
Mana Poisoning

Ning's eyes narrowed as he read the situation. "What's wrong with grandmother?" he asked.

"She's sick," Hi-Ah said. "She's currently in the hospital under the care of the doctors."

Ning's face showed a bit of surprise as well as worry. "Is she okay? Is she hurt?" he asked.

"She's not fine, or she wouldn't be in the hospital," his uncle said. "But she's being taken care of and that's all that matters."

"What happened to her? Some sort of disease? Or maybe some accident?" Ning asked.

"No, she's just poisoned, like everyone else," Hi-Ah said.

"Sorry, poisoned?" Ning asked. "How long has she been poisoned?" 

"For 3 years now," Hi-Ah said.

"THREE?!" Ning was surprised. "She's been poisoned for 3 years and they haven't treated her yet?" 

"How do you expect someone to just treat an old lady with Mana poisoning?" Hi-Ah asked.

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