
Chapter 7: We Are Your Maids

The sun's rays tickled the tip of my nose and I woke up. I had to sneeze and get my health back. I must have misheard, but to be on the safe side I checked: "Hello, is anyone here?" "Yes, we Miss Woodstock, we are all here." Next to my bed on the right side stood three maids at attention. "Good morning," I yawned. "Good morning Miss, we have a strict schedule, would you please get up," the lady in the middle told me. "Ally, let the child wake up first. She must have been asleep," chided the girl to her left. "Yes, yes, all right, but I want her to make a good impression. Especially because she's not like the other girls." I slid over to the other side of my double bed and stood up. Yesterday I didn't know that I had a very nice herringbone floor, anyway from what I can see my room is very nicely furnished. Old baroque furniture adorned my forest tapestry, and on the ceiling, there was a sea of painted flowers. I stood up and walked towards the ladies, I said again: "Good morning." I held out my hand to them but was met with questioning looks. I lowered my hand again and they sat me down in front of the mirror. In no time I had my hair done and was wearing a white blouse with a skirt and black ballerinas. Before I could even think, I was kicked out of my room and sent to breakfast.

Although it was a place I should know, it took me a long time to find the breakfast room today, it would be necessary to put up signs. As expected, everyone was already eating when I opened the door. They looked at me, I could feel the girls' eyes on me and I panicked. I searched with my eyes for a free chair, I found one and sat down at the table. A girl next to me complained: "Go away, it's occupied." "Tough luck, darling," I snorted back. I recognised her by her tone of voice, she was the brat who didn't want to get out in front of me. "For what reason are you late Miss Woodstock?" I only now realised that the royal family of the Merhs were also sitting at our table. The previous days we had eaten breakfast alone. I had to swallow. I haven't found the way, it's all so confusing for me," I replied. King Merh thought about what he should say. Don't worry, she has a handicap, she keeps getting lost, Your Majesty, yesterday she was walking on her own," the stupid cow next to me laughed. You have to control your choice of words, Lady Lulu von Merk, not everyone grew up in luxury, you know," the prince tried to defend me. I could sink into the ground, now I looked like a helpless nobody who needed a protector. Lulu stopped laughing and fixed her gaze on the plate in front of her. I slowly sank down on the chair next to her and held my hand in front of my face. Something poked me under the tablecloth, I winced and looked at the beast. Ouch, what are you doing?", I hissed. "What you deserve, you little slut from the gutter, don't get your hopes up, he's mine understood." She took her fork out of my thigh. I instinctively grabbed the open spot and felt slight wetness. "Oh, it hurts, just wait, this is only the beginning." I wanted to punch her in the face.

I went back to my room, I was angry with Nicolas for embarrassing me in front of everyone. "Hey, wait, you're going too fast for me!" You've got to be kidding! Now he had followed me. "Please go, Prince," I whispered, cornered. "Have I done something to make you call me Prince again?" I turned around, his eyes sending me sadness. I had to remain firm: "You embarrassed me in front of everyone." "No, I didn't, I defended you!" he said firmly. Now all the girls think I'm a helpless four who needs a protector," I didn't want to be so loud, but the anger had to come out of me. I understand, I'm sorry too, but I'm still your prince, show me some respect," he became indignant. Many thanks, Prince Nicolas, I wouldn't have thought of that myself," I threw back venomously. Fine," he said, annoyed. Fine," I cried, also annoyed, and turned around. Where are you going, I haven't finished with you yet!" he called after me. "You have to move, I can't hear you,' I called back mockingly. I already had the doorknob in my hand when Nicolas ran towards me and threw me to the floor. You always treat your girls like that, have fun without me," I pushed the fabric of the dress out of my sight. "You make me so angry, I don't get it, one day they are super friendly to me, the next bitchy." Well, too bad for you," I said, getting to my feet again. "Why have you changed?" I couldn't tell him because I hated him. Although I could: "I despise you deeply, Nicolas." I was too stupid now to plead the polite formula, he didn't deserve that. "You're lying." "No, I'm not," I crossed my arms in front of my chest. His features softened again: "Believe me, I know when people are lying, and you're not." Something stirred in my heart, exuding a comforting warmth. He had to smile: "I knew it." Nicolas got up and wanted to come towards me, but I didn't want him to and took a big step backwards. You knew what?" I asked irritably. That remains a state secret," he grinned and turned to leave. You idiot!" I shouted back. You stubborn bastard," he laughed. I growled and pulled the door to my room open violently. How he got on my nerves, but somehow I couldn't seem to get away from him, dammit. All my maids were present as if this day hadn't started badly enough. "What happened to you?", Ally asked me in horror. I pushed the door shut with one foot: "I fell when I was going up the stairs." I didn't care if they thought I was clumsy, I was already a laughing stock in the palace and the media. "It doesn't matter Miss, we'll fix you up." I sighed in defeat: "You don't have to, I'm not going out again today." "As you wish, miss," the girl curtsied to me. "And please, can you stop calling me Miss Woodstock and just call me Belle. I'm nothing special and I'd like to be treated as a normal person." Of course, Belle," they all said in unison. Very nice, I thought, and added: "May I be alone now?" They nodded and left the room. I kicked off my shoes and lay down on the bed. I looked at the sea of flowers on my blanket. How beautifully the colours blended together, I thought. I sat up because something occurred to me. I had the choice to leave the castle as soon as possible and return to my old life, but I didn't want to. The warming feeling came back and embraced my whole body, wherever it came from. I let out a laugh and lay down on my bed again. Oh, isn't life beautiful when you have no worries? Oh, my God, I started up, I'd forgotten I was going to send a letter to my siblings. I'm such an idiot, I thought of everything but them. What a sister I was, I couldn't call them either, we all didn't have telephones. So close and yet so far, it suited. I was only two towns away, but I couldn't leave the castle. I jumped out of bed and slipped into my ballerinas. I rushed out the door and made my way as fast as I could to the ladies' salon. I ignored the stares of the others and went to Orangerrinne. Nice of you to come, do you have a request?" she asked as if rehearsing. She was nice to me, shouldn't this make me wonder? But that was beside the point, after all, I was here for something else: "Yes, is there any chance of writing a letter to my family?" She looked at me as if I were from the 21st century and laughed: "A letter, I'm sorry, but there is no such old-fashioned thing anymore, but as a four-year-old, you can't possibly know that." Thank you for your information," I gritted my teeth. As I was leaving the salon, Lulu ran into me. "Watch it, you clumsy oaf," she dragged herself past me into the salon. I was depressed, I couldn't reach my family and everyone seemed to dislike me. I walked through the corridor without knowing where to go it's very strange that everyone walked through the castle unaccompanied, even though they were specifically asked to come with me at the beginning. I climbed the stairs and bumped into someone again. I'm sorry," I said half-heartedly and continued without knowing who it was. "Did you want to see me?" We had probably already reached you, well, it didn't bother me. I suddenly stopped and turned around in surprise: "Nicolas, what are you doing here?" "I live here?" he asked, confused, "This is the way to my rooms." I looked around, I was standing in front of the same painting as yesterday: "Am I wrong again, today is not my day." I descended the stairs again. "Is everything all right?" he asked me worriedly. Yes...", I tried to put as much indifference as possible into this two-syllable word. He caught up with me and reached for my hand: "I want you to always be able to tell me the truth." Why are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me, what if I'm really a psychopath?", my voice had taken on a slightly cynical undertone. You're not," he assured me. If you say so, but why are you so nice to me?" I would not let up. "Because you're the only one who seems real to me!" I raised an eyebrow: "You think you can judge that?" "I've already held many auditions to form an opinion." "I see, but..." He let out a sarcastic snort: "You think I'm crazy." "Yes," he was not hard to miss. "Belle, I was forced into this audition just like you."

"What, how do you know ...!", I closed my mouth, not wanting to give anything away. "How I know your name, I read your file. I know it's Maybelle, but I thought Belle suited you better," his statement sounded tired but friendly. He must have struggled for a long time, just like me, but in a different way. Wow, thank you, you're the first person to call me that," I said to him in surprise. Listen, Belle, you're the first person I've had fun with. Would you do me the favour of becoming my girlfriend?" I hoped I hadn't overheard him: "Excuse me!" I express myself so unwillingly sometimes, I guess I get it from my mother. "I mean if you'll keep me company as long as the audition goes on." And what would that involve?" I asked sceptically, knowing that friendship could turn into love. We'll spend time together, talk as we please, don't worry, I have no ulterior motives," he winked at me. I wanted to stay away from him, actually, but a friend in this palace couldn't hurt.

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