
The laws of space

The law of earth was much more profound than just the surface that we walk and roam on, Rudra realised this after looking at the video by the system, He understood the true profoundness of the Earth element. 

Everything that one considered as a solid state of matter obeyed the laws of earth. Every single mineral was earth, every single human was Earth and every single plant was earth. 

Earth is where everything began and Earth is where everything ended as well. 

' To dust thou are and to dust thou returnest ' , was the line that was whispered to him and he understood the truth behind that phrasing. In a way all life was created from the earth and into the earth did all life go upon death. 

The earth element was the giver of life ! It was the progenitor of everything that one deemed as living! 

The earth equally loved all the living children that it had and absolutely hated the abominations that were the undead. 

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