
Xyrus Academy

5,000 words for chapter 50?!



The conversation devolved into a disarrayed Q&A from there, and I spent the next couple hours answering questions about my beast will and some of the powers that came with it. I lied saying that I must have overused my power and didn't realize the time that passed. Well I guess that wasn't technically a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either, so it was much easier to mislead them.

Not that I particularly like lying and misleading my family, but I don't see me saying 'ya I can turn trees into sentient beings' as something they are going to be able to accept too easily. That's why I feel this path is the safest with the least death flags. That leads me to my room that night where I see the box encasing my uniform for Xyrus, which I start tomorrow morning.

Taking it out it's a military style uniform that's all black with gold trimming and buttons, but it also comes with a shawl or cloak like piece that's supposed to hang over my shoulders. The front is left open only connected at the neck and down the chest in a series of interlinking gold chains, with the cloak itself being a pristine white color, also having a gold trimming and around the collar is 2 patches with the Xyrus academy logo.

According to the letter I'll get the blue uniform when I actually become the Student Council President, but personally I preferred the all black attire over that almost teal blue color. I hung my clothes upon the clothing mannequin in my room for the next day, and when I turned around I found Tuk sitting in the windowsill.

For the next hour I described in detail what happened on my journey that was supposed to only last a week, and he just sat there impassively as he absorbed all the information. Only a small widening of the eyes told me that a piece of information surprised him.

"You created a mana beast?" He asked incredulously, and I just nodded in the affirmative.

"Ya, and I guess when I created her, something caused us to bond." I stared out the window as did Tuk, looking at the full moon in the sky.

"I see.." Was all he said, but I could see the disheartened aura settled around him.

"I'm sorry, Tuk. I didn't know this would happen when I tried to do it. I must have done something wrong right before I passed out." He shook his head as I gripped my hand into a fist.

"It's quite alright hatchling. It's been fun to be along for your journey so far, but I've probably lived long enough honestly." He gazed at the moon intensely before he turned to me and extended a wing towards. I thought he wished to exchange a handshake or at least the wing equivalent to one, but when I grasped his wing his body began dispersing into motes of mana. My eyes widened as his wing faded from my grasp.

"I know you can't or wouldn't be able to get my beast will without giving up the one you already have. But, I hope you can carry me around like you do those Asuras." His voice slowly fading, and I began grasping at the particles with my will to pull them into me. Coalescing into a small piece inside me along with my other wills, his form continued to feed into it has his body broke down into mana.

When the last piece made its way to its rightful place I could feel Tuk's memories begin to rush through my head. The missing feeling from when our bond had broken was now refilled, and I could have my friend continue on my journey with me. Based on his memories he knew that he wasn't strong enough to be able to help me any further with what is to come besides with his knowledge.

I sat silently in my bed replaying his memories through of our times together, and smiled sadly at the moments. I clutched my hand to my chest and laid back onto my bed.

"Don't worry Tuk, I'll do my best in honor of you. Watch over me from now, and know that I'll look to your memories for guidance from now on."

- - -

I was currently standing in front of the Academy gates having just said goodbyes to my family as I stared at the massive academy. Just how a prestigious magical academy should look if I had to say so myself, I was broken from that as I could see Cynthia making her way towards me with a male student wearing a white cloak just like me.

He had short cropped, brown hair that barely reached his eyebrows. His eyes were serious, and seemed to have a cocky and arrogant flair to them even though they would be a dull brown on anyone else. His feature were sharp and almost commanded attention like a high ranking noble should. His body was lean and tall, surpassing me by a foot easily. Though I am still only 11, and him being about to graduate makes him at least 15 if not older as most kids don't even awaken until after 10.

"Nice of you to finally join us Jaron Helstea." Came the snarky words of Cynthia and I just smiled brightly.

"Apologies for the delay Director, but it seems I got lost on my journey to back to Xyrus. I'm here now though and ready to learn the President position from…" He stepped forward with a cocky grin and his head tilted back, so that he could look down his nose at me. I had to restrain the urge to punch the guy as I can only imagine how this is going to go.

"I am Reginald Alderman, and I'm the Student Council President as well as a light orange water augmenter." He puffed his chest slightly and I could see Cynthia roll her eyes ever so slightly and I grinned to myself. This is going to be a lot of fun indeed.

"It's an honor to finally meet you Student Council President Alderman. I hope to learn as much as possible from you." I smile brightly at him and can feel Cynthia's gaze from my actions, but Reginald soaked it all up.

"I'll be sure to teach you… thoroughly on the nuances of being the President." He said with another barely concealed smirk and I could only laugh inwardly at how bad this guys last year is going to be.

"Well now that introductions are out of the way why don't we go over the schedule with you." Cynthia spoke up as she brought out a scroll.

"As it wouldn't be fair for you to attend higher level classes just because you are shadowing Reginald, you will be participating in my training sessions with one Tessia Eralith. She is actually shadowing the Vice President, but lets just say she's been waiting to see when the supposed President is going to show up." She finished with a slight chuckle of her own and I groaned internally at the thought of getting hounded by someone as annoying as Tessia can be.

"I'm always up for getting a new sparring partner, whether mentally or physically." I say with a small smile and amusement flashes through Cynthia's eyes.

"Hoho, well you're in luck as Reginald has to attend his first class of the day and I was just about to go and meet with Tessia in the private training rooms." I felt my eye twitch involuntarily, and just nodded my head in acceptance to try and mask it, though I'm not sure I succeeded judging by the smirk of Cynthia.

"It's seems I'll have to wait for your… Instructions Reginald. I look forward to that later." I nod to him and follow Cynthia as she turns to start walking.

"You must bow to me before you leave, it's the custom of apprentices of the Student Council President." I stopped and groaned inwardly at this guy. I turned to face him seeing him pointing a finger at the ground while sneering at me. I look him in the eyes and smile widely, making his sneer falter.

"I hope you'll reconsider Student Council President Alderman, as the ground is quite dirty and I would hate for such great clothes to get dirtied." My smile remained as he just stared at and just before I went to turn away he spoke again. Poor guy doesn't know what's good for him.

"I'm not worried about your damn clothes, if you want to become the next president I suggest you take a knee and bow!" Once again his finger was pointed at the ground and he stared at me imperiously, I noticed that Cynthia had disappeared from the are, most likely watching what unfolds from a distance. I look back at Reginald and smile once again.

"I wasn't worried about clothes either." Before he could register the words he was being flipped and then slammed to the ground by my mana strings. He landed on his back groaning as he looked up at the sky, I took this moment to kneel on his chest and bow down until my face is just above his.

"Well, I guess I really didn't want to get this outfit dirty after all. Lets get one thing straight though. I will not be your lackey while I'm here, or this will be a common occurrence in your day to day." He growled and tried to wiggle free, but I had his limbs secured to the ground by my mana strings as I grinned devilishly at him.

"Make no mistake, Student Council President Alderman, you are just keeping the seat warm for me. Don't make me have you retired prematurely." I dusted off some dirt from his coat and stood while I straightened my own.

"Take care, Reginald." With that I walked forward to where I felt Cynthia watching from and was met with an amused smile. She nodded her head to the enraged Reginald that was stalking off back to the main part of the academy and spoke.

"That will not end well, the Alderman's are a higher rank than even your Helstea's and with magical capabilities to back it." I scoff at her as I rest my left hand on the hilt of my sword.

"People like that need to be taken down a peg a time or a dozen." She glances at me and turns to start walking.

"Some might say the same about you. An upstart freshman trying to take the school by force." She says while walking over her shoulder. I fell in line beside her and just gazed at the surroundings of the academy. The finely paved walkway separated by freshly cut grass, and the grand buildings that really gave the school an old university ambiance.

"I know my place in this world, and it's not at the beck and call of someone like Reginald Alderman. How did a guy like that even before Student Council President? Are you saying I could have just paid you off?" She chuckled at my insinuation, but kept walking.

"Not at all, but I wasn't lying with what I said earlier. His family is of a higher rank than yours, and being known for a style of magic helps them even more. The parents of the other students families likely told them to vote for him to try to get in his good graces." I didn't say anything in response to that as a lot of the people that voted for me were doing the same thing, at least the ones I met through noble parties and the like.

I was actually surprised to find that I was already popular among the female population because of my association with Kathyln. The males envied me, but they knew if they upset me they would face the wrath of Kathyln Glayder and even their families might have to suffer for it. So at the moment I was at the top of everyone's openly like, but secretly envy or hate list. Which was fine with me as I didn't need these people to openly like me for me to do what I needed to do.

"So why is Tessia here already?" I ask Cynthia.

"She, much like you, is shadowing the member above her. Though I had originally planned for her to be the student council president, due to her being an Elf and hoping that would lessen the strain on the divide." I just laughed at that.

"Hah! You don't think far enough ahead, do you Cynthia." She didn't look too pleased with my mocking and gestures for me to continue.

"While what you planned seemed like it might would make sense. You're asking a whole student body, who has grown up being taught that elves and dwarves are weaker and lesser races, to accept an Elf as their student council president for possibly their entire tenure at the academy? I'm sorry, but your just asking everyone to hide their animosity and anger to the situation until someone explodes and does something that you can't take back.

Then the rest of the students start to doubt her being the president, if what was supposed to bring them together is just causing strife. Then it devolves to mini race war inside the school and nobody wants that. However if someone similar to them take the mantle and leads by example then it's a lot more fluent of a transfer. That's why even though I'm more interested in the theory and book aspect of the school, I still chose to be a battle mage.

Of course I can't guarantee all of this will work, but the other way was definitely not going to last long. I honestly feel like the first day something would happen." I finally finished my rambling and slightly cringed at the using of my book knowledge to add weight to my argument, using Nicolas Dreyl attacking he dwarf student as my basis. But Cynthia nodded her and eventually sighed.

"Yes, I could definitely see something like that happening. I guess I'll just have to hope that you can lead this change for us." I look at her and see and hear the sincerity, she seems to really love this academy. I nod and pause as we've finally reached the door to the private training room.

"Well, lets meet your future Vice President, shall we?" With another nod, she opens the door revealing Tessia sitting in the middle of the room meditating. Only to open her eyes upon hearing the door open.

"Director! Finally you're back! Can we start on my training now? We only have 2 hours before—. What are you doing her?!" She finally finished her rapid fire grilling when she noticed me standing beside Cynthia.

"You know Jaron?" Cynthia looks to me and I shrug in confusion before holding up a finger as if an idea came to mind.

"Oh! She must have used an artifact to spy—." I was cut off by a shooting off at me to stop me from talking.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Tessia yelled as her face burned red and me as well as Cynthia chuckled at her, only deepening her blush.

"Don't worry Princess, your secret is safe with me. I won't tell Arthur you've been spying on him." She flailed her arms as she began to try and deny it only for Cynthia to stop her.

"Alright enough teasing, Jaron. Lets go ahead and get today's training started." Tessia looked excited until Cynthia continued.

"You'll be sparring and learning from Jaron today as I have some important work to take care of." My shoulders slumped in annoyance as I glared at her, but my annoyance was eclipsed by Tessia's.

"What?! This guy is going to train with me? Shouldn't have only just awakened? Can he even keep up?" I just tilt my head as I look at her, but then a light bulb goes off in my head.

"She's right, Director. There's no way I could compete with an Elven Princess when she awoke at age 9." Cynthia saw what I was trying to do and immediately whipped her head to Tessia.

"He's stronger than Arthur." And then she disappeared out of the room, leaving me and Tessia staring where she had just been standing. I just sigh in annoyance as I feel Tessia's stare focus in on me.

"Guess there's no backing out now." I shrug and Tessia nods and fuels her body with mana. I nod at the display of readiness and sit on the ground.

"Cynthia really is a cruel woman making you fight against me. It can be rather demoralizing after all. Anyways, if you can make me move from this spot, I'll tell you something about Arthur." Her eyes seemed to glow and the amount of mana pulsing through her body surged and I just grinned.

"Prepare yourself, Jaron. I will not be holding back." She said and vines began to circle around her, raring to stab out at me.

"Don't worry Tessia, I'll hold back enough to let you have a decent sparring session." She frowned before glaring at me, but then moments later she begun her attack.

The vines whipped out like lashes and I just cut them with mana strings before blowing them away with wind mana. Tessia looked confused but she continued her assault of vine after vine. I began throwing weakened wind blades back at her feet and forcing her to jump and dodge over and over again. She used her vines to run along as well as grab her in certain moments to pull her out of the way.

She sent one vine directly from my left and another from my right and I just leaned forward slightly as they whizzed by. When they collided I sewed them together with mana string and threw them back at her. She eventually willed them apart and took back control only to get hit by a blast of wind. She rolled on the ground before using a vine to cushion and then fling her towards me at a rapid pace. The idiotic plan needed to be punished.

A web of mana strings appeared in front of her and she got wrapped up in it and I sent a weak charge of lightning through it.


I released the strings and she rolled away and formed a wall of vines in between me and her. When they moved she was no longer there, or rather she was secured to the back of a vine. She used the vine to conceal her as she made a sharpened plant sword, and when she closed in she slashed at me with the sword.

I cut the vine she was connected to and then with a mana string a round a fireball I launched it at her, but right before it hit i pulled it back.

"Dead twice. Though points for creativity on that one." She growled at me and just rushed with her sword out in front of her and I sighed. I hardened a few mana strings and parried her blows as they came.

"Logical to assume a foe you can't beat at range you should get in close. However if you aren't skilled in close range combat, and you don't know if you're opponent is?.. That's right you're dead." I knocked the plant sword a way and before she could form another I tapped her with my mana string sword and zapped her again. She dropped to her knees and yielded.

"I give, okay I understand you're stronger." It's what she was saying, but I could feel her mana still going and could feel a vine traveling through the ground directly beneath me. Cheeky girl. I spread my legs and lean back as the vine shoots out from between my legs. I cut it and then burn it with Fire mana as I stare unimpressed at Tessia.

"Cute." Was all I said before I zapped her again.

"Fine! Fine! I give up for real this time." She rubbed at where I shocked her as she glared at me while pouting.

"You should be nicer to girls or you'll never get a girlfriend." She said as if it was an insult and I just chuckled.

"I don't need any, as I'm currently courting Princess Kathyln." Her mouth dropped open and she was about to say something most likely about Kathyln before she wisely covered her mouth.

"You 2 will make a great couple in the future." I just nodded at her wise choice of words as I might have zapped her again if she said something rude about Kathyln.

"So why do you like Arthur?" The simple question sent her stammering while twirling her hair with a blush. She realized what she was doing when she saw my smirk and she glared at me again.

"Oh, ha ha. Very funny." She huffed as she turned away still nursing the slight numbness from my shocks. I chuckled before asking again.

"But really, I know how dense the guy can be. Is that why you like him? Some kind of 'he's so cool when he ignores me, kyaaa' type thing?" I could see her visibly shiver when I said that and she immediately began waving her hands to deny it.

"Nonono, it's nothing like that I swear! He's… it's just that he was my first friend." She mumbled the ending but I nodded my head in understanding.

"You're more like Kathyln than you realize. Kathyln is how you would have turned out without your grandpa, or without Arthur living with you those 3 years. I can only influence her actions so much through letters and our occasional visits, but she's much better than what she could have been." Tessia seemed to stare off in thought about Kathyln and her similarities.

"You're right, I came here to try and help students not judge others prematurely and I was already doing that with the person most similar to me." I smile at her reflection and waver her off.

"Don't worry about, we are all usually blind to our own flaws. Just use this to help you going forward." She just nodded and we sat there in silence for a few minutes before I spoke up.

"Don't get discouraged from the fight, I have been fighting longer than you and besides I'm just a very bad match up for you. Not everyone has as precise mana control as I do, and while you're plant deviance is strong you don't have much experience with it in combat yet." She just let staring at the ground as I spoke and I could see her clench her fists slightly.

"Do you think I could defeat Arthur?" I hummed in thought before replying.

"If he went all out then definitely not, but knowing him he would hold back and get caught off guard. He cares for you more than he will probably admit." At those words her head jolted up to look at me.

"He talks about me?" I grin mischievously and I can see her cheeks grow pink in embarrassment.

"No not particularly, but he does get a longing look in his eyes from time to time like he's missing someone. Just a piece of advice though, don't pursue him too harshly. He's not ready for romance yet, as he doesn't feel ready for it, so just give him time." She nods absently, but I can't tell if she actually heard me with her whole face blushing red as she wrings her hands in her lap.

"Will you help me become strong enough that Arthur can't hold back against me?" She asks with a serious and determined expression, and I just smile back at her.

"Sure, I'll put you through a similar training that I put myself through before putting Arthur through it." I began getting things out of my ring and I could see her face brighten and dashed from her position to directly in front of me.

"Great! What is it?" She asked excitedly as she peered down at the items and I just smiled brightly.

"First you must learn to make tea." Her smile dropped and she deadpanned at me.

"Why would you want me to make tea for you and what would it help me with anyways?" She questioned with her hands fisted at her hips. I just keep my smile as I reply.

"What guy wouldn't want a cute girl to make him tea, but as for what it would help is a secret." She looked increasingly annoyed, but eventually relented.

"If it means you'll train me, then I'll overlook the weirdness of it." She replied as she sat down across from me, preparing to learn the art of team making.

"Good, good, Tessia. You'll be surprised at the leaps and bounds your progress will make. Arthur went up a couple core stages under my tutelage, I would be surprised if he's light yellow when he joins the academy." She looked at me in shock and she began stammering.

"L-l-light y-y-yellow?" I just nod as I continue setting up all our items for the team making.

"Yes yes, light yellow. Very impressive. Alright here, pay attention as I won't help you every single time." She still looked a little shell shocked, but shook her head and recommitted herself to learning from me. I began breaking down the process into numerous steps and emphasizing the importance of the heat the leaves are brewed and how long they are brewed for.

She diligently took notes for almost and hour when we finished just as the door opened to reveal Cynthia looking at us and the tea set curiously.

"I've taken another apprentice. Apparently she wants to be stronger than Arthur and wants me to teach her." Cynthia's eyes widen, but just shook her head at the scene.

"Well, sorry to interrupt the training then, but it's time for you both to get ready for your first class, Practical Mana Manipulation. I won't hear any complaints as this is one of the few classes that I have picked for you both to be able to attend. You have one more which is Fundamentals of Magic Theory. The rest of your time will either be here or shadowing your respective student council members." I could only sigh at the thought of having to take such classes, but who knows maybe I'll learn something new.

"Haaa, very well. I guess I'll see you in class Tessia. Try not to draw too much attention on the first day please." I begin putting everything up, but I hear Tessia speak.

"Uhm, I've been attending these classes for 2 weeks now. It will only be your first day." She and Cynthia began chuckling and I just shrugged it off.

"Ah, quite true. Can't wait to see how many times the professor singles me out for being late. Whoa is the Practical Mana Manipulation professor anyways?" Cynthia just smirks at me and as well as Tessia.

"A former adventurer known for picking on students that draw his attention." Came the words of Tessia and I could only groan inwardly. I thought this guys didn't start teaching until Arthur's year.

"Well then, I'll try to restrain myself if he decides on annoying me." I dust off my pants as I stand up, having completely stowed away all my tea items and turn towards the door.

"Do try to not run off Mr. Geist. He's not the most agreeable person in the world, but I would hate to have to find a replacement for him." I just wave a hand over my shoulder at Cynthia's words and begin my trek to the class, leaving her and Tessia in the training room. They stayed for a little bit longer as I could hear them talking as I left down the school hallway.

It was even more immaculate than the lawn and sidewalks outside. Pristine, bright white tiles contrasted by the dark black stone that made up the wall. Each having alternating pieces to shake up the color scheme and not just be solid black and white. Golden framed pictures hung from the walls of some of the previous professors as well as a wall of previous student council presidents.

To my amusement and surprise, Kaspian was up there as President just 15 years ago. I smirked to myself as I filed that away for reading material the next time I was with Kaspian. That also reminded me that his niece was currently enrolled in this school and I might have a couple classes with her, at least next year. I continued down the hallway and even saw a frame holding Reginald's picture as the most recent President and an empty one set right beside it waiting to be filled.

This school really was how you imagine a fantasy school, I honestly couldn't find any flaws in it. Where as in my last life I was lucky if all the toilets worked or were clean for that matter. People not having any decency to clean up after themselves, but I don't have to worry with that anymore.

A chime sounded through the halls and that seemed to signal the changing of classes as students stampeded out of the class rooms. One girl 'accidentally' bumped into me and I helped her pick up her books and bags. I emphasize 'accidentally' as I was the one who bumped into her as I wanted to ask a question.

"Hey are you okay? Sorry about that." I said as I began organizing her papers neatly to hand back to her, looking up I see that it's a familiar face. Emily Watsken. Her face is beet red as she fumbles with her belongings and stammering.

"N-no it's my fa-ault. I've always been told I'm a klutz." I handed her papers back to her and she was about to dash off when I caught her by the shoulder.

"You missed one. Also could you help me find Practical mana manipulation? It's my first day." I gave a gentle smile and she froze momentarily before collecting herself.

"It's just down the hall on your right. You'll see PMM on a plaque above the door." I nod and smile gratefully.

"Thank you, miss. My name is Jaron Helstea, if you ever need anything in the future don't hesitate to ask." With that I turned around as she just stood there staring at me, and just like she said I eventually made it to a door on my right with PMM written on a placard.

I enter the room to see it mostly filled up and take a seat at an empty row of seats at the bottom right from the view of the teacher. Tessia entered shorty after and sat beside, to which I gave a nod that she returned and we sat and awaited our teacher. And we didn't have to wait long.

"Hello class! It's good to see you all back for PMM! It also seems we have a new face so let me clarify what PMM stands for, Practical Mana Manipulation." As soon as he said that I could feel my eyes rolling until they couldn't go any further without them rotating all the way around.


Author's Note

Phew! A lot happened this chapter and I definitely could have made like 3 chapters out of this, but I felt like dropping a 5k word chapter for the 50th chapter.

Some won't quite understand the Tuk thing and honestly all I have to say is that he was pretty much a useless character this entire story so I got rid of him. I couldn't find any actual moments where it would be worth including his POV, so he just kind of became a forgotten character.

So I did this as a way to pay homage to him and still kind of keep him in the story as MC can look at his memories from time to time. Hope everyone understands.

Reginald Alderman is going to be the older brother of Roland Alderman. I honestly don't remember anything about him from the books, so I won't be surprised if you don't either. Just saw in the wiki that they are known for water whips.

No MC is not going to get Geist fired and become the teacher, but he will do something that will be shown in the next chapter.

I'm actually nervous for this academy arc as this is going to be a lot more dialogue and social interactions and I honestly feel that's my weakest point. Howe be that's also why I don't want to just completely skip through it. I'm not going to detail every single day or anything crazy, but i want to try to make at least 7 or so chapters from the academy arc.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks for all of the support for 50 chapters now! I honestly never thought I would write this many, and all the feedback and comments has made it worthwhile. I always look forward to writing at least one chapter a day, and when I don't I feel weird. I also hope to 'finish' this FF, and start on my own original novels.

I put 'finish' in quotation as the author hadn't even finished the original yet, so I'll just write up until where the 8th book finishes off.

Once again Thanks for reading.


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