
End of the Path (2)

At this moment, Ace's hooded figure appeared in front of a path, narrowed to a single, precarious bridge. It arched across an endless chasm of pure, white lightning, the very embodiment of heavenly wrath.

The bridge itself was a shimmering construct of pure energy, its surface shifting and pulsating like a living organism.

Ace's heart raced wildly when he noticed something. Across the bridge lay a gateway that shimmered with vibrant colors and overflowing energy.

'Is that the end of the Primordial Ascension Path?' Ace thought as his eyes were affixed on the other side of this bridge. But he didn't dare take a step forward and looked towards the black flame, which seemed to have shrunk quite a lot.

"Sigh!" She inhaled deeply, "I didn't think just bringing you here would take up so much of my soul power. No worries, it was all worth it. My dear Steward, this is the Bridge of Ascension, also called the Bridge of Change.
