
Close to the End

Time slowly passed as everyone continued doing their own thing.

Old woman Gaani focused on learning the potions and even started taking students to teach them.

Helena slowly learned from Ning and also got incredibly talented in the ways of Aether. In just 10 years, she went from being an Aether Master to an Aether Emperor. 

And that was simply because Ning held her back from breaking through.

She also learned potions from Ning's books as well as her grandma, and in just a few years helped her grandma manage the potion shop.

With the Emperor's permission, the Gaani potion shop opened up to become one of the major shops in all of Damir city.

Back in the Peak of Afterlife, where Ning had created the tower, The group of 20 or so had increased to become 50 now. 

Ning wasn't sure when they hired, but from the looks of it, the captains and squad members had used their connections to rope in more people.
