
Chapter 654- The Auction Of The Damned (5)

There really might be an item like the Glutinous Glucose of the World Eating Slime. However, his keen senses were telling him that the thing in front of him was definitely not it.

Though Simon knew the truth about the item, it was not like everybody did too. There were some demon nobles like that demon duke who thought their [Appraisal] skill was absolute. They were all leaning forward looking at the item with feverish eyes.

Of course, there were also a lot of cunning demons who knew that the item was a scam and thus opted out of it. The starting bid for the item was set to [20,000,000] DP and went as high as [40,000,000] all under the watchful gaze of Grimvul.

Finally, after an intense bidding war, the item was auctioned off for [46,000,000] DP. And guess who bought it? It was none other than the idiot duke.

"ShiShiShi… this esteemed guest knows a treasure when it appears. Congratulation, you have truly lucked out".

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