
Chapter 4

A while later, we were in my office on the second floor. " So what does Shield need with me, " I asked. " We would like to offer you a deal, " Marie answered. I made a hand gesture that said ' carry on, '. " You build us weapons with Tony Stark and we can get you anything you want once a month, " Maria finished what she was saying. " I want to meet the Avengers, I already know one left, but tell the others to come here tomorrow, " I said and they nodded. ' Fury is planning something, ' I thought as they left. I went upstairs to my room. Kate was the only one there. " Jay, Kattie and Anna went to Anna's room, " Kate said. I pushed Kate down on the bed and grabbed her neck. " I got to do something, see you tonight, " I said and kissed her. I then went to the garage. I got in my car and drove to one of the 10 warehouses I own in New York.

I got inside and I snapped my fingers. The warehouse looked exactly like Shield's HQ. X is connected to the Smart Computer. " X, give me all the information on Kate and Kattie, I want to know who their parents are, " I said. " Right away sir, " X replied and got to work. 1 minutes later, I heard a beep. " Sir turns out, Kate and Katie's parents are the head of the Hand, they lived with adoptive parents, their new parents trained them in Chi and they can be called experts at Chi and Martials Arts, their real parents are looking for them as sacrifices to their god, Devilore( made up person, ) " X said. " Tell Shadow and Zero to stop what they're doing and come back, " I said. " Yes, sir, " X said and I left back home.

I got home and went to the gym. I saw Kate there. I started to work out with her. A while later we all were in the Living room. " Sir, what would you want me to do for October 8th, " X asked. " What's on October 8th, " Kate asked. " It's Mr. Jones' birthday, '' X answered. ' That's in three days, ' they thought. Kate, Anna, and Katie looked at me. They told me to not come back to the house until October 8th. ' They might be planning something, ' I thought and went to the garage. " X tell Nick Fury to send the Avengers to the Location of the xxxx warehouse, " I said. " Right away sir, " X replied and I drove to that warehouse. I got there and went to the office that's on the second floor. I then snapped my fingers and a bed, 55 inch TV, mini fridge filled with food, and a small oven/stove appeared. I laid down on the bed. I snapped my fingers and a wine glass filled with white wine appeared in my hand. I took a sip and turned the TV on. " Breaking news, Jay Jones, richest and smartest man in the world, birthday is in three days, and there's a rumor that he's having a party at his house, but it's you who needs an invitation, " the woman anchor said. I snapped my fingers and 3,000 people in the United States got an invite. 200 people in countries other than the United States got an invite. The woman news anchor was one of the people that got one. " It looks like I'm going to Jay Jones' birthday party, " she said happily. I took another sip of wine. 2 minutes later both Shadow and Zero appeared in front of me. " I need y'all two to hide in the shadows while I'm here, " I said and they disappeared. ' The fun shall begin now, ' I thought and went to sleep.

I woke up because X kept telling me Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, and Bruce Banner were outside. " Shadow, " I said and a Shadow appeared in front of me. " Go get the guest and make sure they don't touch anything until I get downstairs, " I said and Shadow went to do what I said. I got out of bed 2 minutes later. I put some pants on and went downstairs shirtless. " Hello guest, y'all should know who I am, " I said as I went towards them. " Why don't you put a shirt on, " Natasha said. " I could, but don't want to, " I said and sat down in a chair. " What did you need to meet with us for, " Tony asked. " I mean like I'm going to help Shield and y'all out I should be able to meet y'all at least, " I answered. " What do you mean, " Bruce questioned. " Fury and Marie came to my house yesterday and proposed a deal and I accepted it, " I answered. I looked at Steve. I snapped my fingers and Zero appeared with papers in his hand. ' I didn't even notice him, ' they thought. " How many people do you go to work for, " Clint asked. " Show Tony the papers and take it back when he's done reading, " I said and Tony got the papers. He started reading. 3 minutes later he was done and Zero took the papers back. " Give the papers to Bruce and take it when he's done, " I said and Bruce got the papers. 4 minutes later Bruce was done and Zero gave me the papers. " That shouldn't be possible, " Bruce and Tony said. " What are on the papers, " Natasha asked. " It's my results on the perfect super soldier serum, " I answered, shocking them all. " What do you mean the perfect super soldier serum, " Steve questioned. " I mean I made a perfect super soldier serum and it works, It doesn't make you buff, but it's the same as the one you took Steve, but better, " I answered. Steve got up. " Do you have proof it works, " Natasha said. " X show them the video, " I said and a hologram appeared. It was me strapped to a table. " What is this video, " Bruce asked. " It's me taking the Serum, " I answered and the hologram played. It showed 6 robotic holding needles filled with a blue liquid. Two of the arms stabbed me in the neck on both sides with the needles. Two stabbed me in each arms and the other two stabbed me in both legs. Then a capsule appeared and I was inside of it. " X started the program, " the hologram me said. " Yes sir, " the hologram X replied and the program started. As soon as it started I started streaming in pain. " Argghhh, " I said in pain. The pain went on for 20 minutes, but felt like hours. I then opened the capsule, but the door was sent flying. " X, that hurt like hell and felt like 50 hours, " the hologram me said and the video stopped.

The Avengers in front of me are shocked. " With what you just showed us, we can make hundreds of super soldiers, " Tony said. " I'm not giving y'all my notes or making more super soldiers, I just wanted to show y'all, " I replied. They looked at me. " What do you mean, with this we could make hundreds of super soldiers and save lots of lives, " Tony said. " I'm sorry but unlike you I made my own company, country, and did it with hard work, not having it handed off to me, I created everything I own with my bare hands and I'm not giving you my research Tony, " I said and stood up. Tony grabbed my wrist. " At Least give me your results, " Tony said. " I'll do it if you can beat me in a fight, " I replied and he nodded. " Tony, are you sure, he's a super soldier, " Steve said. " I have my suit, he won't be able to hurt me, " Tony said. His suit came and he put it on. " Where are we going to fight, " Tony asked and I made us appear in the desert. " What just happened, " Natasha said. " I just used my power, but don't worry I won't use it against Tony, " I replied. Everyone got at least 3 miles away from us. " You're ready, " Tony said. " In three seconds, I'll be, " I said and my Death Stroke suit appeared on my body. " That's nano-bots, " Tony said in shock. I grabbed both of my katanas. " You ready, " I said and Tony nodded. I disappeared from my spot. " Jarvis, where is he, " Tony asked inside his suit. I appeared behind Tony. " Behind you sir, " Jarvis said a little too late because I already kicked him 20ft. Tony got up and there was a foot size dent in his suit. Tony then sent a blast at me. I started to dodge and deflect the blast. I made my suit disappear. " Let me get a little serious, " I said and disappeared and appeared behind Tony. I punched him with 20% of my strength, but he was blown away 5 miles and part of his suit was blown off. Tony was knocked out on the ground. " I guess he lost, " I said and we were back at my warehouse.

I snapped my fingers and each of them had an invitation. Tony had one on his knocked out body. " Y'all can come to my birthday in two days or not, also there's an extra two for Marie Hill and Fury, " I said and they left. I snapped my fingers and a red vile was in front of me. It was the extremis virus without the side effects. Which means that It's perfect and cannot harm me. I drank the serum and my body felt pain. " Arghhhh, " I screamed in pain and blacked out.

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