

Cao Tai POV

"Uhh... Hi" [Third time!] I call out.

The woman turns around and looks at me, the tentacles stopped, like they were made of stone. "Hello, Lukas" She says.

Where did she get Lukas from!? Do I look that unremarkable!? "I'm sorry, where did you get Lukas from? My name is Cao Tai, pleasure to meet you," I say offering a handshake.

'Hey Violet, I need you to come here silently and hide until it looks like the situation is going to explode.' I message, cause she may be the kind that doesn't like to be told, 'No'

'On my way, Master' Violet responds.

"Anyway, what's your name?" I ask.

She looks down at the ground, almost timidly, which I find quite funny, since she was busy leveling a forest just minutes ago, not to mention the tentacles are still there.

"I-If I didn't have one, would you give me one?" She asks.

"Well if you don't have one, then maybe you should ask your parents, but if you want, I guess I can name you..." I say, why would her parents not name her!? That's like, the second thing they ask! After, 'Is it a boy or girl!'

"Let's say you had to name me... what would you name me?" She asks, her bright red eyes now visible. [5 Bucks the MC is gonna choose the worst name imaginable]

"How about... Ella" I say.

An aura of ancient doom comes out, nearly sweeping me off my feet, then slimy tentacles start creeping up my legs, ewww...

Then Violet's aid comes in, around 40 mutated weapons surround her, ready to strike if need be. But I quickly raise my hands, "Woah woah there guys! We are just picking a name! If you don't like that name, let me think of another, after you get those tentacles off me, of course," I say.

Slowly the tentacles creep off me, seemingly disappointed, I begin to think of another name, something that wouldn't be related to 'Ella'

"How about... Lantla?" I ask, this time with my hand on my sword, ready whip it out if needed, but it seems like my worry was unfounded, since she pulls away the tentacles that were ruining the landscape around and smiles, "Oh yeah! My name was Lantla! Thanks for reminding me!" She says with a huge smile and blush? I mean I only said a random name, I wonder why she is so happy and blushing, doesn't make sense... I guess people who can control tentacles tend to be different.

"Hey, Lantla? Want to stay with us tonight? One thing though, do you still have the fawns mother?" I ask.

"Well, you see, the fawns mother isn't in the best condition you see, she's in shock... I think..." Lantla says, looking down. Her good mood already forgotten.

"Well, we have something that'll make her feel better. Her daughter, just show me where she is," I say, hopefully the shock isn't that bad, since having a pet deer might be quite bad. I may be branded a poacher if they consider that a deer may only be hunted by a lord.

Lantla guides me to where she left the mother, who was still standing like a stone, looking like a deer in front of headlights.

I run back to camp to get her child back to her, to see that the fawn's already awoken, I pick her up and run back to her mother, who was just as I expected, still standing there, paralyzed.

I push the fawn out of the bush, why is she sticking to me?! Her mom is right there! And I don't think that deer parents beat their kids, neglect sure [spoken like a true sadist, go me...], but its like a mama bird pushing a baby bird out of her nest, it helps them learn.

The mother finally reacts when it sees the fawn and quickly prances away from us, thankfully the fawn left, or we'd be in some big trouble.

Also, I wonder how Auburn is doing? Probably burning people, cause they ran out of 'Non-Humans'

Anyways, I need to sleep and work on my Bow training, hopefully move on to the next stage, I really want those rainbow arrows...

"OK guys, I'm off to bed, whatever you do, I don't want to see one of you dead when I wake up, if I do, well... just hope it doesn't happen!" I say, before turning around. "Mister... whats your name again?" Lantla asks. I turn around and respond with, "My name is Cao Tai"

"Cao Tai, can... can I sleep with you?" Lantla asks shyly. "NO! I mean, Violet would probably kidnap me if I slept with everyone I met, right Violet?" I ask looking at Violet, who nods with a small smile on her face.

"B-but... I'll get nightmares..." She says, kinda sad. Wow, I almost feel bad for her, but I don't see why she is trying to sleep with someone who just met her, but I feel like that would be a bad idea. "If you want, you can sleep with Sasha, I bet she would be glad." I say. I then hear some grumbling about, 'Me naming her, 'It's not the same', and 'My chosen one' but I must be hearing things...

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