

(1 week later)

It's been a week now since Madara paid his friendly visit to Epheotus and stir up a little conflict between Kazess and the six kings before letting Aldir destroyed the Indrath's castle.

"Here goes nothing" Said Madara as he walked inside a portal that lead to the Elonoir kingdom.

Wearing his oversized black shirt and semi-bag pants, Madara stood right in front of the Eralith castle.

The guards that were guardian the castle gates watched as Madara made his way towards them.

His face was now well known by a lot of people and those guards were already informed by Virion that he was going to pay a visit to the castle, so what they did was letting him pass without resistance.

Madara passed the guards and heads straight to the castle where he was welcomed by a face that was not so very familiar to him.

Madara stood there looking at the old lady in front of him. The lady let out a smile before allowing Madara to walked inside.

'It's been years, but if remember correctly her face matches Rinia's ' Thought Madara while looking at Rinia who was leading him somewhere he didn't know.

"Where are you guiding me?"

"To the reason why you came here" Said Rinia who didn't even turned to look at Madara.

"So, what did you see?" Asked Madara while following Rinia from behind.

"Oh, so you know about my ability?"

"Yes, and I know you must have already tried seeing my future…what did you see?"

"Telling you won't do anything. The future can not be changed even if you know about it. You can only influence it, but not change it"

"You must have really burned down your life force just so you can see my future"

"Well, it was worth it. I've seen things that I never dreamed of…and things that I wished I never saw".

"Seems like you have seen enough to judge what kind of person I am"

"Yes, but I wonder if I've really seen enough" Said Rinia as she stopped right in front of a large door." She's in there". With those words, she turned around and walked away leaving Madara standing at the door.

Looking at Rinia leaving, Madara slowly opened the door and sneak inside.

The room was like one of those training room that he used back at the academy, but this one was way, way massive.

In the center of the room was Tess whose body was levitating while covered in emerald green light. The green vines that were surrounding her looked thick and sharp.

In front of her was a ten-meter tall stone golem that was covering with vines.

Tess stretched her hand forward and croaked her fist and at that moment the golem was crushed to piece.

'Seems like she has improved a lot over the past weeks ' Thought Madara who was leaning on the door.

On Tess's side, she watched as the golem crumble to dust. She was about to deactivate her beast will, but at the corner of her eyes she saw something, so she quickly turned to look for what it was, but she found nothing.

'I swear I saw something standing there '

Suddenly, something passed her from behind. She turned around but nothing was there.

Again, something passed her from behind as she repeats the same action of turning to see what it was.

"Who's there?" Said Tess as she was clearly starting to panic.

There was no reply. This caused her to panic even more, so she started preparing for a wide range attack that she's been working on.

But, as she was preparing herself, something touched her shoulder.

Tess swiftly turned and formed a shield to protect herself from the unknown enemy.

The vines surrounded her to form an egg like shape with her inside as she used her ultimate move.

[Swirling vortex]

The barrage of vines that were sharp as a knife shot forward and started swirling as they expand and destroying everything on their way.

The moment they come to stop, nothing could be seen other than the vines that were surrounding the room in a swirling shape with Tess in the center.

The vines that were surrounding her opened up to reveal Tess who seem worn out by her own attack.

"Huff…huff…did I get 'em?" Said Tess while looking at the scene in front of her, but what she didn't know was that Madara was standing behind her.

As she was about to take a step, Tess felt how tired she was. She's been training the whole day, and she just used her ultimate move.

Her body couldn't take.

As she was slowly falling, Madara caught her and lifted her up.

Using the little strength she had left, Tess looked at the person who just lifted her up.

"Madara?" Said Tess as she falls asleep.





(Tess pov)

The feeling of refreshment covered my entire body as I regained my conscious. The sweet smell of the flowers and the smooth wind breeze caused my eyes to open and looked at the ceiling.

"I thought I saw Madara there for a second, but it seems like I was dreaming" I said to myself as I tried to place my hand on my forehead, but someone beat me to it.

My gaze slowly followed the source of the hand and…and I saw him. Sitting there like a parent worrying about his child. A smile on his face as he part away my hair.

I didn't know what to do or what to respond. My head was suddenly filled with different thoughts while my heart was pounding like crazy.


His voice was like a signal for my body to move. I don't know how I did, but my body reacted on its own and hugged him.

"Why didn't you come to visit me?" The moment those words left my mouth, my eyes were filled with tears as I couldn't help it but cry.

"Sorry I was occupied by the war" He said while calming me down by slowly patting my head with his hand.

It took a whole hour for me to calm down.

The entire room became quiet as the two of us stayed where we were…hugging.

"You good?"

"Yeah…I'm fine now" I said as I parted myself from him, but I noticed that the part of his shirt that I was resting my head was all drenched in my tears.

"Sorry for wetting your shirt"

"It's fine, besides I came to prepared" Said Madara as he pulled another shirt from his ring…which was also black.

'Wait! He's not planning to do that here?'

As if to answer my question, he striped his shirt leaving the upper body exposed.

"Y-You can't just take off your clothes in front of me, what are you thinking y-you Pervert"

"Huh? You are the perverted one for having whatever thoughts you're having now"

Yeah, that comeback really stabbed me right in the heart.

The shirt he was wearing now wasn't like the oversized one he just took off. This one fit him quite well.

"It seems like you've been training hard. That last attack you used on me was quite destructive"

"Wait! So it, was you? You mai panic thinking that an enemy was going to kill me" I said as I jumped off the bed.

"If I was an enemy then you have been dead a long time ago. Oh and you should go and wear something that doesn't show too much skin"


It was at that moment that I realized that I was wearing my night gown which was just a small dress that only reached my thighs, but that wasn't the problem. The real issue was that it shows what underneath it if someone was close to me, then they could clearly see through.

"Aaaaaahhhhh" I stormed out of the room and heads straight to the bathroom.


"What are you so embarrassed about? You should know that I'm the one who changed your clothes, so I've seen everything"

"See everything?? THAT'S IT I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!"

"Calm down in there, I'm just kidding. I'll be waiting for you outside"

Hearing the sound of the door closing, I couldn't help it but let out a sigh .

"Why am I smiling??"





(General pov)

A few hours later

"You know when first heard what Elder Rinia said I thought that you mean it. It was Elder Rinia who told me that you were lying and those people were the bad guy.

I was at easy, but then the announcement of war and that you were leading it kinda made me worry

Grandpa didn't want me to participate in the war, saying I was weak, and my presence wasn't needed

I've been watching you fight thousands of soldiers and strong people…and it's true that I'm weak

You are so strong, Madara, stronger than anyone in this continent. It's because of you that most people didn't lose their lives

Look at all of these people, they are laughing and enjoying themselves because of you… Thank you" Said Tess who was walking beside Madara around the town center where they used to hang out when they were little." But, I heard from Grandpa that you are not from Dicathen and that you are planning on returning to your continent after everything is done…is that true?"

Madara looked at Tess who was looking down in order to hide her face.

"…Yes, but I was planning on taking you along with me, that is if you want to"

"I-I would like to go with you, but what about Eleanor? I'm the Princess here and one day I'll have to become the ruler of it…I can't abandon my home" Tess's words heavy even for herself.

You can't escape your responsibilities

"You don't have to worry about that"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I'm going to uni…"

"Going to what?"

"Someone is watching us from a far, follow me" Said Madara as he and Tess started going out of the city outskirts.

"You're right, I can sense him from a far" Said Tess

"Act normal" Said Madara who was making sure that their surrounding was clear.

[Jikan no kami]

The world turned black and white as Madara dashed towards the direction where their stalker was.

"I was wondering if she was alive or dead, but it seems like she managed to escape my jutsu" Said Madara while looking at the woman who was wearing a gray rob to hide herself.

"What does she want? Should I just kill her?"

Coming to conclusion, Madara released his [Jikan no kami]

'I just wasted my precious jutsu' Thought Madara as he watched the world returned to normal.

"Huh?" Seris was shaken by the sudden appearance of Madara in front of her. It was too late for her to react, as she had already made eyes contacts with Madara.

[Tsukuyomi ]
