
Murder on my mind

(Goodsky pov)

The moment they disappeared from the view, quietness took over our surrounding. All seven of us were still looking at the place where they were standing a few seconds ago.

None of us said a thing, not because we were shocked or anything, no! It was because we didn't know where to begin.

I looked at the Lances and saw the condition of their bodies. Their clothes were burned and torned, few minor wounds were covering their bodies, but they were fine.

'How and why? Is he an Asura?'

For him to be an Asura was my only guess right now, his powers, presence and that beast of his. None of these could belong to a normal human.

His answer about which side he was made me think again about his real motives.

'If he was an enemy then he alone would be enough to deal with this whole continent and with that beast beside him Dicathen would have fallen in a short time…just what are his motives '.

"Is he real fighting with the Asuras right now?" The first person to break the silent was Varay.

"Seems like it" Answered Virion who made everyone looked at him. Touching the bridge of his nose, Virion continue talking,

"I'm sure right now they are fighting out there in beast glades"

"Who real is that boy? You seem to know him well" Said Varay while looking at Virion.

"No you're wrong, I don't think I know him that well. Right now even I myself don't know what to say about what happened…we could only hope they understand each other out there" Said Virion.

"We need to report everything to the Council and decided what to do next" Said Olfred while helping Mica stand up.

"You haven't said a word till now, Director, what are you thinking?" Said Varay.

"I'm just thinking about the future of this continent and how things would end"

To be honest, I've lost all hope for this continent. If Madara is real an enemy, then it's pointless to fight back.

'we're doomed'

"Wait! Look over there" Said Bairon while pointing his finger at the figure that was walking towards our direction.

Our eyes widen as we watched Madara casually walking towards us with his bond on his shoulder.

'No way! Does it mean he defeated the Asura?'

By the looks of others, it seems like I'm not the only one who thought that.

"Why is he returning alone?" Asked Varay.

"It can't be…he defeated them!!" Replied Virion.

No doubt about it, he's an Asura too.

"Calm your malice down I'm gonna fight you again, beside none of you are worth opponents" Said Madara as he stopped a few meters away from us.

"Madara…" said Virion, but he hesitated to continue talking.

"I know you'll need answers, but right now I need to talk with Director Goodsky alone" Said Madara as he looked at me with his indifferent face.

"We don't know much about you, and you have already caused a lot of troubles to us and this city, so why don't you start telling us about your motives and who real are you?" Stated Varay.

"I'm being really polite you know, but if you keep acting all high and mighty then I'm also going to respond the same way…why don't you guys leave so I can talk to the director, and after I finished I'll tell you guys want you want to know".

The Lances were lost by which option should they choose, turning their heads they looked at me.

"It's fine, please let me talk to him" I said to them.

The Lances looked at Madara for the last time before walking back until they were far from hearing us.

"Why didn't you leave?" I asked Virion who was standing beside me. He didn't answer at first, he just looked at Madara.

"….I want to hear everything" Said Virion .

"Don't worry, I'll tell you what you want to know" Said Madara as he walked towards use.

I don't if I didn't believe him or was it because I was scared, but my instincts kicked in, I grabbed my wand.

~Should I transform?~

~No it's useless, didn't you see the size of his bond? Just stay calm and let's see what he's planning to do ~ I asked Avier who was on my shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about anything Director, none of you guys are my enemies…now let's go somewhere where we can talk peaceful" Said Madara as he placed his hands on our shoulders.

I took a small glare at Virion and all I saw was a face of man who have millions of questions that need answers.

It didn't take long for my vision to change. Instead of the destroyed building and smoke everywhere, All I saw were thick and tall trees that surrounded us.

"Where are we?"

(General pov)

Using flying Raijin, Madara teleported the latter to the location where he thought was the best for their conversation.

"Where are we?" Asked Director Goodsky while looking around. Even Virion tried to figured out where they were.

"My grandfather graveyard" Stated Madara as he pointed his finger towards the stone that was not far from where they were standing.

"Your Grandfather?" Asked Virion.

Madara nodded his head before looking at Director Goodsky.

"Lets begging answering the questions in your heads shall we… First, I'm not from Dicathen, but I was born here. By now you can already guess where is my original continent"


"Yes, My clan was the original ruler of that continent before Agrona attack and took over. He killed a lot of people from my clan, only two managed to escape and come to this continent

And those two were the man laying in that grave and his wife, who have died a long time ago. I called him my grandfather, but in truth he is my ancestor.

The only thing that made him lived for thousands of years was to wait for me. He told me everything about I need to know and do.

As the last Uchiha, he told me to take back what is ours so that he and the other Uchiha who have died could rest in peace.

And that time has come".

"I don't believe you " Said Virion , his face was showing a serious expression.

"I'm not saying this for you to believe me, beside if you don't believe me then how about asking her why she never tells you anything about the Alacrya even though she was a spy?"

Madara's words caused Virion to look at Director Goodsky.

"Is that true??" Asked Virion.

Hearing no answer from her, Virion dropped his down in, defeated.

"She won't be able to answer her due to the curse placed inside her"

"So you knew everything from the start, but you pretend to be an innocent boy" Said Director Goodsky.

"It seems like I'm the only one here who don't understand anything here, Alacrya, Agrona and the Uchiha not to mention you…were the Uchiha that powerful? " Words came out of Virion's mouth as he looked at Madara.

"I'm just different from the other. And you need to know that war is going to start anytime. The reason why I wanted to first take with director is because she knows a lot about the current Alacrya plans and powers"

'Am I really gonna except what these two are saying? And to think that she was a spy all of these years…'

"By your words, you sound like you're on our side, so are you really on our side or the other continent side?" Asked Virion.

"None, I'm not with the Alacrya or Dicathen.

"What about the Asuras? And what happened to the two you were fighting with?" Said Goodsky.

"Those Asuras are not being who you can trust, that's why I took care of them. They are trying to just use you people as messy cleaner for their doing, take these words a caution"

Virion and director Goodsky didn't know what to do when they heard that Madara took care of the Asuras.

"You know when I first met you. You were covered with a aura of mystery, I spent years trying to figure you out, but from the start I knew that your path was not a clean one, the path that you're curving might not be a good one. The Asuras they are… "

"I understand what you're saying, but remember all of us in this world we'll curve and forever shall curve our own path.

Even if it was the path to gather all the sin in this world for us to shoulder and shoulder them we will.

It changes nothing, we'll don't want we're meant to do.

The path that I'm curving is the one that I was meant to follow from the beginning because it's a part of my goal in this life"


somewhere unknown

A large magical circle that covered a large area appeared on the ground.

The circle suddenly shone and disappeared, leaving an army of Alacrya arranged in four groups.

Their number was so large that it looked impossible to count. All of them were wearing black plate armors.

"Now come" Said a hooded figure who was holding a red crystal in his hand which started shining brightly.

"Let the war begin"

Next chapter