
Arrogance Breeds Ignorance

Mounting his horse, Jon breathed in the cold air once more before looking back at Robb who stood with a solemn look on his face.

'You'll always be my brother Robb, no one can take that away.'

As if knowing what Jon was thinking, Robb looked into his eyes and smiled slightly before waving with a heavy hand. Smiling back, Jon turned to face the gate leading outside of Winterfell before galloping slowly with the rest of the escort leaving Winterfell in the backdrop of their thoughts. Travelling along the road was ever so boring as they made their way to Moat Cailin. Once reaching there, Eddard approached Jon with a down trodden look before looking in to Jon's eyes.

"Jon, I'm not forcing you but I am asking you, would you come and look over Arya and Sansa in King's Landing.. I know I have no right to ask this of you but with your skill and how comfortable they are with you.."

Jon stopped Eddard there with a hand on his shoulder before smiling awkwardly.

"If you wish, I will go, I have not much left here as everything is managed by some trusted advisors and I have only a few projects I am waiting on. If you can guarantee I can come back within the year, I can guarantee to come with you without a hesitant heart."

Hearing his words, Ned for the first time in a long time brought Jon into an embrace and held him tightly. A few moments went by as Jon was shocked before hugging back and then clearing his throat. Eddard let go embarrassed at his sudden show of emotion but to him, he wasn't hugging Jon, he was embracing the memory of his sister. Though he couldn't say that even to Jon, he had to bite his tongue and keep this secret with him to the grave. The two decided on a course of action and Jon in turn instructed Loran on the change of plans.

While still having the same number of men in the open and secret, He now would have Loran by his side as one of the ten men in King's landing along with Talen. The two would guarantee his survival in a den of snakes unless a true catastrophe happened. His last two commanders would continue managing his military, one over in Essos and one in his lands. While his mage Ella would continue her research and construction of communication scrolls and enchantments that would be beneficial for the small folk. His sea captain Vasker would continue handling his navy and his transport of goods. The man still puzzled Jon every time he would send in a report like his mannerisms would carry over into the words he wrote.

Heading down the road to King's Landing, only rest stops would be allowed as they wished to get to their destination as soon as possible though one particular resting stop was disturbing from the first whiff of the air. Jon heard the rusting of something over near the river when he went to fill his water skin so he hunched down thinking he possibly could get some wild life. His hopes were cut short once he saw Arya practicing with the butcher boy much to his amusement. He couldn't help but smile seeing her joyful expression and the two having fun. His happy moments soon died though after seeing Sansa and Joffrey Baratheon make their way over.

After listening in and seeing how Joffrey held his sword, Jon came from the bushes startling all four of them.

"My Prince, your mother was looking for you."

Joffrey looked at Jon curiously till he smiled mischievously and with a hint of sadistic pleasure as he walked up closer to Jon who was bowing. As every step came closer, Jon slowly rose till he was standing upright and with his armor on, he was an imposing sight to see. Joffrey's face turned to worry quickly, unable to hide his emotions from Jon. Thinking of his position though, he puffed his chest out trying to intimidate Jon knowing of his status enough to know one key fact.

"Ah the bastard Jon Snow, who said you could come out without your master's permission. I am a prince and you're nothing but a bastard even if big one at that. Did you eat your last opponent to get that big or was it too much suckling on your whore of a mother's tit? Wait… you never even met your mother, did you? Haha! Now that's even funnier!"

Arya looked to and from Jon and Joffrey as she knew just how skilled Jon was and how much of a real bastard Joffrey was. The butcher's boy looked terrified from the whole situation as he backed away slowly. Sansa had a sullen look as she looked at Jon and wondered why Joffrey would say such things. Jon however wished to punch this arrogant shit till his face looked as much disfigured as his heart.

"Prince Joffrey, I think that's enough. I should escort you to your mother before anything happens."

Joffrey stepped backwards as he eyed Jon with cold eyes.

"You don't order me around bastard, I was just having some fun with these two. You can watch and learn a few things from how a real warrior fights."

Jon just ignored his rambling at this point, stepping between Arya and the butcher's boy, blocking the two from Joffrey's view. In doing so, Joffrey could see the clear line of things as they stood and waved his sword in front of Jon's face.

Jon just stood there with a blank expression as his posture indicated no resistance.

Joffrey quickly thrusted his sword forwards and while dangerous to a common peasant possibly armed or unarmed, Jon simply let it scrap across his gauntlet before grabbing the cross guard of the sword and pulling using Joffrey's already forward moving momentum to make him slam into Jon's shoulder before grabbing the handle of the sword. Joffrey now on the ground covering his bleeding nose and sniveling as he looked at Jon with fear and anger. Quickly stood up before running off back through the bushes towards the camp. As he and Sansa who followed with slight hesitation made their way to camp, Loran stepped out from the bushes towards Jon who looked at the sword.

"Should I silence him, my lord?"

"Are you stupid in the head Loran?"

The two looked back at each other as Loran blinked followed by Jon blinking then shaking his head.

"No, I don't wish for that, not now at least. He is the prince, the old gods help us."

As he turned around, Arya jumped up to him almost crying but holding her tears as she hugged around Jon's waist with her small arms.

"Thank you Jon!"

The butcher boy who was stunned bowed before trying to mutter words with trembling lips.

"Please train me.. I was so scared.. I.. I'm still scared. I've never trained other than playing knights but I'm a hard worker and I'm big so I can become strong in time."

Jon looked to Loran who shrugged and then back at the Butcher boy as he rested his hand on Arya who looked up at him with her big round eyes.

"From today forth, you shall be trained by Loran, My best warrior, once he deems you as a warrior, you will serve me and become one of my legion. Your family may move to my lands if they wish and I will help them find a place to call home. It's up to your own talent and hard work if you become just another man in the legion or if you become a commander controlling the legion."

Hearing Jon's authoritative voice, Mycah fell to his knees, honestly terrified but also relieved to be given the chance at least. His thoughts traveled to his family and how they would take the news before he steeled his thoughts and his heart for his coming trials. Loran looked at Jon shocked before Jon turned his head to him amused by Loran's expression.

"What's with the look, I thought you didn't care?"

Jon's teasing tone spoke volumes on his thoughts as Loran could only choke on his own words before calming down enough.

"I didn't till you put his training under my supervision. That's just more work for me."

Jon just shrugged his shoulders before picking Arya up and having her ride on his shoulders much to her surprise and delight.

"Ride faster my valiant steed, we ride for battle!"

Jon could only smirk while suppressing the sigh forming. Once upon reaching camp, it was an uproar when seeing his men with blades drawn being surrounded by Lannister men. Walking closer and closer hearing the yelling happening and eventually the clanging of steel, Jon handed Arya to Loran who nodded decisively before Jon came storming out form the bushes to everyone's surprise. Eddard along with his retinue and men looked shocked seeing his just appearing just as the fighting began between a few Lannister's and Winter men. Robert along with Cersi looked surprised at his angry look and his overbearing statue making Robert's blood pump with excitement thinking of a fight while Cersi was a little worried. All the while, Jon scanned his surroundings seeing one of his men with a graze wound on his leg and his frown deepened with a low but reverberating voice echoing in the minds of everyone present.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to attack my men?"

Last chapter of the night everyone, hope you all enjoy and don't forget to vote in the "paragraphs" in the input chapter for who you want. The line 'Other Mentions' can be commented with anyone I have not already mentioned before. Hope you all enjoy the chapter and have a great day/ night!

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