

"Ugh, I hate people like that! Just because a female is in a public space by herself doesn't mean she wants you to hit on her!" Penny vented as she waved her arms around to emphasize her point. 

Roman was inclined to agree but he was also a bit spaced out because she just held his hand and he felt the same sparks he had when they accidentally brushed fingers in the cheese section last week. He needed to pull himself together. 

"That must be really frustrating," he commiserated. "It probably doesn't mean anything but I'd like to apologize on behalf of my entire gender." 

She let out a small laugh before the tension finally left her face. "There's no need for that. You really saved my butt back there. I was starting to get worried he was going to follow me all the way home. But now I have to wait until the bus after next to ensure he won't be on it."

"I can give you a ride home if you want," Roman offered before cringing at how that sounded. 

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