
being fostered

the year is 292 I'm im currently 10 years of age I've gotten much better at using the war hammer I can't beat Jamie or barrister but I can beat your average knight which is very impressive for a 10-year-old to be fair though not many are trained by two of the best knights in the realm

today im going to ask my father to allow me to join the small council one decided to get a bit more experience at ruling the kingdoms I'll show me my stats now since haven't done that for a while

diplomacy 67

martial 80

stewardship 48

intrigue 52

learning 51

personal combat 50

so a large increase since all I've been doing is learning I've had no time to myself or time to get friends my life is good though after all im a prince I don't have to do any manual labour, of course, I do anyway since that will build my strength and for a war hammer you need strength it's the key factor for using it

as I walk towards my fathers solar everyone smiles at me and bows although the Lannister's only bow no smiles for me them I think it's kinda petty how they are still mad about me and Joffrey not getting along but it's none of their business so they should stay out of it, and that's the bad thing about being royalty everything you do is judged and everyone sticks their nose into my business sometimes I just want to bash their skulls in with my hammer but then I would be seen as a brute and then people would want Joffrey on the throne more than me and I've become quite accustomed to being the future king

I finally reach my fathers solar and in the past years he's gone downhill he's more fat and his personal combat has gone down to 30 so I can beat him stats-wise he even needs help to get on his horse which is quite embarrassing when you are on the horse next to him and it's hard not to laugh at him about it as I open the door two whores walk out they don't look pleased but not angry or sad either so I guess it was just fine

there my father sits shirtless only in his trousers, belt unbuckled sat with a satisfied smile on his face

"Orys good to see you what do you want"

"I wish to join the small council to get experience ruling on arryn is fine with this so I just need your permission"

"you can't I wanted to tell you earlier but you were in the library learning how to count coppers so now is a good time to tell you, your being fostered"

"Why are you fostering me do you want to get rid of me"

at this, he had a shocked expression "of course not I want you to be taught by the best man I know Eddard Stark my best friend the northern air will do you good anyway maybe a few northern lasses as well ay"

"if there is no other option then I guess I will have to when am I leaving"

"you leave next month and im sending with you any kings guard you wish along with 30 Baratheon man at arms for you're safety"

"I want arys oaken heart to go with me he's the most trustworthy who can still laugh with me"

"I thought you would pick barristan"

"no, he's needed here to protect you"

at this moment a messenger comes through the door and says "the greyjoys have rebelled they burned the Lannister fleet Balon greyjoy has declare himself king of the iron isles"

my father stands and says "those mother fuckers first they don't help the Targaryens or us now they rebel tell the maester to call the banners also get Stannis and the red wines to merge their fleets we are going to war we shall all meet here in kings landing"

"Father wouldn't it be better to meet up at a place that can ferry everyone across like a spot in the river lands seagurad seems like a good point and then get Stannis and the red wines to do a pincer attack on the iron fleet," I say this in my most confident voice

my father smacks my back and says "that's my boy already planning battles are you also wanting to fight in the war"

"if you told me to I would but I am not excited about the idea of war"

"very well im sending you to winter fell you shall go with the army to the Riverlands and then split off to the North"

"very well I shall wait for the time to leave excuse me father" I then turn and leave missing the proud smile that my father gave me

that's all for today I decided to write this to test out this Grammarly app but thanks for reading see you next time

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