
The Archer Division arrives

The next day after the entrance ceremony the new members settled in and preperations for the coming event began in full swing. 

Rudra's reincarnation knowledge played a major role in the lead up to the war. When it was announced that the NPC shops and buildings as well as all government buildings will be sealed. Many organisations understood the need to buy properties all around the city. However inspite of the climbing demand not a single guild was Abel to purchase a single plot of land in Purplehaze city. 

Only player owned shops and spaces would be available to be used against the beast tide. And the availability of a strategic location such as a house or a shop where one could place a medical and supplies unit , or a reinforcement centre was immense. 

Many posts were seen on the forums , many guilds were willing to buy land even at triple the market rate in specific locations. And they posted a message on the forums for the same. 

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