
Hysterical Laughter

If nothing else, Roman deserved good in-laws. Penny's brother certainly seemed like a riot to be around and the way she talked made it sound like her whole family was close. He could use a second family like that. 

Sure, he had the Davenports to an extent, but mostly he just had Harry. His parents asked about him frequently but that was only because he had been practically plastered to Harry's side since high school. 

More accurately, Harry had been plastered to his side. He could admit that he forced the friendship but he never regretted it. Roman was an awesome guy even if he didn't show that to everyone he met. 

There had to be someone out there who would see it. Someone like Penny, perhaps? 

Oh! It suddenly came to him where he knew that name from! Two years ago, Roman had this weird experience when he was overworked during the handover at the hospital where he didn't remember writing a sticky note and leaving it on his computer. 

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