
The Fight ( Balance of the sides ) (2)

" Time for round:2," AFO said with a smirk and the duo All Might and Yui could see AFO's eyes become slits, but they reverted.

All Might observed the now healed AFO started to think about the serum AFO held, and his instincts were telling him that the serum was just a distraction. Trusting his guts, All Might look around and found a purple tree, which looked devoid of life.

" Well, I am gonna use the best of what I have just for you, All Might."

" You will be down for good today, All For One!"

" Ha! We will see about that."

" Kinetic Booster times 5, Diamond Muscles, Multiplier times 4, Hypertrophy, Burnin' aura, Vaccum Barrier, Parasitic Stamina, Velocity Resistance, Muscle augmentation, Muscle density times 3 and Quirk enhancer times 2."

Looking at the buffed AFO, All Might and Yui felt fear. ( Unlike in the anime or like in the manga, AFO uses the above-mentioned quirks for his whole body and not just an arm)

" Well, now augmenting my body is complete, Oh! I forgot about the quirks I am supposed to use against you, what shall I use-"

But AFO was cut short by a kick to his face from Torino, but unlike before, AFO didn't even move an inch.

" Oh! YES! Air cannon and Super Nova," AFO, who paused for a second, completed his sentence, and as he did, his arms were bulging with a blackish and silver aura.

Soon from those aura's miniature, 10 silver spheres were formed, and they had something more.

" Well, hope you enjoy them ", and from the 10 silver spheres burst out 10 more, and it didn't stop soon they multiplied, and the numbers reached hundreds.


The trio looked at AFO and understood that AFO was someone on a level they won't be able to reach or not today.

AFO waved his hands, and soon the silver spheres moved at incredible speeds, and their targets were the trio.

' I have to do something! I can't die here! I haven't passed One For All ' All Might thought of a way to defend, but there was nothing he could do.

' Well, at least Oki is safe ' Yui was mad, but she was happy that her grandson was still alive.

' Shimura looks like I will be meeting you sooner.' Torino had tears right around his eyes.

The trio lost all hope in defeating AFO.

Just as the silver spheres were close than one meter.


All Might and Torino seemed to have teleported to a bit far away place from the impact site.

" Finish HIM YAGI!!!" those were the words All Might heard as he realised Velocity saved both Torino and All Might by some secret method.

AFO had his eyes only at the impact site and nowhere else, and after the impact from hundreds of those silver spheres, a crater of more than 400 meters was formed.

After-effects, AFO was sad that he couldn't get hold of ' One For All ' as he thought All Might would survive the impact. ' Looks like the weapon meant to take me down is no more.'

But, just as he was about to fly away, AFO had his eyes widen as he lost the connection with the tree he planted.


A punch lands on the distracted AFO, which sends him straight forward while dragging earth with him, but the assault didn't end there as when AFO stood up, he was faced with another punch, then a kick, then a barrage of air pressures and it continued for 5 minutes.

All Might now stood in front of bloodied AFO. The one who was on top was now at the bottom. It was all because AFO took out the possibility of All Might surviving the impact after looking at the crater.

" You took to of my masters All For One! One I considered as my mother and the another who I considered as my elder sister."

" HAHAHAHA, All Might I thought you would end me today, but it seems like you won't."

" No... I will " All Might raises his bloodied right arm to deal a finishing punch.

"Too bad ", AFO smirks and releases powerful air pressure from one of his quirk arsenals, and due to All Might being closer, the air pressure passes through his body and coming the other way out.

"AAAAAAA" All Might scream in pain, and one could see a huge hole on his left centre. ( Closer to the centre but not too close )

" You should have attacked me when you had the chance to All Might instead of giving your opponent time." AFO stands up after trying hard. AFO body was severely injured, and his lungs had the biggest impact out of them all.

" Now, I will be taking what belongs to m-" As AFO about to finish.

" Gyeaah!" Injured All Might punches AFO with all the strength he could muster. The Punch had such a powerful force that a magnitude of 6 earthquake could be felt for a radius of 10 Km, and at the epicentre, a huge tornado was formed that uprooted the land as if a god had sent a message that ' This land shall be taken to the heavens '

After the chaos calms down, All Might was kneeling in front of a bloodied body. Torino neared him, and he could hear All Might sobbing and crying.

' Your successor has taken revenge for you, my friend.'

Due to the Orphanage being in the rural area and almost 20 Km surrounding the Orphanage were just forests and fields, it didn't cause much of a commotion.

After the battle, Sir Nighteye informed about the battle to the hero public safety commission. With them around, the chaos quieted down, and a coverup story was made to hide the battle between All Might and All For One.

All Might lost his consciousness after the battle, and he was shifted to a nearby hospital. After 2 days of being unconscious, All Might wakes up with tear filled eyes.

" So you are awake, huh" Torino sat down near All Might

" D-did anyone survive?" All Might words were weak, and he seemed to be angry with himself.

" Well, a girl did survive. But... the doctors say that she may never wake up."

" I-I se-e she is in a coma." Torino nods.

" Did Nighteye report to Oki?"

" That... he did."

All Might was silent after he heard that. Then he stood up and disconnected the devices attached to him, and started walking away.

" All Might! Why are you out of bed?" Nighteye runs down the hallway and reaches All Might.

" I have to go, and if I am absent, the villains will start wreaking havoc."

Hearing these words, Nighteye teared up and shouted, " IF YOU KEEP UP LIKE THIS, YOU WILL DIE SOON!!!" These words halted All Might, but it was only for a second as All Might started walking away. " YOU ONLY HAVE 5 YEARS AT MOST! Don't do this" All Might didn't respond.

The recovery girl at the side just watched the whole drama, but as All Might reached the elevator, " You basically have no respiratory system and lost your stomach, you had gone through 16 surgeries you may feel better for now, but you will soon succumb to the aftereffects. So, are you stil-"

" I am " All Might turns and gives a smile " As always, I have to save them " Saying those words, All Might hops into the elevator, presses '0' and then ' ><'. After the doors closes, All Might cries till his eyes puff up.


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments.

I Know many hated the last chapter due to AFO killing the kids ( Indirectly me ), but AFO was someone cruel and destroyed half of Kamino Ward just to tease All Might and think of that and AFO destroying the Orphanage was something like a drop in the ocean.

And as I have already mentioned in one of my previous (A/N), I will follow the canon and explore the world of MHA. Any ideas you want to include, please let me know in the comments.

I hope you look forward to the following chapters, and I ask you to please tell me the areas where I have to change things. I am a newbie, and I wouldn't like to be one.

Next Chapter- Life changes (2)


Yes, then:

888 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (41/888)

Next chapter