
Chapter 6


The following morning, Caspian woke once more in his own bed finding it hard to contain the smirk on his face. There had been no sound from the section of Black Cells, but he knew that wouldn't last for long. Sansa's presence was sure to be missed soon enough and he laughed internally imagining the look on Joffrey's face, when he realized her plaything had disappeared.

The disappearance of Sansa would no doubt call for a search of the Black Cells to ensure her father was still there, but when it would be discovered that he too was gone, the whole of the keep would be in an uproar.

I do hope they've put several hours between themselves and Kings Landing, Caspian thought as he got up and dressed. It's been at least eight hours since I left them and another two days journey to Dragon Stone. I don't think mother will think they'd have gone by sea though, seeing it too obvious of a choice. And Joffrey isn't likely to care about anything, but the fact that they've escaped.

He replaced the knife he had used the night before at his belt and was glad he had remembered to clean it and oil it before falling into an exhausted sleep. The man they had tossed back into the cell to impersonate Lord Stark for a few hours even though he was dead probably hadn't been discovered yet.

It's time to watch the fun.

And what fun it was.

Joffrey had called for Sansa, no doubt to torment her at her father's imprisonment, and it took all of Caspian's will power to keep a straight face when a servant arrived in the Red Keep to tell him that Lady Stark wasn't in her rooms.

"Well where is she?" Joffrey demanded. "Don't just stand there you idiot! Search the whole castle if you must! I want her found and I want her found now!"

The terrified servant ran off to do his bidding, taking a few guards with him and Joffrey's tantrum was dealt with by his mother, who took his hand and led him to the small council chambers of the main Keep so the king could compose himself. Caspian rolled his eyes and followed if only to hear what his idiot of a brother would say next.

His mother looked a little worried however. If Sansa was missing than it meant that someone would have helped her escape. He knew she would doubt that the girl had found some way to escape on her own.

To her, Sansa was a stupid and naïve girl who knew nothing about the world and couldn't possibly escape on her own. So that meant that she must have had help from someone in the castle.

He had known that his mother was clever enough to figure this out at least and as he walked slowly to the council chamber he couldn't help, but start to think up a few convincing lies to say if he was asked about his whereabouts the night before.

They would have no reason to think that I was involved, he thought. I've had all of one conversation with Sansa Stark in public, since arrival of Starks here a few months ago. Surely mother wouldn't link this to him.

Still, it would bear some thought and some careful planning to say the least. Caspian was ready to flee if need be, but he also wasn't going to do so before it was necessary. His half siblings would be fine, but he knew he wouldn't be, if Joffrey ever found out who it was that had freed Ned Stark from his cell.

He would go to Storm's End where Uncle Renly was, because it was quiet. Perhaps he would finally be able to do some of that bloody reading that he wanted to and get away from the stink of King's Landing. Perhaps before he left though he would tell Tommen the truth and send a letter to Lord Stark asking him to foster his little brother in Winterfell.

Lord Stark was an honorable man, sometimes too honorable but he would keep his word. He was still trying to solve the case of Myrcella but perhaps when Uncle Tyrion returned he would have some ideas about that.

"Where is she?" Joffrey demanded as he stepped into the doorway of the small council chambers. "Where is Sansa?!"

"I'm sure if you call for her she'll come running," Caspian drawled as he leaned against the doorway.

Joffrey turned to him, cheeks turning crimson with rage. "You! You had something to do with this didn't you? You've always been jealous of me! I'm the king and you're not, I'll have a beautiful queen to do as I please to and you don't!"

"Hmm, fascinating," Caspian said. "And where is that queen now? Oh that's right she's not here. Don't make me laugh with that hogwash about me being jealous of you. As far I'm concerned from where I'm standing there's nothing to be jealous of about you."

"Enough Caspian," Cersei snapped before turning to her eldest son. "Don't worry my love. We will find her. In the meantime, why don't we plan for your coronation? There's so much to prepare and this is a happy time. Let's not ruin it by talking about traitorous wolves."


But of course the whole of the Red Keep knew in the next two days that all three Starks had escaped from King's Landing, and that the man they had discovered down in the Black Cells was a dead former guard who had been stabbed through the eye.

Caspian marvelled at the colors Joffrey's face turned then. Red then blue then violet. His head seems ready to explode from sheer rage emitting from disappearance of Starks. His older brother was obsessed with the idea of people fearing him but to Caspian he was a joke. No doubt the only thing the people of this city feared about him was his stupidity.

It was soon discovered within the next few hours of the day after he had helped the Stark's escape that the three wolves had escaped and Joffrey was inconsolable. He worked himself into such a state that Pycelle had to forcibly shove essence of Nightshade down his throat, so that he would sleep and leave the adults to the planning of what to do.

No one had known where Lord Stark and his daughter had gone and even though Cersei had sent riders to search the King's Road they had all returned empty handed. Joffrey had executed at least half a dozen servants that day to some sort of misinterpreted slight which was the reason for his forced removal from the council chambers.

Caspian had to admire his mother for that, she was not as foolish as he first supposed. With Joffrey out of the way they would finally be able to get things done. Caspian knew that the ships had not been checked yet for which he was glad and because that meant the Starks had put almost a day between themselves and King's Landing and it wasn't that much farther to Dragonstone where they would be safe.

His uncle Stannis was a grim man but that didn't mean that he wasn't an honorable one. He would welcome them and no doubt Lord Stark would tell him all thus assuring him that Caspian was the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms.

He just hoped his uncle wouldn't start a war to put him on the throne. The Seven Kingdoms were already facing threats from the north and the last thing they needed was one from the sea as well.

He turned from the balcony he was standing on in his room and was just about to go back inside when a marvelous sight seized his attention.

It was a red comet…..shooting across the sky with a terrible light. He had heard whispers in the palace all day about strange things, but it wasn't until he looked at the sky above him that he saw what it had been about.

The comet burned with a red flame that promised dark things to come and Caspian had no doubt that dark things would come. The maesters would no doubt ponder the meaning of this for the next few weeks and hear prophecy after prophecy about what it all meant.

Caspian didn't care for prophecy one whit. Making your own way was something he had learned to do in this thrice damned palace and he wouldn't about to let some bloody comet from gods knew where to dictate his fate.

As far as he was concerned that was solely in his hands and no one else's. If he wanted to help people he would, if wanted to say piss on them all and leave than he would. No one would stop him, least of all his idiotic boy king of a brother.

If he wished to flee to avoid this thrice damned war his brother had started than he would do so and piss on the consequences.

But the meaning of the red comet did puzzle him some. When Joffrey saw it he would no doubt pronounce it as a sign that the gods were blessing his rule and that he had been given the seven kingdoms by divine right.

Caspian scoffed. His brother was so far gone that he doubted he thought the sun would rise if he wasn't king. I won't stay long enough to watch my brother turn into Aerys the Mad and beggar the realm even further. His reign will perhaps be even more unstable than Aerys. Born of incest they both do bear that one thing in common.

He chuckled to himself and took a sip of the wine on the railing next to him. Gods he missed his uncle Tyrion. He missed having someone to talk to with a sharp mind who might counsel him on what to do.

Tyrion would probably know what he had done and though he might not have helped, he would perhaps have looked the other way. Tyrion knew how costly a war between the Seven Kingdoms would be. There was no way he would have allowed Joffrey to touch a hair on Lord Stark's head in his own capacity.

Ah well, it mattered not. The prisoners had escaped and by now his brother would have issued a formal decree naming them traitors and calling for all three of their heads.

It didn't matter that he had helped them escape.

War would have already been declared.

A flock of ravens flew through the dying periwinkle sky and Caspian wondered where they were being sent. No doubt to the allies of the Lannisters who would be told that open war was coming.

They won't go to Dorne, Caspian thought wryly. The Martell's still hate the Lannisters for what they did to Elia and her children. They won't go to the North, or to Pyke or to the East either. Perhaps they will go to the Reach but not the Stormlands. The Tyrells are really the Lannisters only allies. For a man who claims himself brilliant, his grandfather has done an excellent job of alienating all of the great houses in Westeros, many of whom want our heads.

Dorne, the Stormlands, and now the North….if they all joined forces than King's Landing would be ripe for the sacking.

There were really only three or perhaps four people in this world that he would kill to save and only two of them weren't in the castle. Perhaps it was foolish and hateful of him to not include his mother in that number, but he couldn't forgive her for what she had done to his potential siblings. Murdering children in the womb was a terrible, appalling and ghastly thing and Caspian would never be able to look at her the same way again.

No, he would save Tommen and Myrcella and then he would leave this place forever. He had no inclination to become the king in current scenario. If he was not in direct line for throne, he would rather never have to look on the city that bore its name ever again.

There was a sudden tap on the door and Caspian turned around. "Enter."

He was a little surprised to find eight year old Tommen standing there, bouncing from foot to foot as if he were nervous.

"Come in Tom," he asked shutting the door behind his little brother. "What's wrong?"

"Lord Stark's gone," he said quietly as if he were imparting some great secret. "And Sansa and Arya too. Joffrey's mad. He said they were traitors. But they weren't traitors right Caspian?"

Caspian knew his little brother had liked Sansa and thought her very beautiful and Caspian couldn't say his little brother was wrong. She had been very kind to him too during their stay and Caspian knew that had endeared her to the little boy.

He could tell he was sad that she was gone. Instead of telling his brother what he thought though, or spouting the answer that Joffrey was, Caspian led the small boy to the bed and sat him down.

"What do you think they were Tom?" he asked. "Do you think they were traitors? Don't tell me what Joffrey or what mother says. What do you say? Because it only matters what you think."

Tommen appeared to be thinking hard for a moment.

"I don't think they were traitors," he said finally. "They were too nice to be traitors."

Caspian chuckled. "It's not just about being nice Tom. It's about what a person does not says. Anyone can say anything they want and call it the truth but it's what they do that counts. So watch people….don't just listen to what they say…..watch what they do and how they do it and then you'll know if it's the truth."

Tommen nodded seriously. "I didn't see Sansa or Arya doing anything bad. I don't think they were traitors."

"Very well then," Caspian said. "So they weren't traitors. If you don't think they were traitors than they weren't. And don't let anyone tell you differently."

He bent down in front of the little boy and lifted his chin so that he looked at him. "But that doesn't mean you need to tell everyone what you believe. Be smart with what you know. Use it but be shrewd with it. Not everyone needs to know that you don't think the Starks were traitors. Because if they do than they might brand you a traitor too."

Tommen's eyes had grown very wide and he nodded vigorously. "But I can tell you right Caspian?"

The second prince ruffled his hair. "Yes little brother, you can always tell me."

"But don't tell mother and Joffrey?"

"No, them especially," Caspian said. "Come and talk to me or Uncle Tyrion when he gets back. But no one else. Do you understand?"

Tommen nodded solemnly. "Don't tell anyone but you."

"Good, now run along. I'm sure mother will be looking for you. Joff's coronation is going to be soon and she wants us all to be looking our best."

As soon as Tommen had vanished, Caspian lay back on the bed and tried to process what was going to happen in the next few days.

Joffrey was going to do everything in his power to find out who it was that had freed Ned and Sansa. If he couldn't, he would get angry and when he got angry he would start executing people.

And speaking of execution….

No doubt if Stark had been beheaded, Joffrey would have used the great Valyrian sword Ice to complete the deed. It would be just the sort of sick perversion that he would like.

Absently, Caspian wondered where the sword was. He would like to have a look at it. Ice had wielded by the Starks in the north since the days of the First Men.

Valyrian steel swords were hard to come by since the doom had come upon that great city centuries earlier. He wondered how the Starks had managed to procure it before Aegon the Conqueror had come to Westeros. Valyrian steel wasn't exactly easy to come by.

Caspian made a mental note that if he were to ever see the Starks again, he would return Ice to them.

In the meantime, he walked back out onto the balcony to observe the comet that was still streaking slowly across the sky. It did make him wonder if that type of flaming star could be seen all over the realm and perhaps even across the Narrow Sea.

It would certainly mean different things to all who had seen it and Caspian was sure that he was the only one who thought it was pretty much meaningless.

Not for the first time was he glad that Arya, Sansa and Lord Stark were well away. They would be in Dragonstone before long and Caspian hoped they had the good sense to lay low there before fleeing north and never coming back to the South.

Blood would run in the streets if they did.


The next few weeks passed quickly and Caspian was made more aware of the stupidity of his brother because instead of preparing for war and seeing to councils and the master of coin, his brother threw a tourney in honor of his coronation and expected all of his loyal subjects to attend.

Gods how he wanted to leave this place behind. Instead Caspian sat on a lower seat than his brother and watched as knights and the Hound battered themselves to pieces on shields and swords.

Of course the Hound was the winner of the tournament and the prize coins as well but that was to the surprise of no one. Sandor Clegane stood at least a head taller than any of the king's guards. Personally Caspian think that he didn't like or respect Joffrey one whit. He just did it because he was a Clegane and they were bannermen to the Lannisters.

Joffrey's bloodlust had been insatiable since the Stark's had escaped, but even he reached a new low when he ordered the execution of a young knight who was supposed to be jousting but was found sleeping in his tent instead.

When the torturous event had concluded Caspian followed his brother along with his guards into the Red Keep and greeted his mother who was watching the redecorating of the Red Keep.

"What is all this?" she asked.

"I'm returning this room to its proper appearance," Joffrey said haughtily and Caspian fought the urge to scoff. "Say what you will about the Targaryens, they were conquerors."

He pointed at the Iron Throne. "That is a seat for a conqueror. It needs a room to match it. Not vines and flowers."

Caspian cleared his throat and strolled up next to his mother. "I'm sure it will be the most frightening thing the Seven kingdoms had ever seen."

As usual Joffrey missed the scorn and looked at his younger brother with disdain.

Cersei interrupted an argument by stepping in however. "We can't find the Starks, we've looked everywhere. They fled some time in the night and haven't been seen since. There has been no sighting of them on the King's Road so we can only conclude that they fled to the harbor and have taken a boat north."

"With luck they're dead in a ditch somewhere," Joffrey said surprisingly sounding bored.

"We need them," Cersei insisted. "Jaime's as good as dead if we don't have them."

That was another thing that had happened in the last few weeks as well.

Following the escape of Lord Stark and half of the realm thinking him dead and the other half rallying for war, Uncle Jaime had ridden out against Robb Stark in battle and had been captured by the northmen. Caspian couldn't say he was entirely surprised. There was a reason his grandfather called his uncle the Golden Fool.

"They're weak," Joffrey scoffed. "They put too much value on their people."

He walked away from his mother and towards the throne and Caspian raised an eyebrow making no move to follow.

"We need to set our armies to the task of finding them," Cersei said following him. "We need to send out as many men as we can. I'm sure if you asked grandfather – "

"A king does not ask," Joffrey interrupted her. "He commands. My grandfather's stupidity in the field of battle is the reason they have uncle Jaime in the first place."

His stupidity? Caspian thought wryly. You have to look no further for the definition of that than yourself dearest brother.

"His life is in danger," Cersei said and her tone became slightly pleading, surprising Caspian. Perhaps she cares more for him than he had thought initially.

Joffrey who had been looking at the throne turned back and sneered at his mother. "We're at war….all our lives are in danger."

Than he paused and his expression changed speculative. "I heard a disgusting lie about Uncle Jaime….and you."

At this Caspian, who was still calmly observing the decorating perked his ears up. Did you now?

Cersei's expression didn't change but Caspian thought he saw a flash of fear in her eyes. "Our enemies will say anything to weaken your claim to the throne."

An excellent save mother, now what are you going to tell him if Robb Stark and Uncle Stannis start quoting the rumors as true. Ned Stark is probably there right now no doubt and has told Stannis everything.

"It's not a claim," Joffrey said as if he were speaking to a slow minded fool. "The throne is mine."

"Of course it is," Cersei said indulgently as if not wanting to start an argument and took a few steps closer as if she were trying to placate her son. "No one believes this foul gossip."

"Someone believes it," Caspian said calmly making his appearance known which brought the attention of Cersei and Joffrey to him.

Joffrey cast him a look but turned back to Cersei. "Father had other children? Besides me and Tommen and Myrcella that is?"

"What are you asking?" Cersei asked and Caspian could hear the unease in her voice.

"I'm asking if she slept with other women when he grew tired of you," Joffrey said lowering his voice but still loud enough for Caspian to hear him and the second prince drifted closer.

"How many bastards does he have running – "

The cool quiet of work in the keep was broken with the loud crack of a slap.

Even Caspian was surprised to see that his mother had back handed Joffrey across the face. No one looked more surprised than Joffrey however who was staring at her with a steadily growing welt on his face the exact size of her handprint.

Joffrey's first thought was to look around at those who had ceased their work to stare in astonishment at the exchange and at his eyes, everyone quickly went back to work.

He glared at his mother. "What you just did….is punishable by death. You will never do it again."

Caspian wanted to scoff from where he stood. The boy was so arrogant he would forget the woman who birthed.

No wonder many of the Targaryens were insane, he thought to himself. Incest addles the mind and clouds the thoughts. How is it that Tommen and Myrcella escaped it then?

He quietly turned and left the throne room. No one noticed his presence, but he decided in that moment that he needed to be as far away from his brother and the time couldn't come soon enough that he would leave King's Landing behind for good.

If his brother reacted that way over a mere slap, than there was no telling what he would do if he found out that Caspian had been the one to set the Starks free.

It was time to plan.


The war outside their door continued raging on and raven after raven was sent to King's Landing about the state of the war all of which Cersei tore up and burned in the fire.

Caspian would see this and scoff. My mother is almost as idiotic as my brother.

The one bright spot came one afternoon at another small tourney that Joffrey had thrown to celebrate his coronation.

Caspian was in the small council chambers with his mother and the rest of the council but he imagined it must have been a sight to see his little uncle ride up on a horse with over a hundred clansmen from the Vale following him.

Tommen and Myrcella were pleased to see him though Joffrey couldn't care less. Caspian was greeted by his uncle when he swaggered into the small council chamber to the shock and dismay of his mother.

He was sitting on the stool he had normally sat in when Ned Stark was hand of the king when all of a sudden he heard whistling which drew the attention of everyone in the room.

"Don't get up."

Caspian looked up and felt a genuine smile cross his face for the first time in weeks, for walking into the room ahead of him was his favorite Uncle Tyrion.

"Uncle!" he called and dashed forward before getting to one knee so he could hug the one person, he had missed most of all in the damnable place.

Tyrion gave a real smile upon seeing his favorite nephew and clapped him on the back. "There you are boy, good to see you."

"It's good to see you too uncle."

"What are you doing here?" Cersei asked as if he were something the cat dragged in and Caspian stifled the urge to roll his eyes.

"It's been a remarkable journey," Tyrion commented as he walked to the other end of the table and sat down in the spot where the Hand would normally sit. "I pissed off the edge of the wall, I slept in a sky cell, I fought with the hill tribes….so many adventures."

He said all this as he poured himself a glass of wine and swirled it around before taking a sip from the flagon. "So much to be thankful for."

"What are you doing here? This is the small council?" Cersei demanded again not liking not having her questions answered.

Caspian settled back on his stool and folded his hands in his lap to watch the fun commence. It was always entertaining when his mother and his uncle went at each other like a pair of lions. Similar to how he and Joffery went with each other in bout of words.

"Yes," Tyrion said as if that were obvious and he had no idea why she needed to say it. "Well I believe the Hand of the King is welcome at all small council meetings."

"Father is the Hand of the King," Cersei said as if she were trying to explain a difficult concept to a child.

"Yes but, in his absence," Tyrion said and pulled out a small rolled up piece of parchment from the pocket of his jerkin and passed it to Varys all without breaking eye contact from his sister.

Caspian grinned, knowing instantly what it was. I wonder how she'll deal with this.

"Lord Tywin Lannister has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead while he fights – "

"Out! All of you out!" Cersei demanded and Pycelle, Varys, Littlefinger and the rest of the members of the small council got to their feet and hurried from the room.

Caspian however was tucked up on his stool in the corner. His mother had barely paid attention to him since he had arrived there and hadn't once looked in his direction. Tyrion meanwhile kept on sipping his wine as if he hadn't a care in the world.

Cersei got up and walked over to the seat next to him. "I would like to know how you tricked father into this."

Tyrion scoffed. "If I were capable of tricking father I would be emperor of the world by now. You brought this on yourself."

Caspian snorted and his mother finally became aware of his presence. "Caspian I thought I asked for everyone to leave the room."

"No mother you asked for all the members of the small council to leave the room. I'm not a member of the small council," he drawled and Tyrion smirked into his wine glass.

Cersei glared at her second eldest but said no more.

"I've done nothing," she said to her brother.

"Quite right, you did nothing. When your son had Ned Stark imprisoned and wanted him to be executed, did you not think that the entire North would rise up against us?"

"The man was a traitor!" Cersei protested. "He was making false accusations and treasonous words against the crown!"

"And what were these treasonous words?" Tyrion asked. "Even in Vale the last edict of Robert were heard. Didn't the late king make it clear that Ned Stark was to serve as King Regent until Joffrey was a little older? Why did you not do that? Your son would still have held the throne."

"Don't be an idiot!" Cersei hissed. "The man was threatening me and the children, he had to be disposed of."

"Well you seem to have done just that," Tyrion said. "Three Starks are missing, the entire North has risen up against us in outrage at what you and your son did and they won't stop until they get their liege lord back. Then there are the topic of these…..rumors I've been hearing."

Cersei cast a quick eye towards Caspian. "And just what filthy lies have you heard this time?"

"I believe, you know," Tyrion said. "And it won't be long before others start to believe them. Have you found Ned Stark?"

"No," Cersei snapped. "The Northern bastard disappeared with his daughters sometime in the night about a week ago. I don't know where they've gone nor do I must care."

"Well you should," Tyrion countered. "Robb Stark has won every battle he's fought and he has captured our brother. That should give you cause for concern. If you find the Starks you might be able to bring your son's uncle Jaime home and if not well….."

He left the question open ended but Caspian was sure his mother knew the answer to it.

"Do you understand what losing this war will mean?" he continued.

"What do you know about warfare?" Cersei asked.

"Nothing," Tyrion shrugged. "But I know people. And I know that our enemies hate each other almost as much as they hate us."

Cersei was quiet for a long time. "Joffrey is king."

"Joffrey is king," Tyrion agreed.

"You are here to advise him."

"I'm only here to advise him."

Caspian turned toward the window and absently looked at the sunlight coming in. He's going to need more than advice if you hope to keep him from running this realm into the ground uncle.

"And if the King listens to what I say he may just get his uncle Jaime back."

Now that was interesting.

"How?" Cersei asked quietly.

"We can only sue for peace at the point," Tyrion said. "The Starks are lost to us since you let one escape. Let's assume for the moment that Ned Stark is dead. If he died here in the south the north with raze King's Landing before they ever let your son sit on the throne for imprisoning him. And if the rumors surrounding him and the rest of the children are true – "

"They're. Not. True." Cersei said through gritted teeth and Tyrion took a sip of his wine. Caspian was trying not to smile.

"Let's be generous and assume they're not," Tyrion went on, subtly jabbing his sister with his words. He knew they were true. "How are you going to prove that? The entire realm wouldn't let someone they believe is not of the King's seed to sit on the throne."

"Is this council you're giving or harbingers singing our doom," Cersei snapped.

Caspian could see her hand was shaking slightly as if she were nervous and his irritation spiked slightly at the hideous lie she was carrying.

"You don't have the Starks," Tyrion said. "And there is no way to sue for peace without them so when they make their demands you're going to have to give in to them and agree only in exchange for Jaime's safe return."

Cersei seemed to be considering the idea and Caspian for his part thought it was the smartest thing someone had said in the small council meeting all morning."

"Father won't agree to that," she said quietly.

"Father won't have much of a choice," Tyrion countered. "And Father's not here. So unless you want your brother's head delivered to you on a spike you'll do what I say. You know father won't forgive you if that happens."

He took a sip of his wine. "It must be hard for you…..to be the disappointing child for once."

He drained his glass and got to his feet, sliding off the chair. "Caspian my boy, come with my to my rooms, there's something from the hill tribes that I want to give you."

Caspian spared a glance at his mother as he followed his uncle out of the room.

She hadn't moved an inch in her seat.


Tyrion's gift for him turned out to be a small knife he had picked in the fight with the hill tribes. The blade was simple and only about as long as his hand but Caspian had learned a while ago not to underestimate any weapon because all could be dangerous given the intent and the strength behind it.

The hilt was smooth hammered bronze and fit comfortably in his hand. It was an excellent weapon to conceal on someone either in the boot or in a pocket in the jerkin.

Caspian had become accustomed to never underestimating someone and it would be good to know he would have something to defend himself with if he were ever disarmed.

After that his uncle left to begin on his duties as acting Hand of the King and Caspian didn't see him for the rest of the day so he was surprised when the following day, his uncle called him to his rooms saying he wanted to speak with him.

"Now," his uncle said as soon as he had shut the door to his room. "Tell me about the former hand. How did everything happen the way it did?"

Caspian raised an eyebrow at his favorite uncle. "Uncle what makes you think that I would know anything about this?"

"You were here were you not?" Tyrion asked. "Your father did bid you farewell before he died didn't he?"

Caspian nearly grimaced but controlled his facial features just in time. "Of course he did. He called for me and Joffrey but not Tommen and Myrcella. He wanted to say his goodbyes. It seemed the man was full of regrets."

Tyrion looked at him with a perceptive eye and Caspian knew his uncle was reading him like a book. He was the only one who really could.

"He was not a good king but your father loved you," he said gently and Caspian scoffed. He didn't want to get into this discussion with his uncle. He had never liked his father because Robert was too busy drinking and whoring to pay attention to his children.

"Forgive me uncle by why the sudden defense of the late King Robert? I thought you hated the man."

Tyrion grimaced slightly. "I did not hate him. I admit I had my differences with our stag king but they were not to point of hating him. There were those who loved him quite well, Jon Arryn, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon and Ned Stark."

"Yes and none of them are here to sing their praises of the man, so what is it that you are getting at?"

Tyrion finally got to the point. "When was the last time you saw Ned Stark?"

Caspian placed a hand over his heart feigning a wound. "Why dearest uncle are you accusing me of something?"

Tyrion rolled his eyes. "Just answer the question lad. When was the last time you saw Lord Stark?"

Caspian stopped in the corridor and folded his arms across his chest. "The last time I saw father alive. We left the room before he did."

Tyrion nodded, not seeming the least bit convinced. "Indeed. Now how about you cease with the falsehoods and tell me the truth?"

Caspian raised an eyebrow. "Uncle that is the truth."

"Don't lie to me boy. I spent more time with you than your own mother when you were growing. I taught you how to lie and so did your grandfather. I know exactly when you're lying and when you're telling the truth. And you are doing the former right now."

Inside, Caspian's heart was pounding. How in the seven bloody hells does he know?!

"I know you," Tyrion continued. "You do not suffer injustice, you're far more intelligent than your mother and brother will ever be and though you may deny it you have a heart that burns for righteousness. If it had been within your power to free Lord Stark than you would have and as it turns out it was within your power."

Caspian fought to remain calm. "What makes you so certain that I would have done something like that?"

Instead of answering, Tyrion tugged him down the hall and into one of the rooms he was occupying during his stay. Once the door was shut and locked he turned to his nephew.

"My dear nephew, you underestimate me. I have known you all your life and you would have been the only one intelligent enough to realize the danger of executing Lord Stark and reigning blood down on the Seven Kingdoms. Your brother is mad but you are not and if there hadn't been a way of convincing your brother that Lord Stark should not be executed than you would have done it. There wasn't."

Caspian stared stonily at his uncle, knowing that it was useless to argue any further as Tyrion seemed adamant about rooting the truth from him. "I don't know what you're talking about Uncle. Why should I care one whit about the Starks?"

Tyrion regarded him coolly. "Fine. Take that attitude, but the reason that you should care is that the entire north has risen up against us for our imprisonment of Lord Stark and though some know of his timely escape others still think him dead, his wife and son for one. And they will not rest until he is brought to them and this whole thrice damned city is brought to justice."

Caspian was too busy wondering how his uncle seemed so adamant that he had freed the Starks.

"Again Uncle if I am as you say I am, what makes you think that I would have something to do with this. When I could just as easily have talked to my brother about it?"

"One, because you are no fool and for the second reason you wouldn't happen to know who the owner of this is do you?"

He held up a small blade bearing the head of a stag on it along with an elegantly shaped small C.

Impossible, Caspian thought in a panic. He had brought the knife back to his room and cleaned it before going to bed after coming back from the harbor. How had his uncle gotten hold of it?

And then he had a terrible thought.

Wherever he went he had always carried two knives on him for protection no matter where he put his feet. He had known about the existence of one when he went to free Lord. Stark but had completely forgotten about the other.

"I've seen you carrying this knife before," Tyrion went on. "You've shown it to me. In fact I believe it's the one your father give you on your tenth name day. Strange that it should be found down in the black cells don't you think?"

Caspian was trying very hard not to panic. He was sure he had been so careful not to leave anything behind but he had been in such a rush and his plans hadn't been the best laid ones because of the amount of time he had been given to plan an escape.

How in the Seven Hells did this happen? He thought wildly. I was sure I only carried one blade not two!

"Who else knows?" he asked finally through gritted teeth.

"A servant of Lord Baelish was showing me around the Black Cells trying to ascertain how Lord Stark escaped and we happened to chance upon it. He didn't know who it belonged to, only I did. You are lucky that I am now the second most powerful man in the kingdom so I was able to confiscate it without too much trouble."

Caspian stifled a curse. This couldn't have been worse.

"Calm down lad, Lord Baelish doesn't know of its existence, yet for I recognized the knife right away and told him I would look into it. As far as I know he hasn't breathed a word of it to the Master of Coin and let us hope it remains that way. But you cannot remain here."

"Uncle?" Caspian asked in alarm.

"You are my favorite nephew," Tyrion went on, "and if your brother should ever learn the truth of what happened he would have your head on a spike in place of where Lord Stark's would have been."

Caspian swallowed hard. Things were happening too fast.

"You obviously have a plan uncle," he said. "What did you have in mind?"

"Listen carefully," Tyrion said. "Along with the Starks, your uncle Stannis has declared war on the Lannisters but he does not pose the greatest threat at the moment because he is on Dragonstone and has not the men to take King's Landing. His brother Renly however, does."

"What do you want me to do?" Caspian asked getting right to the point.

"Renly is still in Storm's End," Tyrion went on. "I want you to go there as an envoy and sue for peace. He will listen to you more than he would your brother because you are actually his own flesh and the rightful heir. He may listen to you. Renly is stubborn and impetuous but he is loved by the people. He may think you are too young to wear the crown and thus may perhaps once he deposes Joffrey. He could be the King Regent in your stead until he feels you are ready to rule the realm."

The information was whirling past Caspian's head at the moment. He was still trying to process the fact that his uncle knew and in time perhaps other people would know. At the same time he was cursing his carelessness. He had been in a rush but that was no excuse.

"Are you sending me away Uncle?" Caspian asked.

"It's for your own safety. You will sail for Storm's End, meet with your uncle and hopefully convince him to cease this war before it is out of our hands for good. If he listens to you than perhaps this war will be brought to heel. But if he doesn't at least you are out of harm's way should your brother find out."

"You don't think he will though?" Caspian asked suddenly feeling very much uneasy.

"I don't know what's going to happen," Tyrion said. "These are dark times nephew and if I can possibly have the rightful king to the Seven Kingdoms safe and out of the way to take his rightful place on the throne when it is all over then I will sleep better at night."

Caspian heaved a deep sigh knowing then that he had no choice in the matter. "If I may make one request then?"


"If something should happen and I can't convince my uncle to cease fighting and the forces of Stark and Baratheon come to the city, would you please ensure that Tommen and Myrcella are safe? I want to send Tommen to foster in Winterfell, Lord Stark will be good to him. I don't have many plans for Myrcella at the moment but I'm sure you'll think of something or other."

Tyrion's face softened. "Of course nephew. I would see no harm come to them either. Tomorrow you will go to the small council meeting and tell your mother that you have come up with an idea for peace since the realm cannot afford a war. She may no doubt protest against it but you are to convince her that you are the best chance the realm has of convincing your uncle to stand down. She cannot argue against it and if I am there to back up your claims there is no way she will able to refuse. Joffery would not even mind you away from the capital."

Caspian swallowed hard. "It seems your plans are airtight uncle currently."

"Even the best laid plans can go awry," Tyrion said wryly. "Your plan was a good one and an intelligent one to avoid war but sometimes fate intervenes in the best laid plans. Now go and assemble your things. There is a ship leaving in the next few days for Storms End. I want you on it."

"Very well then," Caspian said solemnly. "If I should not see you before the end of this war than farewell uncle, and stay safe."

Quickly he turned and left his uncle's rooms trying not to run as he hurried back down the halls to his chambers.

You knew this day was going to come eventually, he thought to himself closing the door behind him. You were always planning on leaving and now it's happening a little earlier than you expected.

Uncle Tyrion is right. He cannot be anywhere in the vicinity of Joffrey should he ever find out that he was the one to free Lord Stark. Uncle Renly will be good to him and should he fail to convince him to sue for peace, at least he'll be safe and out of the way.

After that he quieted his mind and set himself to packing. It would be a some time in these chambers and in this keep for quite a while.


Fate can make even the best plan be awry. The knife plot was to indicate that Caspian isn't some all knowing planner. He's a smart kid but he didn't very well have much time to fool proof the plan of Stark's escape. Thankfully though Tyrion is back and is hiding the truth for him. However he doesn't want Caspian in King's Landing should the worst happen and Joffrey discover the presence of the knife. So under the guise of a peacekeeping mission he is sending Caspian to Storm's End to his uncle to ask him to stand down. And if doesn't work than at least Caspian's safe there. 

I know that Renly went with Robert at his last hunt and was near his death bed. For the purposes of this story Renly is still at Storm's End. Next chapter shall be Caspian journey toward Storm’s End and some indication to future plot. 

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