
[3 + a short glimpse of Elaine's Character Profile]

Once again. I am not finished with her character profile that needs more development on how that story goes on, but I decided to only show half of it to your readers.

Anyways here's the Character Profile (unfinished)

Name: Elaine Ragnvindr

Species: Demi-Servant, Human(?)

Age: Still 10

Birthday: November 18th (The date where Crepus found her)

Gender: Female

Hair: like Mash/Tachie but little longer with light gray color often mistook as silver or white

Eye Colour: Royal Blue

Alignment: Neutral-Good

Constellation: Orationem Domini 'The Lord's Prayer' (True), Gemini Scutum (False)

Hidden Attribute: Star

Armaments: Shield, Sword,

Element: Light and Void

Origin: Crown [unawakened]

Parameters (It would change once Elaine is old enough)

[STR] C- [END] B- [AGL] C+

[LUK] A+ [MANA] A [NP] ?

That's it for now and I am sorry that it took so long because I have done so much baking cookies in the past two weeks for christmas and please enjoy reading dear readers.


"What in the world is this?" Elaine was in shock as she saw the white door which Galahad didn't understand either why that door appeared in her inner world.

"I don't know but we should not go near to that thing. Who knows what inside the door might lead. It could be a trap." He suggested. Elaine agreed with him, yes, but, oddly, she felt drawn to open it as if someone calls her.

"I think, I should go back," Elaine said without hesitation.

The longer she stays here at her reality marble; she would receive a migraine when she is in the reality.

Galahad nodded, "I'll keep an eye on that thing and will tell when it did something."

As she disappeared, the knight touched the door and sighed under his breath.

"It's about to start... Fighting against fate begins far from her journey... What answers will await from her? Until the door remains closed... We have so much time to spend together."








"I wonder what this crossroad will take us off that blank future of this world?"


"Ah..." The grey-haired girl gritted her teeth and hold her head which someone rushed to her as was about to collapse.

"Oi! Are you alright?" The boy with blonde hair and green eyes asked in worry.


Elaine said nothing when he caressed his hand on her back gently and slowly turned her head towards him, "I'm fine. Thank you for asking," she answered and the boy didn't believe her but he did not ask any further as the blonde-haired boy knew she doesn't listen to him.

"Is that so? Then can I ask what you were doing here?" He asked, his eyes lowered to her hand which holds a wooden sword.

"I was just practicing my sword arts." She simply said that the boy widen his eyes in amazement.

"Oooh! No wonder why Varka has an eye on you!" He pointed it out. Elaine eyed him in confusion.

"I don't understand what you mean that the grandmaster of Favonius has an eye on me."

She didn't understand why the Grand Master has an eye on her for whatever reason. The demi-servant is not even that special compared to Diluc who received his pyro vision from the gods here in Teyvat which people favored the vision users as they have the potential to ascend godhood.

'Visions are like similar to the holy grail since humans with big ambitions are giving one elemental vision while here world in other hands, a magus who received command spells from the grail and summons a random Standard Class Servant with a medium like certain items that Heroic Spirits connected with and used them from their desire to reach the roots... no matter the cost was... they would even cause a disaster as well.'

The blonde-haired boy eyed her strangely, "Are you kidding me? Varka has quite an interest of you to join in one of the knights of Favonius once you become sixteen to be a squire or so that I've heard by my parents as they are amazed how you fighting like you want to protect something since you used your shield as a weapon."

Elaine put a pained expression on her face as she heard that.

"I'm sorry that I going to say this but I'm not going to join the knights of Favonius even though I get an offer of it."

He gaped at her in disbelief, "Eh?! Why? Even a merchant son like me knows that is like rejecting someone who made amazing production and becoming a fool when another merchant going to that well said, person."

The demi-servant just gave a thin smile at him and her eyes made him feel guilty.

"Well, it is my own choice to do it or not..." She paused and unsheathed the dulled sword, "Rather than becoming a knight and serving a god who is bare there is frustrating for me what our Archon is thinking. So, it's for my best to become an adventurer and cut ties with Mondstadt to explore freely in Teyvat and going beyond."

Elaine finished that the boy who is going with his parents to Inazuma since they are traveling merchant who has no ties here in Mondstadt even though his mother is a Mondstadter and he grew up here, felt a deep kinship with her and he doesn't know why he felt this way even though they only just meet.

The boy understands her now like he knows her for a long time and smiled ear to ear with his eyes closed.

"I see... That's a fine dream that you have, uh..." He now realized that he had forgotten to introduce himself and put on an awkward smile while rubbing his messy hair which the demi-servant giggled softly as his face turned pink. Then she stretched her hand out of him that the blond-haired boy took her hand from out his instinct.

"My name is Elaine Ragnvindr. It's nice to meet you and thanks for the compliments but it is a step from my true wish to materialize it someday."

"Call me Thoma without an S. Please don't ask why. My father was the one who did this which my mother literary killed him." He joked lightly about his name origin which the demi-servant has an odd smile on her face.

Thoma lightly squeezed her small hands as they shook their hands firmly since it's Mondstadts custom to greet someone like that.

'Her hands are so delicate and small like her body structure... How is that even possible for her to carry such a heavy shield with her frail-looking hands?'

He softly sighed and Elaine looked at him questionable then eyed her shield that lies against the wall.

"I was jealous when I got to think about that you joining the knights someday, but right now when I heard you don't want to become one. I realized I was also selfish at the same time because I don't want to leave Mondstadt and my friends behind."

The gray-haired girl also glanced over to her shield with a thoughtful gaze.

"Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Thoma. This gives me also some thoughts on not leaving this city behind, but we humans can come and go as they pleased which we someday travel back where we belong even if they are changing, they're still there for you. Which I believe that you will return to the city of wines and songs as nothing is set in stone after all."

The Demi-Servant softly encouraged him which Thoma was thought carefully as she said that to him.

'It... doesn't sound wrong about someday going back to my homeland.'

Elaine gives him so much hope for Thoma and he was about to open up his mouth to say something but it was interrupted as someone, a tall man coughed his throat to gain their attention and turned their heads towards him.

It was Cyrus, the branch master of Mondstadt's Adventures' Guild that Elaine Ragvindr looked to him.

"Branch Guild Master Cyrus!" Elaine blurted his name out without a second thought and covered her mouth in embarrassment which Cryus chuckled heartily at her and ruffled her head.

"Hahaha... Just call me Cyrus will you? I'm glad that so young as you have the urge to search the stars and beyond which I also apologized for eavesdropping but I have to inform you something about your next opponent."

The gray-haired girl raised an eyebrow in suspicion so did Thoma as well because it's too early announced to her as Diluc and Kaeya are still fighting at each other that the audience is hyped.

"The thing is... The other two guys who were supposed to fight at each other, are reported to be missing."

"What did you just say?" Yelled Thoma in shock while the demi-servant standing frozen with widening eyes when she heard the news.

"Unfortunately..." Paused Cyrus grimly, "They just mysteriously just left and we asked many people including their parents were they last seen them before, with aid of the knights, we didn't find them and no clues have been found."

"Without a clue..." Repeated Elaine with a deep thought who the mastermind behind all of this. The Fatui diplomats are out from her page as it doesn't make any sense they are involved in the disappearance of the children since they have other matters to do which leaves only the abyss order, disguised bandit, or an unknown party.

'You can also add the fairies under your list because they are known for kidnapping younger humans and so on.' Galahad commented that Elaine sighed in frustration as she couldn't help since she doesn't have experience in that field yet.

"I have some confession to make, Elaine and Thoma. You two are the only ones who know about it that the Knights wanted to keep silent about it and I ask if you don't tell a soul about it." He pleaded which Galahad scoffed inside Elaine's head while Thoma looked at him in disbelief.

"B-but it feels wrong to keep quiet about a-and what about their parents? They should have the right to know about this!"

Cyrus looked away from them grimly, and he was quiet which leaves a bitter taste for him that Elaine realized something that made her sense.

"They don't have parents or legal guardians... am I right?" She asked quietly and the branch guild master couldn't help but nod to her question.


It was something that even Thoma understand. An orphan's life without parents or legal guardians even with the care of the church has the difficulty to taking care of themselves in their adulthood as they lacked the money to rent an apartment which was why every child wanted either become an adventure or a squire of the knights of Favonius for money.

'Well... Considered the fact that parentless children are easy targets that no one will ever their body.' Commented Galahad which Elaine didn't say anything to him when she asked Cyrus.

"Are you telling us that something will happen to me as well along with Thoma?"

"Yes... While your brothers are still fighting against each other. I was worried that the mysterious invader, also has eyes on you or Thoma since aristocrat - and merchant children are their main targets after all."

The demi-servant and the merchant's son pursed their lips into a frown. From what the Mondstadt branch guild master said was true that they are the main targets... but why was it not them?

'I have the feeling that it will not be the last time...' Elaine's instinct hasn't betrayed her that her life will be more than just a 'journey'.

Galahad nodded in her mindscape in agreement.

'Never let your guard down when you travel with a stranger. You cannot be so sure that everyone can be good and stay vigilant.'


They all decided to leave this heavy subject be with their guard up if they saw a suspicious person who follow them behind.

"...You should know that adventurer's life is harsher than the knights have, Elaine. Don't get me wrong, I like that such a person like you to have the drive to explore Teyvat. However, even letting children become one is a slim chance since this tournament is an easy gateway ticket but the real trial is more to it as it is since the outside world are full of dangers." Cyrus told Elaine with a hardened gaze that Thoma's body trembled in fear while the gray-haired outlander just gave him a lovely smile.

"I know. I'm not afraid of whatever these trials maybe, if I fail then I will do it all over again. I am not a glass or a doll you can keep in your home, I am a human being that strives." Her blue eyes shines like a gem as she spoke with authority and determination to keep walking to her path that she believed. Which Cyrus and Thoma couldn't help but awed at her a little.

The Branch Guild Master then smiled. "Be prepared. Your trial begins Tomorrow as we are going with that boy's parent to Liyue."



"So, brother. How about we bet something?" Kaeya panted lightly and raised his sword against Diluc with a smirk as if he has a cunning plan that has a risk but he was also selfish because of the certain girl who Kaeya doesn't see as a sister which he also felt bad at the same time.

The red-haired boy observed him in wary since he was used to it of his little trick on his sleeve and raised his claymore at him that the blue-haired boy dodged easily with ease.

"Don't use your tricks this time, Kaeya. Whatever it is, I will not fall from it this time." Diluc told him coldly that Kaeya clicked his tongue however, he doesn't give up that early as used this method that he swears this would seriously kill him but he take the risk.

"Hahaha... That's too bad. However, did you know?" Kaeya jumped far away from him that the claymore hit the hard ground, "Adelheid told me something very interesting things about how you sneaked to Elaine's room in the night when we were younger and you stole her-" He cut by Diluc as the redhead saw this an opportunity to shut his brother's mouth up.

"Say one word or I will cut your tongue so you cannot speak anymore." Diluc threated him as he whispered to Kaeya's ear who just smirked as he has a death wish.

"I didn't know that my brother has some guts to steal Elaine's bloomers of all things you picked." He bluntly commented with a cold smirk.

With that Diluc was entirely like a tomato and was in his berserker mode and swings his claymore at Kaeya who has dodged it like a ninja from Inazuma.

"You have a death wish then, Kaeya!"


"Say Crepus..." Romani called out the man's name beside him in a very calm voice that he didn't react even a bit, "Don't you think your sons seem to overboard a little down there?" The doctor pointed out as Diluc violently struck his claymore with a red face at Kaeya which the blue-haired boy dodged quickly when he rolled away and clashed his dull sword with a mischievous grin on his face like he has a cunning plan under his sleeve which was teasing his brother in arms playfully yet serious at the same time.

Crepus blinked tiredly his eyes once and sighed. "Honestly, I don't know what Kaeya told Diluc which he successfully managed to anger him whatever he did."

Which the pink-haired man laughed lowly with him and thought.

'It seems to me like Mozart and Henri fighting over Marie Antoinette since the boys who fighting at each other for their crush like in a drama, that I have seen a lot of drama shows back in my old world where I watch it alongside with Ritsuka-chan who recommended that to me...' His mind was empty when he was thinking a lot about the last master who he loved so dearly in his heart and he twisted his lip, 'I deserved a slap/kick from her for leaving her and Chaldea.'

(Romani didn't know at the time that Ritsuka was pregnant at the time and servants are looking for him if he was still alive then they beat him up to death which Ereshkigal gives his life back and they could start over it again which IS real torture from hell.)

Is the humanity order going to be fine without his presence? What if it doesn't go so well as he looking for?

Those questions always appear sometimes in his mind that he doesn't have the answers to what happened when he erased himself from the throne of heroes under his true name.

"...Romani? Romani?"

The pink-haired man snapped his mind as Crepus called him and turned his face to the man beside him who looks very worried about him.

"Mm? Did you say something, Crepus?" Asked Romani with a smile that doesn't reach through his tired eyes which Crepus was worried about him.

"You seemed to be distracted by something in your mind, so I couldn't help but call you out from whatever what's bothering you." He commented that Romani fixed his fluffy hair in embarrassment.

"Oh? Is that so? Then you have my thanks..." His green eyes swayed away from him as he focused on the match which Kaeya, unfortunately, lose against Diluc who seemed to be calmed down that the former grand caster was curious why the navy blue-haired boy who was born in the same region as Dainsleif, caused his opponent getting very mad/embarrassing about what he said to him which the crowds didn't hear that because of the distance. Romani believes Kaeya could do more than that since he could tell how cautious the child was.

Crepus decided not to dwell too much about the pink-haired doctor's mind if Romani want to tell something, he could do it if he wanted to since the Ragnvindr Head put his trust in him as Elaine told him about her story.

"Come to think of it, since it's one hour break how about we visit my children down there?" He pointed his finger over his shoulder as Crepus invited Romani who wasn't thinking a lot about as he nodded and they headed down.


"Ow! Ow! It stings..." Hissed Kaeya as Elaine rubbed gently alcohol to his wounds and bandaged them as well with an apologetic smile on her face while the red-haired boy just huffed and crossed his arms.

"I did say that it hurt a little, Kaeya." She told Kaeya who smiled at her tender then turned her head towards her other brother with a blank expression.

"Diluc. May I ask what made you angry that you go berserk to swing your claymore like this? I hope this wouldn't happen again once you are entering the knights of Favonius."

Elaine was mildly disappointed and gave him a look as Diluc looked away from them and muttered under his breath that Kaeya was at fault to pick on his mind, which the Demi-Servant only sighed and tighten Kaeya's bandage a little that made him yelp.

"It's too tight, Elaine! Too tight!"

"I need to properly tighten them up so that those unknown bacteria don't infect your wounds and leave a scar." Elaine bluntly told and added, "Also don't tease your brother too much since you are also joining together to the knights of Favonius. My wish is that only see you guys supporting each other even in the harsh time when I am gone tomorrow and return about a week, I believe."

The Boys blinked at what she said then they spoke one word at the same time like they are twins.


Elaine shoved their face back as they yelled at her face too closely while Thoma was just holding back his laugh to the scenery that he witnesses and the blonde-haired boy approaches them.

"I don't know what exactly happen even though I was there when they talking about that ."

They now noticed Thoma who stood beside Elaine with a goofy smile that the demi-servant scratched gently on her face.

"...And who might you be?" Asked Diluc with a calm tone while underneath he felt overprotective as Thoma and Elaine getting along so well.

"Pardon me for not introducing myself. My name is Thoma." The blonde-haired boy introduced himself and he explained the situation which Kaeya and Diluc were thinking deep then a knocking behind the door was heard, that Thoma and Elaine looking at each other.

"Who's there?" She asked cautiously while Thoma hold his polearm tightly which the brothers were puzzled by their action.

"It's just us. Your father and the doctor, Romani." The Ragnvindr's children brighten their faces and Elaine opens the door.

As Crepus saw that they are doing well, he was relieved while the red-haired boy rushed to his father and hugged him. The pink-haired man behind him however, glanced to Elaine who was finished the first aid to Kaeya's wounds which he couldn't help bit inspecting her work that Kaeya received an intense stare from him and stepped a little away from him.

Romani noticed his anxiety towards him that he cleared the misunderstanding. "I'm sorry for making you feel this way. I was just looking to your bandages, if it fit properly."

The blue-haired boy nodded to his logical explanation then Kaeya turned towards to his sister who was talking to Crepus about the news about that she was going to be adventurer sooner than expected which the red-haired man was happy that she follow her own path independent and sad that she grows too quickly but it was the best for her.

"That's good to hear that you need one more step to achieve your goal, Elaine." He petted Elaine's hair gently with a tender smile on his face, "Make sure to write for us about what you experience in Liyue and come back home safetly."

The gray-haired girl nodded in enthusiastic which her eyes glittered like a gem.

"I'll make sure to write and please don't worry about me since I am a big girl after all."

Crepus embraced her with a hug which Diluc and Kaeya did the same with small tears from their eyes while Romani and Thoma watched them from afar.

"And make sure when you met a strange man approaching you strangely during your travel, just punch him in the gut. Okay?"

Elaine sweatdropped when her father said that to her with an odd glint in his eyes.

[Somewhere. Several mens who were living different lifes sneezed violently as if someone talking to them behind their backs some of them are immortals who wondering what it means]

"Okay... I will do that." She slowly said to him and turned her head to Romani who was observing them while Thoma .

"Romani Archaman." Elaine spoked out his name, "This may be a little rushing but when you finish talking about my father, do you have also have time to talk to me later?"

The doctor stared at her for a long time when she asked with eyes of steel and he saw a mixing image of Mash Kyrielight and his Fujimaru Ritsuka in here. He made his decision and kneeled down to her with a thin smile.

"That's fine for me." His words are simple yet it has deep meaning behind it as well as he also putted his hand on her shoulder.


'I always wondering why I was chosen to come to this world... Am I living for others or for myself?'

Elaine jumped back when she was nearly hit by Diluc's claymore and stepped forward with both shield and sword.

'This world has so many dangerous secrets...'

She abandoned her sword that is now stuck into the ground and quickly clashed her shield against it then she used her leg to kick her brother's face who was stepped back as she did it.


Smiled as she took her training sword and slashed heavily one handed to Diluc who blocked it which was a fatal mistake.

'When the day has come that I had to leave. I want to write everything, so I want to Kaeya and Diluc know about myself once they are old enough.'

As the Demi-Servant throw Diluc's weapon where he cannot reach it which was her victory so, everyone celebrate her.

Pure as snow.

So long, her heart doesn't break of what she overcome, those castle wall of ideals shall never crumble.

Humanity shall moving forward to the brighter future from the journey she walks.

[To be Continued...]


Any comments/reviews and grammar corrections are welcomed.

See you in the next chapter.

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