
Dreams (Part 1)

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"Hey, Hashirama... We're Shinobi. We never know when we are going to die." The ravenette picked up a stone, his face held a new fold of determination today "But if there was a way where neither side had to die, if both revealed their insides and hid nothing from each other, poured each other's drinks and drank together like brothers... Then maybe... Maybe... Peace could be attained..." he resumed, his face turning to look at him. 

Hashirama stared at him... In awe. Finally, there was someone who felt like him. Someone who shared this insane dream of his. Someone who felt just as hesitant and lost as him. 

"But that's impossible..."


"Why?... Why is that impossible?"

"Because one can't look deep into another's insides. In reality, they could be mad as hell," Madara replied.

"Is it really not possible, to trust others. To achieve peace? Is there no other way?" Hashirama didn't want to believe that there was no other way than war. 

There must be a way.

"I don't know. But every time I come here... I pray for some way to make it happen." Madara replied as he threw the stone he had in his hand. 

This time it reached the other side.

"See! you are not the only one now. I have finally reached the other side." rejoiced the ravenette. 

'If there's no way... Then I will make a way.'  Hashirama clenched his fist, 'I will make it happen.'

[Flashback ends.]

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"What about a captive?"

"That will be difficult. We need to capture someone of high enough significance for them to even consider a negotiation"

"It won't work. We have tried it before too."

"We will plan an ambush. This time, we could ask the Uzumaki's to aid us."

" No." A deep voice responded, drawing everyone's attention.

"What do you mean, Hashirama? This is the best time to create a dispute between the Hyuuga and the Uchiha. We must carry this out before they form the alliance pact!"

"I agree. Their alliance will be very troublesome for us. We must stop it before it's too late."

"Who they decide to ally with, isn't something we need to interfere," Hashirama responded.

"What? Have you lost your mind? Why shouldn't we interfere? It is us that will battle them!" Kanjin shouted.

"When we allied with the Uzumaki's, the Uchiha's didn't interfere or attack us. Did they?" Hashirama asked the elders.


Hearing no response, he continued, "We will not attack them."


"Your father... Butsuma wouldn't stop. He would've continued." Kanjin sneered. His thick eyebrows pushing closely together, his old face paused in a permanent frown.

The meeting currently discussed plans for an ambush attack on the Uchiha estate. The elders were wary about the new alliance between the Uchiha's and Hyuuga's. It's been three days since the former clan head, Butsuma Senju, died. It didn't come as a surprise to anyone since he was fatally wounded. It was a miracle that he survived for an entire month with that wound and his progressive disease, combined with his old age - all thanks to Hashirama's healing techniques. But even that couldn't save Butsuma. Hashirama had expected to feel sad and emotional... But strangely, he felt little sadness at his father's demise. 

He didn't love his father. To some extent, he even blamed that man for his siblings' death. 

'That man... Was blinded by his ego.'

No matter how much Hashirama tried to convince him to stop this madness and seek peace, it all went in vain. He realized Butsuma Senju did not want peace. He wanted war and death.

"I'm not my father. I believe it's established the moment I became the leader." he paused for a moment, then continued, "I don't intend to carry out the bloodshed my ancestors did." The air between Hashirama and Kanjin thickened. The rest of the Senju elders watched silently.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─


Tobirama knew they were testing Hashirama. Kanjin Senju was a high ranking Senju elder with a strong strategical mind. So dealing with him was a challenge in itself.

He leaned forward. His eyes glaring at Kanjin seated across the table.

The old man viciously glared back at him.

"What's your suggestion, Hashirama?" Tabaki Senju questioned.

"Truce. We can form a peace treaty with them."

"I don't agree with this." Kanjin spat, now fully irritated.

"Then what should we do,?" Hashirama asked calmly. He knew what Kanjin would suggest. Maybe the hatred he displays before other elders might work in Hashirama's favor. It would be such an irony for the Senju's who call themselves 'The clan of love'.

"Continue. If we want peace, then all Uchiha's must die." Kanjin glared at him.

"At what cost?" Tobirama finally interfered.

"We must eliminate our enemy before they eliminate us."

"How many more of our men need to die? Or does their death even matter to you all?" Tobirama asked back in his bitter tone. Just a month ago they had planned an ambush which resulted in the death of 12 young Senju men, a few of them with wives and children.

"That's a sacrifice that must be made. They'll die for a greater good." Kanjin shot back.

"A greater good? ...what a joke! Can't you see how stupid all of this is?"

"Stupid? How dare you insult the sacrifices of our men! Have you no pride, Tobirama?"

"If not old age, then this so-called 'pride' definitely has blinded you all" Tobirama spat.

"Tobirama," Hashirama warned, but his eyes were fixed on Kanjin.

Paying no heed to Hashirama's warning, Tobirama continued, "I guess how many men we lose matter not to you?"

"My Sons, brothers, my father- everyone died in the battles against the Uchiha's. So don't you dare lecture me." Kanjin retorted, slamming his fist against the table.

"You elders are all the same" Tobirama snickered. "So that's your logic? It's alright to kill more of our men because they will die for the greater good? Have you never wondered even after so much bloodshed why this 'greater good' was never achieved? Even after all these years?"

"That's enough. Both of you calm down." Hashirama sighed.

"You both were candidates for the next clan leader, but we chose Hashirama over you. Ever wondered why so?" Kanjin asked mockingly.

"HA. Seems like you're getting more senile as you age." Tobirama retorted. He knew this man was trying to make trouble between him and Hashirama. To create distrust between brothers.

"SILENCE." Hashirama's voice boomed out. The entire room was visibly shaking. Even the floor underneath cracked a bit. Everyone in the room held their breath.




Clenching his teeth, Tobirama replied, "I'm done, Aniki. I apologize."

Kanjin was stiff in his chair. He was annoyed beyond measures that a young man dared to mock him in front of everyone. "Done."

Hashirama's eyes relaxed. He nodded "I'm glad to hear that! HAHAHA." He exploded into his booming laughter.

"Alright," He announced, rising "Meeting is done for now."

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

Tobirama leaned back in his chair. The Senju elders bowed and made their way out, several of them eyeing Tobirama with raised eyebrows, as if not approving of his actions today.

'Like I give a damn!'   He internally mumbled.

His outburst today wasn't like him. Usually, in most meetings, he listened and acted with proper respect in front of the elders. But that was mostly because the leader back then was his father - Butsuma Senju.

But today he lost control.

Tobirama didn't exactly love his father but respected him enough as a Shinobi. It would be a lie if he said his death did not affect him. Hashirama didn't get along with their father mostly because of their clashing beliefs. But his Aniki never noticed what he noticed about father..or maybe he noticed but decided to ignore it. 

Butsuma was egoistic. And his ego made it easy for the elders to control him. His father was the elders' puppet, and there wasn't much he could do to stop it. 

But this time... He will not let them control his brother too.


Tobirama glanced up at his brother, who was leaning in his chair "What?"

"Your argument with Kanjin was very unlike-"

"So?" He cut him off.

"Thank you." Hashirama smiled.

Tobirama just shrugged his shoulders.

He felt exhausted. His latest mission had taken a toll on him, it lasted several nights with no rest. He could feel his attention span waning. He wondered if this was the reason behind his sudden outbursts at the elders.

'Nah! It's because they are annoying.'

"I have something to tell you." Hashirama voiced.

Tobirama shifted in his chair. "What is it?"

What he wanted the most at that moment was his warm bed. He closed his eyes and exhaled.




"I'm going to see Madara."

His eyes quickly snapped open, "What?"

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