
4: The Defiance of Duskendale Part 2

(The High Hall, The Eyrie, The Mountains of The Moon, The Vale of Arryn, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Year: 274 AC)


(Rogar Arryn POV)


Rogar hated surprises, and while he was hardly surprised that his father already knew of his impending arrival, he was unpleasantly surprised by the large feast. He expected a feast sure, but not one of such size. House Arryn was the Fifth Richest Family in the Realm, but that was only because of their lesser need for grain compared to Dorne or The North come Winter, I'd they faced the increased Snows/Sandstorms of either then they'd easily drop down to the Ninth Richest family just behind House Tully who was the current number nine.

This made twice now that his Lord Father had gone a little overboard with the spending to his recollection. But the seating of Ned Stark beside him who also apparently hated such grandiose displays on such short notice wasn't necessarily an unwelcome presence.

Rogar knew that if the Defiance wasn't happening now it would soon, so it was time to start Fostering a friendly relationship with Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon.

Ned Stark shouldn't be too difficult, nor Robert, but Robert wws what Rogar would consider....almost bi-polar when it came to certain things.

''Your not fond of such spending either are you Lord Stark? I can tell by your eyes.'' Rogar speaks up.

''No, I'm not, but please just Ned or Eddard is fine, Lord Stark is my father, and someday will be my brother Brandon after him.'' Says Ned.

''Tell me something, your a Man of the North and a follower of the Old God's No? So your surely aware of the defeat of the others but not your greater connection to it?'' Asks Rogar, trying to bring up an old theory.

''Your speaking of Bran The Builder.'' Eddard says with a slight frown.

''No, I'm not actually. I'm speaking of Winterfell. It is said there are Hotsprings or Dragon Eggs hidden beneath your home, but let me propose another theory. What if the source of the heat is actually from the very spot where Winter was actually felled? By all accounts Bran The Builder was as Intelligent as he was skilled, it'd be a clever bit of wordplay no?'' Asks Rogar.

''Why do you say that?'' Asks Ned, and Rogar shows him his full chain of Maester Links, which he'd forged to be used as a bracelet.

''Two years at the Citadel, and Three Valyrian Steel Links. I got them by an extended studying on the background of Magic in addition to my practical studies, which wasn't limited to Valyrian Magic. If there's anywhere inside Westeros that still has strong Magic it's The North. I imagine that the site where a being of Winter personified had been slain or sent to slumber would be a naturally saturated area of Magic. And as the first place of Light in the Long Night it stands to Reason that that is the source of the heat beneath Winterfell. Mind you this is all conjecture and theories, but it does make a fair bit if not a lot of sense. Plus I'm willing to bet a fair sum of Coin that if there's a secret entrance to the sight it's near or underneath the Winterfell Weirwood.'' Says Rogar.

Ned goes to respond but Robert shouts him over.

''Go, I have something else that I need to do anyway.'' Says Rogar as Ned looks torn.

Ned nods his head in gratitude before going over to Robert.

Seizing the opportunity, Rogar slips away as there is something that he needs to do now with his Father's attention on the feast and not him. A test if you will. Having read and collected the books, guides, and watched the show, he knew this was an amalgamation of the Show and A Song of Ice and Fire, The question was whether or not it ended there. At least One Video Game was also in the mix, so what else was there?

He needed to check the Weirwood Throne, The Sept, their Failed Godswood, The Moon Door. and The Maidens Tower, after that a trip to the Gate's of The Moon would be in order if he was unable to get what he wanted.

See the thing that got him into Game of Thrones in the first place was A Online browser game which was an amalgamation of the Show and the books. So seeing as how this place was much the same, and already had characters from at least one game it wasn't to big of a stretch to say that if the other Great Houses had what he was looking for his would too, meaning that if what he was looking for was to be found it would either be within those locations of the Eyrie, or it would be at the Gates of The Moon, and frankly he was betting they were at the Gates of The Moon. It was an Artifact that no one but him knew about, and he knew it was allegedly hidden away by the House Founders. Which meant that The Artifact he wanted if it was anywhere would be at the Original Arryn Seat of The Gates of The Moon.

Still, it was worth a look in the Eyrie.

Now right now the only places he was able to investigate were The Sept, Failed Godswood, and The Maidens Tower, The Weirwood Throne was unreachable because it was located within the High Hall which was where the Feast was still in full swing. And the only reason he was actually searching for the Artifact within the Eyrie was because of the fact that The Eyrie had been built by King Roland I Arryn, The Grandson of King Artys I Arryn, The Man who founded the Arryn Bloodline and reigned as it's first Sovereign King of Mountain and Vale. It was unlikely to be found in The Arryns Summer Castle, but it was at the very least worth a shot.


(Time-skip: Two Hours Later)


(The Maidens Tower, The Eyrie, The Mountains of The Moon, The Vale of Arryn, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


Rogar had found.....something. Whilst investigating The Maidens Tower he uncovered a hidden Passage that lead to what he sought but also something he did not expect.

It could be said to be a Siege Tunnel if not for two reasons. Those Reasons being that Firstly the Eyrie and The Gates of The Moon had never been breached. Granted Queen Visenya I Targaryen did, but to be frank she technically didn't breach shit so much as skip or bypass the Hassle entirely by just flying up to the Eyrie on the back of her Dragon.

The Second reason was what use was a Siege Tunnel that didn't actually lead to an Exit. Instead he found a Vault so to speak. Mountains of Gems, Jewelry, Coins, and nestled in the center was the Sword. There was no mistaking it nor the Armor behind it. It was the Equipment of Ser Artys I Arryn, The first King of Mountain and Vale. What struck him as odd was that the Armor was limited to it's Helm, Greaves, and Cuirass. As he approached the Set an Arrow was launched at his feet.

''Figures, Alright you fuckers. Get out here, That Arrow's too advanced for something as old as this place. In the name of The House Arryn, face it's Heir with Honor or suffer me bringing Robert Baratheon down on your heads. He will fuck you up.'' Rogar calls out and Men and Women in Ceremonial like but Practical Armor appear.

''Yoy who claims descent of Artys, Identify yourself or die!'' The most Regal one demands.

''I am Rogar Arryn, Only Son and Heir of Jon Arryn son of Jasper. I am Heir to the Eyrie, and Blood of Artys.'' Says Rogar.

''What are the Words of Arryn?''

''As High as Honor.'' Says Rogar with an Eye roll.

''Approach and cut your palm on the Blade of Artys, let your Blood fill the Bowl and then we see if you are Blood of Artys.'' The figure commands.

''Fine, but if you try to kill me in the back My Father will collapse this Vault in on itself in revenge.'' Rogar warns doing as he is bid after a Bowl is offered. As he slices his palm on the Blade, he's distinctly aware of it's similarities to Valyrian Steel such as The Stark's legendary Sword Ice or even more accurately like the Blade of Ser Arthur Dayne, Dawn.

''This Blade, what is it comprised of? I've only seen one blade like it.'' Rogar asks as he cuts.

''Heavenly Ore.'' Is the only response.

''Ah, Meteorite Steel. I once bested a man with decades on me in years and experience. He's the only living man to carry a Blade similar to this. I bested him primarily with my Shield.'' Says Rogar as he cuts his palm. He notes that despite its sharpness the blade slices more subtly than outright slicing as one might assume.

As his blood drops into the bowl it is taken after a small puddle of blood is filled up and formed. The Apparent leader Chants some shit and then burns the bowl in a brazier. As soon as it's Cracked apart from the heat, the Flames burn Blue and White for a few precious seconds before returning to normal.

''You are Arryn. We are bound by our Honor to serve you.'' Says the leader.

''Nifty, just one question....Who in the fuck are you people?'' Asks Rogar.

''The Order of Artys. An ancient sect of Scholars and Warrior Monks from Ancient Andalos who swore Fealty to the Arryn Bloodline. Artys was our Founder, he erected bureaus throughout the land, and his Grandson King Rokand spread it from The Wall to Dorne. King Arthyn however felt our order was becoming to well-known and bid us to go into isolation.'' Says The Leader.

''Arthyn Arryn's Son, Ronnel Arryn surrendered his Kingship 274 years ago. The Arryns have maintained the Vale since that day as Wardens of the East under House Targaryen of Ancient Valyria.'' Says Rogar.

''It doesn't matter, as the one whose Blood Burns Blue and True, you are our Sovereign, our King. We obey you, no other now or ever.'' Says the Leader.

''How spread out are your Bureaus?'' Rogar asks, changing thesubjecttowardssomethingmore productive.

''We have Bureaus in Lannisport, Oldtown, Duskendale, The Plankytown, Harlaw, Moles Town, The Rills, Oldstones, Storm's Run, and at The Crossroads Inn.'' Says The Leader.

''Reactivate the Duskendale, Crossroads, Lannisport, and Oldtown Bureaus. Something big is about to go down at Duskendale and The Reach, Riverlands, and Westerlands will respond quickly. Also look Into setting up Bureaus in the Sewers of King's Landing, White Harbor, Dornish Marches, Pyke, Old Wyk, Astapor, Mereen, Yunkai, Braavos, Pentos, Lys, Tyrosh, Norvos, Qohor, Volantis, Myr, and At Dragonstone. Search out and acquire Valyrian Steel at all costs, and anything with Dragonbone.'' Says Rogar, deciding to take advantage of this apparent Assassins Creed spin off / cult.

''Yes, Lord.''

''I want a Network of Well placed spies, brokers, merchants, and mercenaries at hand. That's your secondary priority. Keep this Armor safe, and this Blade. Until I am Knighted, I have no business claiming it.'' Says Rogar.

''Sire, you should know that King Aryhyn hid some of Artys's Armor elsewhere, the other Bureaus may know exactly where.'' Says The Leader.

''Find out, I have a feast to get back to.'' Rogar instructs.


(POV Shift: Ser Arthur Dayne)


Ser Arthur Dayne sat in his room in the Kingsguard barracks in the White Sword Tower polishing Dawn, contemplating the effectiveness of the Arryn Boy.

He initially chuckled at the boy's use of a defensive weapon as an offensive weapon. But that Boy was deceptively skilled at using it as he intended.

He knocked him flat on his ass on at least three occasions. Ultimately he yielded due to not wishing to exhaust himself one day before the Tourney began. But the fact remained the boy put him in a position where if he hadn't yielded he would have had to have gotten serious and used Dawn.

The boy had a unique Talent to be sure, but it was untrained and unfocused. Ser Arthur believed he could change that. All he needed was an opportunity for discourse with the boy....


(POV Shift: Jon Arryn)


The celebration was cut short by a Raven from Lord Tywin. The King had been taken and House Arryn was to call it's banners and ride odd to support the Royal Host in rescuing the King from the traitorous clutches of Denys Darklyn.

''Kolark. Call the Banners, The King needs us.'' Says Jon resolutely and firmly.

The Order of Artys will come into play more as the story develops. Next chapter coming soon......

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