
Chapter 54 - Jaya...

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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Chapter 54

Title: Jaya...

-Max POV-

After the whole thing with Reiju and Raynare was over I went on top of one of the snowy mountains and started meditating. Due to the Rumble Ball, I have been able to access many new forms, though they aren't like Choppers at all. But having the help of a Rumble Ball every fight wasn't something I fancied, being able to access these forms by myself would be better.

Chopper had been able to do something like that after the two-year time-skip, I should be able to do it faster. Why? Because I know it exists, once someone knows that then everything becomes easier. Just like when the first electronic computer was made, it was a revolutionary thing that made saving files and information in a whole new manner. But some decades later and everyone has one of those in their hands essentially.

Just having the knowledge that it can be done will allow someone to work with a strong will and know that my efforts weren't for nothing. Still, though, this wasn't something easy, I had zero ideas on how to get my body to do something of this caliber. Yet when I eat a Rumble Ball, everything becomes clearer. I can do something like that as if it was a second instinct, like moving a hand. I could also buff up or slim down my muscles. 

The essential skill that would be required in this time would be <Life Return>, this body wasn't originally like one of those monstrous ones that can eat so much and just have it slim down in a day and turn that food into energy. That had changed due to the Bear-Bear Fruit.

Still, though, a metabolism like this could be achieved with <Life Return> too. So in the end, while my body wasn't made to become one of the monsters of this world, with my Devil Fruit, Life Return Technique that allows me to manipulate my body at a cellular level… and Germa 66's research, I can achieve miracles. Kureha was working on Germa 66's research currently, hopefully, she can figure it out soon. 

That old woman was impressive and strangely trustworthy enough to do this for me. Though I don't know what she was after, Kureha will continue to work for me as long as we work in an exchange program. For her to work in Germa 6's research she wanted me to get a 1000-Year-Old wine from the giants, thankfully something like that was sold in the Black Market and wine enthusiasts were too afraid to outbid me in this. 

Now that I think about my subordinates, Reiju was the next one that came to mind. Hopefully, that story that I told her would resonate with her conscience and she will willingly come and work for me. Plus the story wasn't necessarily all a lie either, though some parts of it were downplayed and overplayed to make me seem more normal. She needed to learn that even if she went to live a normal life, it wouldn't be that easy to do something like that. In the end, she would have to give up her normal life, in essence, I needed to crush her dreams before she even started having them. 

Humans are greedy creatures and will always chase after self-satisfaction. In life one should always chase after what makes them happy. After all, even when someone is lost and doesn't know what to do, chasing after your goals would always lead you to where you wanna be. Though sometimes the actions aren't successful and some might even fail. Growing stronger and becoming at least as strong as a Yonko was something I was chasing, both strong as them in personal power but also I want to have armies and commanders as strong as they had. 

As I was thinking, without me even noticing it was like an invisible wall was gone. A sense of hypersensitivity hit me, but it wasn't strange at all. It felt like a blindfold over my eyes, and now I could 'see'. Every muscle, tendon, organ and even the strands of my hair. 

I want more muscle, that was the order that I gave my body. Just like moving a hand to press a button, so unbelievably natural it seemed as my body's fat burned and steam came out of my pores. Slowly but surely my build got bigger. 

That was when I realized, Life Return, a technique that allowed the user to manipulate their body wasn't just a matter of physical. But also required a certain mindset, will power and mastery over one's body.

Anway, now was the time to set sail, Luffy had defeated Crocodile. That was something that I was unsure and that he Strawhat Crew might be killed, but it seemed like they were able to pull through with this.

-Normal POV-

"Ahhhh~ I am bored!" Yelled out Luffy as he and his crew had just arrived in Jaya and were in a bar. Nami and Zoro were with him too and he had just gotten out of a shouting battle with a big man who called himself Blackbeard.

Nami frowned. "You should be more careful Luffy, we don't want to get into needless fights."


That was when the bar's doors were opened and a man with blonde hair came in. The barista looked at the man and frowneed. "Bellamy…" he whispered the name of the man who came in.

"You," Bellamy pointed at Luffy. "You are the loser pirate. Heh, you will end up never achieving anything. The era of pirates is ove-"


A man came from behind Bellamy and kicked him in the balls. He had slicked back hair, a biker outfit and a sleepy look on his face. "Shut the fuck up, I just woke up. Don't wanna hear your bullshit so early in the morning." 

Though it was almost 3PM and the sun was already blearing, no one refuted the man. Bellamy attempted to get up, but once he saw the man's face his body shook. Memories from when he had been in North Blue resurfaced. 'Negan…'

"Huh?" Negan saw Bellamy staring at him. "I know I look sexy as fuck, but no need to look at me like that. You ain't my type, because you got no lady parts."

The pirate clenched his teeth in anger and got up. Back in North Blue, Bellamy had been humiliated before. Now it was different though, he wasn't as weak as he was back then anymore. 

He started walking towards Negan who added as an afterthought. "You might not have my favorite bits, but you still have a mouth so…"

Bellamy's arm turned into a spring, and so did his feet. With a powerful jump he rushed Negan, ready to blast Negan's face appart.


But his fist was easily blocked by Negan. Bellamy though wasn't discouraged and tried to pull back his hand.

"C'mon now, you can't go around trying to hit my sexy face." Negan was amused by it and tightened the grip on his opponent's fist. "Oh, and also, you punch like a pusśy. Let me show you a real punch."

Negan clenched his fist and with a puff of air released from his nostrils.


He hit the blonde pirate straight on the mouth, knocking out every tooth he had as they feel on the ground in a gross red and mushy liquid. Bellamy's body stood still for a second as Negan pulled back his fist, a nasty crunching sound rang out. "Holy hell~ you look gross, did I just cave in your skull?"

Bellamy's face was messed up, pieces of bones and face were mangled together. One of his eyes has popped out of place, and his mouth twitched like he wanted to say something.

"Are you even alive? Man, I am strong as shìt." As he was talking, Bellamy's body quietly slumped on the ground and a pool of blood formed around his head.

Negan saw this and turned towards the bar nonchalantly. He was already bored with Bellamy, who had now become a bloody mess.

That was when he remembered something… he didn't have any money on him. Negan's eyes wandered towards the people drinking next to him.


A/N: Negan isn't like Luffy, he won't take shìt from anyone. Well, Bellamy didn't do anything to him but... Bellamy was just unluckily on the wrong place at the wrong time.

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