie found herself more intrigued by the man who'd vaulted over her fence. Apparently, she and the kids weren't what he'd expected to find.

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