
Chapter 797- Stealing the Air Engine

In this case, the first prince who was currently her biggest hurdle and the person who had the support of a duke and numerous other nobles.

"By now the news that I am alive should have reached Alstin. Has he already started making plans on how to deal with me?"

Being one of the people who knew him the best, Cynthia knew that her brother wouldn't take the news of her being alive, lightly. She was sure that even at this moment, he was coming up with some unscrupulous plans to take her out of the succession battle.

"It is as Your Highness has said, the first prince is at this moment in a discussion with a couple of his selected subordinates. He is trying to come up with a way to falsify the report of your being alive to the nobles supporting him while at the same time hiring a group of assassins to take you out"

Cynthia already expected to hear something like this as such, Annette's words caused her expression to not falter at all.

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