
To gain?? 2

"I once used to live with my family, but…me and my guardian somehow ended up here in this forest"

"ooh, so where's your guardian?".

"he's dead".

"I'm s..so sorry".

" no it's fine, so how about you tell me more about yourself"?

"myself?, well..i live with my Mom, Dad and my Grandpa, but I spent most of my time with my Grandpa .

"I see"

The two of them continued their journey while exchanging words from time to time.

They travel for days and nights where Tess would get inside the carriage and sleep while Madara continue driving the carriage, but Tessia would sometime sleep on the driver seat where Madara was.

They continued the journey for three days, since they had everything they need in the carriage, they only stopped for important thing like cooking and answering nature's call.



"mm, I think we are gonna have to dump the carriage and start walking from now on Tessia", said Madara who was looking at the huge trees blocking the way.

"Madara, I told you could just call me Tess", said Tess with her angry face.

"sure", said Madara while showing her a smile.

(AN:no smile no gain)

"mm, these trees looks familiar…I think we might be getting closer, come on Madara".said Tess as she jumped off the carriage ran towards the huge trees

"watch where your going or you'll hurt yourself...and there you go", said Madara as he looked at Tess who suddenly bumped into a small rock on the ground.

"I'm ok, hehehe", said Tess while trying to stood up but she slipped again.

Madara walked towards her and bend down a little.

"huh?, what are you doing?".

"get on, I'm gonna carry you".


"if you don't want to I ca…", before Madara could finish talking, Tess jumped on his back with her face all red like tomato.

"hold on tight"

Madara started running, head deep into the forest with Tess on his back.

"I remember those marks", thought Madara who activate his Sharingan and looked at the mark on the trees.

"hey Tess, do you know anything about those marks on these trees", said Madara as he turned off his Sharingan.

"eh, ye..yes, can you put me down", said Tess whose face was still all red.

Tess walked towards the near trees and started tapping them one after another until she reached a huge tree and tapped it.

The tree suddenly shine a bright green light and opened up.

"yes, Come on Madara", said Tess as she grabbed Madara's hand and walked with him inside the portal than was inside the tree.

"I'm man who will do anything to achieve his plans, and this will be the first step".

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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