

Nigel raised his sword above his head and leaped in the air. He covered a distance unimaginable by normal humans. And when he was about to land, he swung down his sword on Adeline who was not backing away from where she stood.

Adeline blocked the attack from her brother by holding her sword above her head.

The two swords clanged against each other. And because of the force that Nigel was exerting, Adeline's sword shattered right in the middle.

"Careful!" Theodore shouted from the side as he saw the fragments of sword directly falling on Adeline's head.

However, before the metals could hurt Adeline, she jumped back and avoided the possible injury.

"Are you alright?" Nigel asked while scanning Adeline's body.

Adeline threw away the broken sword from her hand and smiled. "Never better," she shouted and charged at Nigel without any weapons in her hand.
